Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Nothing makes a girl happier than chocolate. And ice cream. Unless it's chocolate ice cream. With my special other, no less. <3
FA mid-terms are done! VICTORY. FA effectively ended around 9 plus, and I bummed around before TWC. XD Time passed rather quickly during TWC too so it's all cool! Pretty great school day. I also had two nice naps; one before TWC for an hour, and around 20 minutes in the car on the way back. This is what I like- napping. (:
So I wasn't supposed to see J today cause he wasn't coming to school and I had to go home for dinner. But for some reason, I guess I can't take not seeing him everyday (apart from weekends which can't be helped) cause I managed to find some way to meet. Hahahahaha. Went with him for his shots, and we hung out (ice cream!) until 7 when I went back to school. I bought Geng Xin and Eat Pray Love ! Won't watch the movie cause it's unlikely since I'm so busy, and books always make us happier anyways. (: It's true. And I'll just catch it when Mio shows it.
How can it be that we fit so well?
"We're so in love; We're so in love; We're so in love."
SCORE! Well not really, cause after getting bio-ed, I found out I had quite a few mistakes. But then, those mistakes were the kind that I wouldn't have known anyways. I'm just so glad that it wasn't terribly difficult! All that mugging for nothing! Drat!ZHI YANG IS A GLEE WHORE.
What a waste. Stupid TWC. If I didn't have class I'll just go home and it's still early enough to sleep. And it's not like I learn much in TWC anyways. Bloody hell... Heck about my weight; we're gna eat breakfast tgt! Yumxz.
J specially woke up to wish me luck for the test today, he's such a sweetheart. <3 But not going to be able to see him today. Sigh ): He's got no school on wednesdays and he'll usually come back for something but there's nothing and he's got to get some tetanus shot at TTS! I would go and find him after class but I think I'm due home for dinner; at the very least once a week. What a terrible daughter I am! Bah but it's uni life please. I've been cramming for FA for the past two days too, and I need a life on top of that! My family's had me for the past 18 years; now it's time to start unravelling the reel.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Busy week
And I'm not even halfway through it yet. ): Maybe J's stress is rubbing off on me. I mean after tomorrow, I've got virtually nothing. SIGH WHATEVER THE MID TERM BREAK COULDN'T COME AT A BETTER TIME. LKSDNPFOSADNI. Even though J will be leaving me practically the whole week, I'm looking forward to sleeping late for at least two days, lazing around at home, WATCHING TV WHICH I HAVEN'T DONE IN LIKE EVER and eating instant/frozen food.Tired! ):
I feel projects, reports, assignments, things coming up, creeping up behind me. That niggling feeling at the back of your mind. Like like, the feeling you get when you suspect someone's following you. And when I'm the only responsible one making the effort, it gets pretty ass tiring after a while.
And I'm getting fat. ):
And I need new clothes.
Goodness I need an up.

I want to spend the magical golden hour with you.
I wish we weren't so apart.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Good things in life
Have a way of telling you that they're there sometimes.Ice milo, long naps, jackets, completing assignments. Little things that fit everywhere without you thinking about it until you end up feeling more than just a little good.
And of course, where will we be without

Friday, September 24, 2010
2. F&N Lemon Green Tea
3. Wow Wow West Fries (Y)
4. Passionfruit bubble tea (Y)
6. Pork Katsu Don (Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)
I now know the true meaning of life; good food and pretty things. Oh, and excess. ^^
On a drearier note, all those doubts and insecurities have to bury to where it's raw and tender eventually.
Haniel love, I suppose it's true; I'll always help you find you in the end. (: <3
Monday, September 20, 2010
So wrapped up in you. It's like the feeling of falling in love. Falling into you. And really, the only thing that matters is but a breath away.One sweet touch. Two, then four. It didn't matter as long as my heart kept fluttering like it did.
Softly jumping like they do in stories and songs.
And nothing mattered right there and then, only the feel of you invading my senses, and the smile that couldn't leave long after you did.
H - I miss you. Take off so we can suki and lie around and chit chat until 5 hours have passed and we didn't know it.F - I miss you. I want to sleepover with you, and go to clarke quay. Maybe I'll enjoy it even more now.
A - I miss you. I don't know why even though I expected it, I'm still sad. I want to talk with you and get your noncommittal answers.
R - I miss you. I want go over and tan and eat and act like gardens is my home. I just want to talk and lie around like there's nothing I need to care about anymore.
S - I miss you. Even though I see you everyday. I think I can safely say you're the person I love the most, even though it doesn't come out all the time. You've always been here for me through my toughest, and when your hardest time comes, I want to do the same.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Certainly not you. Stop talking about it and not doing things only on occasions that frustrate people if you're not gna live it up all the time in the end.
On a lighter note!
Today I just slept for about 4 hours in the afternoon. Guess who's not sleeping tonight? ): But come on, I had training yesterday and church, then to gma's house. Can you see why I'm tired?! And my muscle ache to boot so soon my legs will look damn muscular and unsightly. ): Siiiigh.
Teeth still hurt too. GRR. But I've made appointments with Fon, J and sis to go out/to eat. Happy. (:
Soccer tonight. I wonder if there's room for anarchy on this blog. Oh wells.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Did my braces yesterday! Got rainbow ones again. I mean, I figured that if people were going to be dancing with me, they should have something nice to look at. HAHA. What a put down. O.o Anyways, apparently she's gna put gaps in my upper row of teeth so she can tighten them forward next time round. ): I'll look so weird. And I learnt about "active" wires that tighten, rest then tighten again. That explains my lower row hurting again recently. Pretty cool huh! And the pain wasn't bad this time round. It only hurt for around 24 hours.Made it to school despite the bleeding pouring rain. ): Like, it had to wait til I got halfway out before pissing down properly. -.- Got pretty wet, goes without saying for the clothes, and my bag was sleek with rain. Siiigh. Met J in the MRT and went to school. He had meetings and I was going to study until he finished. For afternoon food, I made my mashed potatoes today! <3 And I actually went without breakfast all the way until I reached school. WOW. But still, better not test my gastric fluids. HAHA. I also got indomee today! YEYNESS. (Y) Can't wait to eat the yummy QQs soon! Managed to finish FA homework ALL BY MYSELF TODAY. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. Took a lot of brainwork and textbook flipping but in the end I got it, despite the distractions from Jonathan. ^^ HAHA okay but it was my fault also luhhh. And did my BGS chapter 6 too! (Y) SO productive. Now if only I was just as enthusiastic about my summary. -.-
Watched Devil with J today! It was shocking, and someone scary in a OMG SHIT and GROSS kinda way. Okay this is why I'm not a movie critic okay. HAHA just go watch, but some people may think it's a little lousy. Wasn't THAT great anyways. Then after that, walked to Bugis and had meesua at Hong Guo for dinner. Yummy ttm. And the szechuan chicken is like freaking different and totally delish omg. Lastly, Beard Papa's cheesecake stick for dessert! It was one of them happyorgasfood moments again. HAHA. Couldn't get that grin off my face, and it was all I could do not to walk around. HAHAHAHA. <3 Must try okay! Go before they sell out hor!
Had a good time today. (: And I think my fingers are developing calluses. SIGH.
I wonder if nothing can be done.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Omg I'm dying. The first lesson today owned me. Like, it was MOTHER tiring. We had PT the first hour, with running and a series of exercises in continuity. I was feeling faint and sweaty and gaspy and totally wore the wrong thing today, and my leg cramped like a bitch. -.-But, it was fun. ^^ Need to train more!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Evelyn's Blogshop!
The cutest rings I've ever seen! So pretty and creative, and mother cheap!GO HERE NAO.
Need to shower, I'll blog about my LIFE in a while, I expect. ^^
Sunday, September 12, 2010

"but just as how courage is not the absence of fear, but overcoming it
i think you can draw a similar parallel to matters of the heart"
Thank you.
Today, mummy chased me and sis up the stairs, us screaming our heads off. Hahahahahaha. I had so much fun, laughing so hard and so gaspily I couldn't stand up straight. <3
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Someone save me from the blahness of life. Studied, got tired, went home to nap and went out for dinner. Life's mundane and I'm becoming boring. I need to prioritise. And I need to save you.
A lesbian medusa who works on the inside.
Happy Hari Raya Haji!

YEY for public holidays! So I was supposed to go for a church outing, but dad was objectionable from the start cause he was all, FAMILYFAMILYFAMILY TIME. Well he didn't say that but duhhh. And I couldn't wake up anyways. ^^
Properly got out of bed close to noon, then we went to SuaTow at Toa Payoh to eat dimsum! That meal properly stuffed me until dinner couldn't eat properly. HAHA. But I'm getting ahead of myself. After a totally fab meal of lotus rice, steamed chicken, char siew pao and various dishes involving prawns washed down with loads of chinese tea, we went to 313 to shop! YEYYYY. Sis and mum went to OG first to get something, whilst I went to Zara. Didn't see anything that nice, so I headed to F21. Couldn't wait for sis. Heex. Seems like the fashion now is having holes in your clothes. Totally cute but I can imagine the parental units having a conniption so forget it. ): I got two tops after lots of trying on and filtering! Cause we're just not made of money like that. HAHAHA.
We got chocolate and tiramisu YUMYUM ICE CREAM (see above) which was totally delish! Then visited Uncle Mac at the hospital. I'm so relieved to see him up and around but after talking to him a bit, the situation kinda settled in. Sure, it was a minor stroke, but now he's on so many diet restrictions and this weird pill for life. And he's a real healthy person so I really didn't know how this could've happened. Then, him aside, HOW ABOUT DAD?! Sigh. I don't wna think about it. I almost cried luh, VERY ALMOST, but I didn't so that's all peachy keen.
Listened to Nightmare, as I mentioned earlier. It really was (Y). Like wow. <3 I'm not disappointed. Then had dinner and I went for a, wait for it, OMGWTHBBQ RUNNNNN! Only around 10 minutes but whatever. Heex. At least I bothered to move my lazy ass to do it!
I really should sleep earlier. ^^
Friday, September 10, 2010
I love opening a new CD. Just tearing the plastic off, and running my fingers against the cover of the jewel case, feeling that squeaky friction that means it's brand-freaking-new.I miss The Rev. I'm full of hope that Nightmare will be wonderful, because it's a tribute to Jimmy, and I have faith that Matt, Brian, Zack and Johnny will do him all the justice he's ever deserved.
Confession Session
I need a best friend. ):I keep dreaming empty. Abandonment, loss, displacement, death. What's happening. Am I miserable?
I really need a best friend. And tbh, the ns boy and srjc girl just aren't going to cut it right now. I know it's not your fault. These are things that happen. You both know how I define best friend. I love you two to death, but you both certaintly aren't my best friends right now.
The best friend I have now doesn't know it enough to fully act upon it. So here it is, it's all unfull. Almost there but disappointingly short of it.
PS: Thanks for last night. (:
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
You know you've gone round the bend when you go to school at 9am on a no-lesson day.

Saturday, September 4, 2010
Time passes FAST!
It's already the end of the 3rd week! This week passed really quickly! I feel the workload coming on. (: Haven't started on it yet, but I understand that stress and business will set in soon. Ohwells, I'm still optimistic I can make it work! ^^Today, I went for a chocolate buffet and met a new korean friend! SUPER FULL AND DIED AFTER THREE PLATES. Took a little longer than all the guys but I still dropped in the end. HAHA. Got to practice my rusty korean, which was TERRIBLE. Malu-ed myself totally manz. XD
Took the train home with J, who was sweet enough to bring me to kovan and wait with me til mum came. Don't tell him I said so though. HAHAHAHA. He needs to think I scoff at him so his head doesn't get too big. XD
Think I have to go to school on Sunday for a TWC proj discussion. Better read up. SIGH. And I've got Caderas auditions tomorrow! SMU is really becoming a second home. Ohwells.
Sigh, I want new clothes.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Worth escaping for.
Why's everyone in school so stressed?! Am I in the same school?! Sigh. Stress stress stress is all around. I think mine's coming slowly, creeping up behind me when I'm unsuspecting, like now. XD I feel the projects looming already, and I think it kick starts tomorrow! Ohnooooooes. But enough of being idle, SMU is calling! ^^
I had FA to do today, but I only finished it halfway before heading out with J cause I'm like that. ^^ Besides, I did it at home later on, but I'm getting ahead of myself here! Oh, I ATE LIKE A PIG TODAY HOMGZ. But it was BLISSFUL, to say the least!
Woke up at 11 and went to DB to meet ZW. We had LJS for a somewhat-lunch, before going to Carrefour where I bought lollies and Minute Maid Fruit Punch and ZW got himself a bag of Freddies. OOH I STILL HAVE MINE.
Met YS and went to school, stopping by at Pick & Bite for the GODLIKE MILO. All three of us got a cup each. I think my raving is getting to them. ^^ Thankfully the library had a free table at the reading room, cause for some bizarre reason ALL the rooms were booked. Whatever. So we studied until Hafish came, then it was suddenly 3.30. So they left for class, then Julius came a while later. But then, some weird thing was going on (which explains the booking of the rooms) and they wanted us to clear the table so they could do strange things to it. So we had to shift around like nomads only to be told to move away like 1 minute after we settled down. In the end, gave up and went to the fourth floor. HAHAHA. Did some FA, then J and I zhaoed!
So we took a bus cause it was just TOO hot to Bugis, and kinda got distracted from the task at hand (destination: SimLim) to go eat Pontian noodles! Bought extra fried wonton. GODLIKE. <33333333 Almost abandoned my super cumbersome FA book. But can you blame me?! Heex.
Headed to SimLim Square. I shamefully say I've never been there MY WHOLE LIFE. So today with J was my virgin experience. (: So we took the lift to the top and worked our way down. We didn't manage to find a laptop case for J, which was the main point of the trip there, but it was interesting exploring the place!
Walked to Iluma next! Went to use my voucher for Marble Slab, and had some ice cream concoction involving cookies and cream, cookie dough and an oreo all mushed up together! It was AWESOME. <3 After that, I was so full and sleepy but the silly boy kept me from sleeping. GRR.
Went to Bugis Junction next! We went to the Superman shop and J bought me a shirt! AWWW can you say REALLY NICE. Even though he doesn't seem it sometimes. HEEHEEXZXZ. It's really really cool and I'm gna wear it pretty soon! It's super cool cause it's all blingey and it's BATMAN. (Y) Then wanted to go to Macs for fries (YES I KNOW JUNK) but it was freaking hot inside so we fled. ^^ I mean srsly, it's like Singapore's a cold country and they need to turn on a heater. O.o WTH RIGHT. We went down to the basement to buy 717 DURIAN PUFFS WHICH ARE OMGWTFBBQFREAKINGAMAZING. But we didn't eat them right away cause they needed to thaw out, so we went to KFC and ate spicy drumlets and whipped potatoes. Well, I ate the whipped potatoes. The drumlets made my lips burn! Hahahahaha. But J said they weren't hot. Different levels of tolerance okay!
Then we moved out to eat the puffs cause it wasn't very nice to eat it in KFC and there were ang moh nangs beside us and you know how most of them are towards durians. Hahahaha. So the durian puffs were SO GOOD, I felt SO HAPPY the moment I took the first bite. There are some foods that make me REALLY HAPPY when I eat them, and those are the really fabulous ones btw, and that was IT. I couldn't stop walking around for some reaon, maybe cause it was just SO GOOD. It's like, ownage okay! After that, we went home, tired but content! (:
I had a great time today! And even though I crashed for an hour when I got home, and had to do FA until 1, it was worth escaping for. (: