Monday, May 31, 2010

Yesterday I played the piano for the little ones. I wonder if there will be one week in which I won't be at an utter loss at any point of time! Still, moving on. ^^ Ate bak kut teh for lunch. Yums! Nothing else to report. XD
Today, I was supposed to meet Jamie and Xinghui at Kovan at 10.30. I woke up at 8.30, got it into my head that I was LATE, and jumped out of bed despite my nervous system jolting to remind me that I slept only at 4 am last night. I texted them, somewhat unintelligibly, that I would be late. How would you feel if someone you were meeting texted you two hours earlier saying that they'll be late? Yup. HAHA. It only occured to me two minutes later that I, in fact, wasn't late. I gratefully stumbled back into bed after sending yet another unintelligible message that I wasn't going to be. Late, that is.
Y'all may wonder why I slept at 4 am, cause that's late, even for me. Not counting the rare times I slept at 6. But if y'all know that, you should already know the main reason why I stay up. Yup, DRAMA. I finished Personal Taste at last! I'm terribly sad to see it go, but the ending was... disappointing, to say the least. I mean, I'm glad everything turned out alright, but it was too rushed, as if the scriptwriter was desperately trying to tie all the loose ends together in the last 10 minutes of the drama. Ahh, this would be head-shakingly unworthy if only it wasn't so great in the beginning. Now Cinderella's Sister has my undevoted attention!
When they came over, we were supposed to bake. However, we were LAZY, and decided to make fudge. And before y'all go "At least you made SOMETHING", making fudge consists of tossing everything together in a bowl, melting it over hot water and chilling to firm. Yes, we're THAT hopeless. XD We spent close to 3 hours at the piano singing hymns. HAHA. Yes I know, in the words of my sister - "Why are you so holy?"
And now I'm off for my one hour walk with mum, and when we get back, we'll just be in time for the NCIS marathon! I better enjoy my sedentary life whilst it lasts. (:
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Drama in the rain!

Whoo! Last night, something interesting happened. It showed me a few things, from the pettiness and small-minded thinking of a dissatisfied man, the aforementioned discontent probably stemming from his own miserable life, to the stubborn forces of pig-headedness, and that every disagreement needs to have a mediator.
Last night, it was raining, pretty steadily but by no means heavily, and there was an incessant horning outside my house. So naturally, being the busybody I am, (sis and) I went down to check it out. Now before you call me on this, we stepped out to find dad under an umbrella and observing. XDDDDDD
Turns out that two dudes in cars were facing each other, each refusing to give way. I could point fingers several ways, but I believe the main problem lies therein with my neighbour, who parks his HUGE-ASS van at the side of the road, promptly narrowing a two-way road to one. So, a car tries to pass, but is blocked by a car coming from the other direction, who is trying to overtake the parked van. Now the first car has the right of way, following the highway code, but the latter refused to move. His reason? "I came first!"
So neither wanted to move, and a build-up formed. People were pretty pissed, coming down, threatening to call the police, gesticulating as animatedly as they could with one hand, the other being preoccupied by an umbrella. All of this, we looked on with a detached interest. Eventually, after what felt like a long time of a wild west-like showdown, my neighbour came out and did some talking, blablabla, and FINALLY the dude in the wrong gave way. That's how we do it!
I know pride's important, but if you just give way, a lot of inconvenience can be prevented, and everyone can just go home. After all, it's raining. Who wants to be miserable, stuck out here? Then again, having said that, I wouldn't be the one to give way. XD Naturally, we were silently willing the first car to stand his ground. HAHA oh the lack of events we have in our lives to be so riveted by this silly thing.
Friday, May 28, 2010
My Life, the Instrumental

I regret to acknowledge that my piano and guitar skills have deteriorated disasterously. Yes, very sadly too. DX I don't make the time to practice, and I don't know why. It's so depressing and I want some substance back in what I do before I can say to others that I do it!
The blazer I ordered arrived yesterday, together with a free T-shirt. But the free item was a little too small to be comfortable, and the blazer was, sadly, not what I expected. I suppose I'm asking for it, ordering things online, but I didn't think it would be this thin, stiff and stringy. As in, strings poking out, yus. Hahaha. But I'm not THAT disappointed. It still looks presentable, albeit like it should belong on a nurse, but other than those minor details, it's actually not bad. Ahh, we give and take. But then today, we went to City Square, where I got a pretty skirt from Cotton On. Oh, I do like pretty clothes. Nothing like a skirt to assert your femininity in this age nowadays.
We had lunch at the food court in City Square, and I spent money on... Guess what? RAMYUN. Now most of you must think I'm crazy, when I can just make ramyun at home, but they add stuff outside! And you don't have to go to the hassle of making it. And it's KIMCHI ramyun, which meant there was proper kimchi in it! And I added like a dollar's extra worth as a side, which I ate up save the wrinkly bits. XD So it's actually alright to pay for instant mee outside. I'm making excuses for my lazy ways. HAHA.
Parents are buying ee mee, fish soup, fried chicken and pai kuat with bittergourd for dinner! Yum! But oh my goodness, now that I'm back to eating properly, I really should exercise, or I'll put on all the weight I lost during my yogurt-is-a-staple period. XD
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Power Trip

This morning, I think my house's power outted at least 20 times, and I'm not exaggerating! I kept waking up cause my fan was starting and stopping, starting and stopping. And it's hella annoying. Goodness knows what my maid was doing with the power, but I hope she doesn't do it again. It's no fun having to wake up to still air. :( And to top things off, my clock radio naturally, restarted cause it's wired up suckily like that. Ohh boo. DX
I just finished watching Swept Away, starring Madonna, where she plays a spoilt millionaire's wife stranded on a desert island with a member of the crew of a ship they were cruising on, and she pretty much treated him like dirt before, so you can guess what kinda (hostile) feelings he was harbouring. It was lovely, but I felt there were a little too much desert island shots which were really excessive. I mean, we get the point that you're stranded on a desert island! But wow, the clincher; THE ENDING SUCKED. DX I don't wna spoil anything, but my heart's broken and I'm gna need at least 10 happy endings to fill that gaping hole in my chest that used to hold my heart. BAWWWWW. I'd tell y'all to watch it, but not really. ^^
I changed my blogskin! I'm gna do more things when I'm satisfied with it; I know it looks plain and boring now, but it's easy to read! And when I get some nice thumbnails here and there, it's gna be just right. Ahh. Now I regret changing my old blogskin prior to my former one, but we must all move on.
My swell's going down, and I've got driving tonight. It's not that bad - not as bad as my first extraction. I swear, no one, especially not my driving instructor, should be subjected to seeing me in that state. :(
Jjapagetti, dokboki and shopping with Rui next Thursday! Can't wait!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
It's been a while!

Whilst typing my title in - "It's been a while!", those prompty things pop up with stuff you've typed before, and "It's been wild" came up. Now I'd like to drudge up that post to see what exactly I considered wild goodness knows when. XD
(Edit: I checked, not quite as eventful as I hoped it would be. HAHA but then again, I can't be too hard on myself cause after all, almost all my life, I've known nothing but school. Let's just hope the next four years won't be quite as torturous. :/)
I should really blog more, especially cause I'm so free now, and am under confinement once again cause of my bloody wisdom tooth extraction (left side now), but I find my nails a little of a typing hindrance. Same goes with playing the piano. Now that's not good. But a little (or not so little) vain bit of me inside stubborn keeps them, crying "BUT THEY LOOK SO GOOD PAINTED. FOR ONCE!!!" And of a lifetime of listening to the one thing I want to hear and ignoring all the rest of the voices that tell me what I really should be doing, I see myself keeping my nails for tomorrow, and the day after the day, and... you get the picture.
I'm sending Re a care package! I'm fully convinced she needs care cause in Portugal, THEY HAVE NO RAMYUN. That's ridiculous. I mean, NO RAMYUN. Not to mention other stuff, also somewhat related along the "Instant Foods" line, but it's srsly depriving there, as far as I'm concerned. Speaking of deprived, guess who is, now that half her face is swollen and is getting hit full force by almost all the cravings in the world. Yes, that includes the aforementioned Ramyun. Boohoo. DX
I've got a To-Do list that's like 7 things long, but I'm not doing any of them. I'm bumming around, waking up at 1, and complaining that I'm bored. BORED. REALLY?? Shame on you, Rebecca! Shame on you.
If only I could fly, up where no one could see me, and I could take off at 3am in my pjs if I wanted to.
I want people to read my blog!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Wisdom. DX
When you're old, people would say you're wise. But if you have to remove your wisdom teeth at such a young age before "it decomposes and rots", how will that help?I know there isn't a link, I'm just being slightly obnoxious and sore (literally) about my wisdom tooth on my right side. Well, my late wisdom tooth. The sad fella was unceremoniously yanked out yesterday, and left on the dentist's tray, alone and bloody, no less. My dad said it wasn't necessary to take it home, so I left my first extract adult tooth at the dentist's. What a shame. DX
I'm confined to dairy products like milk and yoghurt, and have been eating it for every meal since yesterday. I look like I'm snacking on tennis balls, and I have a perpetual headache to top it off, no thanks to Mr 35-Degrees-Celcius-Weather over here. At least the worst of the pain's over. I was lying in bed at 7pm last night, waiting for the painkillers to take effect and praying for the throbbing to subside. Earlier on, I was crying with frustration at the dinner table at the thought of this state carrying on for 3 or 4 more days.
I'm mother hideous. Think one-sided mumps. And after it's healed, Round 2 for left toothie. I want to die.