Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Only got three lines for you guys today.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Life Changing
So many things have been life changing this year for me. New relationships, with God, with my family and with new people. Big decisions I have to make, new experiences (work and school), new emotions and exposure to life outside of the safety bubble I've always been in. Life changing body mods, yes sounds awful but it's true, and a new love that continues to change my life everyday. (:I know it's a little past thanksgiving, but I'd just like to say that I'm so grateful for being able to live a fortunately very comfortable life, with all the people who're important to me. I'm glad I'm so lucky, and I hope that God will continue to bless me. (: If I'm treated half as well as I am now, even, I'll be in the top 30th percentile of lucky people, so I need to remember that I have to be grateful for the little things in life!
I'll post a picture soon, about what inspired this post after most of y'all have seen me! HEEHEEXZXZ.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
But there's this really annoying issue that's been bugging me and I wna bring it up. If you don't wna read about religion come back in about two more days. That's when my latest post would've changed. Here goes:People, especially non-believers, should stop using God as an "up-there" entity whom they only turn to when they need comfort, reassurance and a last minute prayer for good luck in exams, or gambles. I know obviously that God is tolerant and he IS there to provide all this, but THAT'S NOT ALL HE'S GOOD FOR, NOR IS IT ALL THAT COMES WITH FOLLOWING HIM.
It's like I'm watching my best friend being USED.
And I feel (well obviously what I feel is wrong but I'm indignant right now so shut up and don't come to debate with me about this) that you should't go to him if you only expect this. This temporal gratification, to make yourself feel better by asking God to help you. He will help, but after he does, you don't give him glory. You don't turn to him anymore than when you have to in other similiar situations.
You don't treat your friends this way, do you? You establish a long-term relationship with someone. And if you always have God to talk to, you better bloody well owe alot to him. Imagine if you keep irritating your friend by wanting a listening ear, YOU REALLY OWE THAT FRIEND RIGHT?!
And next, if you follow him, it's not just about comfort, solace and happiness. It's also about being indebted to him, and that means doing things that are out of your comfort zone. It's not a relationship of convenience, you too have to sacrifice things. Life with God isn't just a bed of roses, somethings that you need to do for him are painful. So don't just use him, FREAKING GIVE SOMETHING BACK.
He died for you, for goodness sakes. Show some respect.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
OMG I WANTED TO POST PICTURES BUT I DELETED ALL BY ACCIDENT. ARGH!!!!! We'll have to make do with this mega old, super overused pic, which is somewhat appropriate cause it was spent with Fon and it was for Gerard's birthday celebration! What with the release of their new album, I feel it's (somewhat) relevant. ^^
Anyways it was just pictures of my cake, which was a chocolate gateau! Nothing fancy, very standard but it was that standard that I missed; milky chocolate and sweet butter cream! (Y) A funny affair, dad and sis singing in hushed tones in the living room at midnight plus cause I just concussed from 9 to 12 after we got home from my dinner at Ichiban Boshi! Mum called, and we really miss her! Pity she couldn't celebrate with me, but there's always when she returns! ^^
I also had pictures of my limited edition Za foundation case plus pouch and refill! But I don't think it's so limited edition anyways cause it's selling EVERYWHERE. I mean I know it's not gna be sold the whole time but there's still so many!!
Had a good time today, even though it wasn't with the amount of friends I'm used to. Essentially, dad, sis and J. Not tgt, obviously. HAHA. I studied today with him, as always. WE WENT TO GET MCR'S NEW ALBUM!!! GOT FREE POSTER. (Y) PS I bought chee cheong fun for him, and I forgot he doesn't like it. :/ Anyways he's such a sweetheart really, the presents he got for me were SO amazing. I love the boy soooo much! It wasn't just one, but THREE presents. A bar of good old gold mint chocolate (MAD LOVE), an old little music box that played Imagine, one of the most amazing songs of all time, aaaand, last but not least, A BOTTLE OF BURBERRY BEAT PARFUM. I DIED REPEATEDLY. This is the ultimate, really really ttm. I was really touched, inexplicably, and I couldn't help but get all emotional. Sigh. Oh my heart can't fill up anymore than it is now.
So that was all, not a super eventful birthday, like last year where there was a party and everything, but this is all that I need. To spend my birthday with the few people that are important to me. Although so many people are busy now and mum's away, I still love that the rest of the people that matter in my life were able to spend time with me on my special day. (:
I love you so much, it's like a freefall that never ends. <3
Friday, November 19, 2010
For the first time in over a decade, mum's leaving the country alone (i.e. without us). She's leaving us behind! WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE.Of course, Dad's still here, but... Enough said. HAHAHAHA.
I don't wna mug anymore. I WANT TO:
1) Go to the beach
3) Cook
4) Shop
5) Meet FON. Oh and my other friends too. ^^
6) Go for my holiday NOW.
7) Disrupt all planes leaving for Laos on the 2nd of December
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Study Week

Dad just said eating my popcorn is like eating styrofoam. I don't blame him; it's been weeks. HAHA.
A random start off. But now back to relevance. It's review week! ): And I've studied longer so far this week than I have in many weeks. Sigh. Feeling the antsy, distracted feeling of JC again. Don't like studying! Especially when I'm not particularly prepared. The temporal qualities that uni mods take on mean that I don't fully know/internalise/absorb what I'm studying. Cause there's no point studying long term for it cause these mods only last 3 months, and because of that, my subconsciousness isn't completely moving to make room for it long-term. In short, it's basically forgettable, and I don't really like this feeling, as if my brain's reluctantly inching aside for a tenant it knows it's gna boot out very soon. Bah! ): Don't want to do this. There're so many things I don't like, so many things I'm unhappy with. I wonder if this is how I'll feel for the rest of my life.
Feeling lethargic already. I think that's what I'm feeling. I got power braces, and whilst they don't really hurt as much as they sound and appear to, it means I can't get red and green for christmas. ): And my danger days pre-order is gna be delayed cause of the ray guns that weren't up to standards. But Warner Bros' email was very sweet, and I know obviously that's what they're trying to do, sounding gracious and all, but I'm fully convinced and totally understanding. HAHA. Gosh, corp comm does sound good. XD
On the bright side! Urban outfitters, I'm in love with. I'm so yoda. HAHA. But seriously, any store which sells GRAMOPHONES are good enough for me. And black friday is coming ohmygod. Should I buy?! //dies NEED TO SAVE MOAR MOAR MOAR NAO.

The older post with the fake zombie farm can be damned, but J, who is quickly becoming my most favourite person in the world despite his disgusting habits like burping onto me, jailbroke his ipod touch to download heaps of games for me to play! And one of those games is... ZOMBIE FREAKING FARM. I LOVE IT. All my little zombies going around thinking pretty thoughts, and the strategic planning... OH. Someone peel me away before I turn into one myself!
Edit: I just realised I blogged about this in the previous post too. Oh my disconnected life. HAHA.
Going to nap now, cause I need to try to study. Hate studying at home, but cause today's a public holiday I can't go to school/libraries. ):
Saturday, November 13, 2010
My nails are growing WAY TOO LONG to type comfortably. This is weird but I want them to look pretty for the hols. HAHA.Met up with Hanny, Kim and Hoots last night, brought the boy along. He's now met my church girls and JC kids. Hahahahaha it's so serious. (RANDOM BUT OMG THE SONG I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR FOR AGES JUST APPEARED ON AN AD ON THE RADIO AND NOW IT'S GONE AND I HAVE NOTHING THIS IS TORTURE ARRRRRGHHHH). Anyways, we had a real yummy italian meal, AWESOME PARMA HAM PIZZA, then went next door to Hard Rock Creamery for fab ice cream. I left a happy person, and not even finding out that the Crystal Jade bun I bought was sorta a "fake" cause it had no filling was bad enough to kill my feel good mood. (: But eventually something else did later on. Sigh. Oh wells. It's gna be something we're gna have to deal with. :/ ANYWAYS I was supposed to have pictures of dinner, but I took a pic of like the bread course then forgot about everything. FAIL SRSLY THIS IS SO ME SRSLY I think I'll do much better with a camera in hand.
Hanny's gone to taiwan! ): Bummed out that no one bothered to send him off, but I delivered him the truth just like the old days and he got pleased cause of that. (: Hope he survives!
Next week is MUGGING WEEK. Will die. Hahahaha but J and I have a ramen lunch with sis so it's all up close and personal. ^^ And Jing Yi will leave for Taiwan and like, when he returns, I'm leaving for Australia ohmy. ): We'll stand at the back. HAHA. I was thinking about how I always dance with Wei Cong, but the one day I danced with Jing Yi we got set our partners. But I'm really going along so well with him. He dances great! ^^ And the stunts we do tgt are fab. (Y)
So I'm exhausted. Gna play Zombie Farm on J's ipod touch which he so lovingly jailbroke for me so I could play all my games. <333 ttm srsly. (: TAAS Y'ALL.