Saturday, July 31, 2010
WHEEEE I just love shopping! Even more so when the parents pay for it. Heeheexzxz. I love mum and dad!After a really good dinner at Ichiban Boshi (I can never get enough of their wonderful cha soba), we went to Zara, where there was a sale going on. My loot consists of two pairs of jeans and two tops. Not so much, but bear in mind that I BOUGHT JEANS.
This is a real big deal cause previously before I lost weight, I looked really bad in jeans. Like pretty bad. Not the bad like BADBAD, but bad enough for me to blanch everytime I see myself in a mirror. It's prolly unglam, the way I'm going on about how horrible I looked in jeans, but that's alright cause it's past tense. ^^ Now, the washed denim skinnies that I got make me look pretty good, and when I match it with new heels that I bought yesterday (more about that later), my legs look FREAKING AWESOME. I'm so happy! I better start drinking more water and eating less again cause I'm returning back to my regular diet (BAD) and it's not as good for my morale as fitting into a pair of gorgeous jeans is. XD
So more about the heels. Right! So yesterday, we had an undawear outing, which was pretty pathetic seeing as only half the group turned up, and that the initial movie plan failed cause the tickets were for monday to wednesday shows only. :( In the end, we went to Mind Cafe and laughed our socks off for the rest of the night. But I digress.
So I got there the earliest, and was joined by Siew Hwee and Tintin. While hanging around, waiting for more people to come, we walked past this new shop near Chapter 2. The name escapes me, but I know it was a blogshop cause SH said so. And when I walked in to "browse", the first thing that caught my eye was the prettiest pair of heels ever! It's brown and pink with gold ornamentation! I was freaking out, so I decided to try it on.
Okay, it's now absolutely necessary to say it was not only love at first sight, but A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN. They just so happened to match the dress I was wearing, AND THEY FIT PERFECTLY. I mean, that's not a BIG deal, but for the display pair to fit all those categories, it's pretty something. Needless to say, I bought them and spent the rest of the evening strutting my stuff. It's amazing how a pair of shoes can make you feel this good. ^^

Crappy phone cam can't do it justice, but it's already amazing how I can be bothered and y'all would prolly see me abusing the use of these heels outside from time to come. ^^
Friday, July 30, 2010

Today, just out of the blue I remembered the game most of us would've played as kids; See See My Baby. I ran to my sister and demanded to play it with her. Although both of us should've forgotten the rhyme, it just came to us while we were playing! There's no particular inspiration for this random revisit to the past, but now that we're on the subject, I'd like to make a list of things I did as a child.
1. I used to pronounce Biscuit as Peh-Teh. Don't ask me why, I just couldn't put it together.
2. Lion Dancers were known to me as con men, cause Dad called them con men. So, I would run and point "The con men are here!" when they passed.
3. I know I grew up early, cause I started missing Power Rangers and Hello Kitty on Saturday mornings from when I was only 9, cause I overslept.
4. I can't remember having a favorite colour as a kid.
5. I would ask for a puppy every birthday until my aunt stopped asking me what I wanted.
6. Mum had to quit her job to take care of me when I was 10 cause apparently, I was becoming very vulgar. I have no recollection of that til this day.
7. I would pretend to pick up imaginary sticks everytime I went indoors, thanks to a particular nursery rhyme.
8. My Chinese was probably better then than it is now.
9. My biggest talent was singing 10 Little Red Indians in spanish.
10. I used to think the plants that decorated the outside of the hospital my great grandma was in would eat me if I sat near them. This was the result of a lie fed to me by my mum.
Tell me some interesting things about your childhood!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
I hate that moment when you're lost and you don't really know what to do. It's so "in-limbo", I can't stand it. Back hurts, feel pretty peaky. Going to bed. :(xoxo
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Camp marathon over!
Just came back from a series of 3 camps in a row! Had so much fun though, made many many new friends and met really awesome people. Super tired, gna collapse forever!<3
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Less Than Three

Thanks Rui. <3
And Brother Kok Yong, who prolly won't know about this post. XD
"A knot so tight it's choking"
"Just untie or loosen it. Silly girl :)"
Thank you, it's more than you'll know. <3
Friday, July 16, 2010
Food Collection with SMU Red Cross!
Today was basically just ONE THING; the first of two days of food collection with SMU Red Cross! I was somewhat late, but it's so mother early it's excusable! We had to wait though, so even if I was late it would be of no consequence.Not much to report, just that we collected quite a bit, even with the few awful types that can't even give up a can of beans or a scoop of rice. I mean, you live in a mansionette with a dog, can't you spare ANYTHING? But it was a fun day, full of joshing around, getting to know my group even better. I can't wait til camp! ^^
Real pooped, and feeling like there's a hole somewhere inside of me, and it seems as if whatever used to fill it has made its way up into my throat and it's constricting me. I hate this cause it's not anywhere definable. Guess it's a bug. A pretty bad one. Hope I get well soon!
Then It All Falls Apart
It's so abrupt, for a moment I forget that I'm supposed to say it's okay.Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Sugar Mood

Gosh I missed feeling like an adolescent girl. ^^
I just want to meet and marry my rich and handsome Prince Charming. And we'll live in the Disney Castle with lots of wonderful friends happily ever after. <3
Is that really too much to ask?
Monday, July 12, 2010
Drey's left for Perth! :(
But obviously, that's not the focus of this post! Ahem.
Yesterday, Drey flew off to Perth! 4 whole months. :( I'll miss her. Ironic how I don't when she's here but all of a sudden I do now. I think it's a little something called "taking for granted". Heex. Hope November comes soon. Omg, to think of it, it'll be my birthday then! PRESENTS ARE UNAVOIDABLE. HAHAHAHA.
Gosh. It just hit me. Can't believe it's July already. Goodness.
I was super tired yesterday! After the finals, I could only get a couple of hours of sleep before waking up to go for the Awareness Drive for SMU Red Cross! It was pretty fun, but tiring. At least I made more friends. ^^ Going to collect food on Friday again. Gosh I hope we get lots!
I wanted to tan today by myself, but just when I went into the CC, black clouds pretty much waved at me from the not-so-far-distance. I sat there for like a minute, then got up and left. Hahahahahahaha. Went to Vivo to watch Despicable Me, which is TOTALLY CUTE btw, then went to Kovan for a bit before heading home. I had no idea Superbowl had an arcade. Hahaha. But whatever arcade that doesn't have Silent Hill/DDR is, in my opinion, a waste of time. I mean, their Bishi Bashi was totally unfun AND IN CHINESE. O.o
Sometimes it's good to take things slow, cause it's so much more fun getting there. ^^
Saturday, July 10, 2010
I AM DYING. Won't put bad quality pictures today cause my camera's not with me. BUT I HAD SUCH A GOOD TIME I HAVE TO WRITE IT ALL BEFORE I FORGET.Okay so initially I wanted to go after Korean, but I woke up with a start to a text from Wan Swen saying that there were queue numbers issued and if I came that late I wouldn't be able to get a good spot. And just nice, mum and dad were going to Jurong to collect the camera from repairs, so I begged for a lift! This was about 9am btw. I threw on any old rubbish, and a skirt I would come to regret wearing later, and dashed out. When I went there, Wan Swen was somewhat in front, like, it wasn't so far back, so I joined her. The crazy girl wore HEELS! Like she isn't tall enough already. -.- So after I tried to sit down and stand up a couple of times, I realised my skirt wasn't practical for sitting down. So after a trip down to LJS to get breakfast/lunch, we went to Cotton On, where I bought two pairs of shorts and wore one out. ^^ This is why I'm poor all the time. HAHAHA. Then we went to Popular for markers to finish our signboards cause WS's ones ran out of paint.
After slumming it for awhile, people started to move! We hurriedly gathered our things and stood up, and after a bit of this and that, we moved off to the Garden Plaza! I saw this empty bench, and even though it wasn't right in front, I grabbed a spot cause I knew I could stand on it later! I'm short, so this is really handy. And it had a pillar to its back so it's not like I would be blocking anyone. And after MANY GRUELLING HOURS of waiting, 2AM CAME. It was totally fab, as expected, and omg. Newsflash.
This was cause I was waving my signboard around with his name on it, and no one else was cause they were all holding cameras. I wanted to appreciate the show other than through a lens, so I didn't record for the time being. AND HE SAW ME AND SMILED. I'M DYING OMG. <3333333333333333333333
It's so hard to believe he's only my age, cause he's so tall and handsome and TOTALLY A MAN. <33333333 So after it ended, I met the family to eat dinner, and WS went off with her friends to call for a cab to STALK THEM. They went to the flyer and everything, so it was really cool. I ate at the Long Beach Seafood Restaurant, and everything was SO FRESH. The crab meat was really springy, and the prawns were so fresh they were firm and crunchy! Yum. They were drunken though, and I was pretty against that til I tasted them. Eek, another passive rights activist down the drain. HEEHEEXZXZ. Oh I think dad had too many cause he got all red and drove weird. HAHA. He could've been pulled aside for drunk driving!
Anyways, today was really a great day, and now I totally can't wait for Suju to come! <333333333


Had my virgin experience at Kbox today! And no, I'm not a loser. Went with Kenneth, Vanessa and Haniel - an attempt at a musical outing. HAHA. It's always like this, gosh. But I rather have had had it with them than with anyone else or anyone more. ^^ It was heaps fun! But a sore throat is a possibility if I don't drink about a gallon of water tonight before I sleep. Hahahaha.
We met at Hougang and went with Vanessa to eat Subway cause she hadn't had her dinner yet. There was an eating competition in the mall, and it was going pretty slowly for a competition. Hahahaha. We discovered that this would be my first time, second for Kenneth, third for Vanessa and fourth for Haniel. HAHAHA. How fun already! And guess what, when we got there, we found out dinner was included in the package. -.- So all of us ate again. HAHAHA. And two drinks per person! Totally worth $25 (GST included). <3
It was SO fun, singing nonsense songs, emo songs, STUPID songs. Kenneth is the master of rap; Indian, Mat, HE'S GOT IT ALL. Highlights; The Kenneth Rap, Bikini Babes, Telephone and The Phantom of the Opera! I managed to hit the high note! Omg totally cool. Hahahaha. And we sang Time to Say Goodbye, nonsense opera style, and heaps of "Glee" songs. Kenneth's occasional jazz song was very appreciated as well. His crooning is to die for. XD But what we enjoyed most was the time spent together, laughing and just being crazy! It was mad fun, and I wouldn't mind going back there again with good friends soon!
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Yours truly just got herself into a bit of a fix here, and it's all FIFA's fault! Well, I suppose I have had a part to play in the blame, cause I chose to watch it, BUT THAT'S BESIDE THE POINT. Was this retribution cause I killed 3 ants last night in cold blood? :(
You see, after watching the match, I fell asleep, totally sure that I would be able to wake up at 7.30am to go to SMU for my Academic Writing Exemption Test at 9.30. But oh, surprise surprise, I overslept. So now I'm screwed, and I can't take my 5.5 CU as I hoped I could when sem starts cause I now find myself with another stupid core to take, just cause I missed the exemption test. Oh follies. DRAT THE DAD DRATTED FOOTY.
Well, at least on a bright note, Spain made it through to the finals! ^^ And I met Haniel for a while today. A pretty unproductive meeting, cause we didn't do anything, save collect our SGCs. And I lost so much money today. You see, cause SR is awesome like that, they bring in Nike retail and chocolates and stuff like that! And both stalls were there today! So I got belgium chocolates for mum and sis, and a pink Nike sportsbra for sis so she would stop nicking mine! And I can wear it too cause it's totally pretty. XD And I swapped $40 for the 2am ticket, CD and poster. I was pretty shocked cause I didn't expect her to give me the merch as well, but she did and we're all happy. ^^ I told her it's alright to keep the change cause I didn't wna miss my train, but I have a feeling the 4 extra bucks will find its way back to me. Heex. At least all this made up for missing the AW test. Now to find a way to break it to mum and dad. :(
And something even better is happening today, and I'm glad for that. ^^
Edit: Oh and about what happened yesterday, finally got my hair done! The pink/purple highlights somehow turned out to be "violet", which looks red. O.o I hope it'll fade into something prettier over time! And I decided to get adventurous and walk a different way home from the salon today. Walked thrice the distance I should've walked. -.- Me and my funny tricks.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I was supposed to go do my hair today, but ended up with an attack of the gastric flu when I was out. .I suppose it's more of cause I drank cold milk AND hot tea for breakfast. I know, I'm crazy. Spent 1 hour curled up on the floor of a gross stinky public toilet, before a lull in the pain gave me sudden superhuman strength to rush out and flag a taxi. It was as if my eyes snapped open and my brain told my body to BE ALERT CAUSE WE'RE MOVING. And just as I stepped out onto the pavement, a taxi approched, AND the uncle knew where Poh Huat Road was. I mean, wow. Really, I think the grace of God was with me. For many horrible moments, I thought I was forsaken, cause I prayed desperately for the pain to go away, but it didn't. But then at least, He gave me this much, and I'm truely grateful for what he did.
So I'm in a more comfortable venue now, and the pain decides that, hey, since she's home, let's up it up a notch! And the whole afternoon sucked balls and milk. I decided that gastric medicine is really not worth the effort if your stomach rejects it after 10 minutes, twice. Biscuits helped. Wow. Judging from the pain, my stomach must've really been getting it bad with the acid. Thank God it stopped, and boy have I learnt my lesson. No more freaking milk in the morning forever, or at least for the next century or so.
PS: It's been less than a day and I miss you already. :)
Sunday, July 4, 2010
First Brazil, now Argentina. My heart has been broken into two in a way that only football can. :(xoxo
Friday, July 2, 2010
FTB 2010!
HAI EVERYONE. DID YOU MISS ME. XDI just came back from SMU's FTB 2010, which was totally fun btw. I've never played such... INTERESTING games before. And it really left an IMPACTFUL impression on me. I don't think I've gotten bruises for a year, and this has to be the event to break that year long abstinence. XD I want pictures! But no one's putting them up, cause we're all still in the limbo of friending people on facebook.
The past few days were bloody wet, dirty, full of ANTS but also full of fun, friendship and laughter. Although there were one or two unsavory characters, it can't be helped. It's inevitable to encounter people like those along the way. And I also learnt that soccer boys will be soccer boys, even if they don't belong to that CCA. Oh well. Jerks will be jerks.
But I made some needed friendships, met wonderful people, and had such a mad fun time as I hadn't in ages. I wouldn't ask for anything better to break this 6 month-long fast from fun!