Saturday, May 31, 2008
WAS SO FUN!!!! XDApparently I looked good in the Jazz dance. But I was out of line in one bit in ballet. Hahahahaha. Nevermind about that. I had fun this whole week, and I'm definitely going back again next year, if I can. XD
The whole performance was amazing, like really fabulous. Level 6 was SO good, naturally, but the one by Ms Jun Lee of Crestar was really amazing. To that Oompa Loompa song in Willy Wonka. WHOOOO. And the tap was so good, plus the character dances, cause they tell stories. <3
I'm actually gna miss dancing til I'm dead tired everyday, and miss living in leotards. HAHA. And I lost some weight. HAHA YAAAAY.
But my ankle is fucked up. DX Like, I can't walk now. Going to sinseh tomorrow. ARGH NO!!!! I'M AFRAID OF THE PAIN!!! DDDDDDDDDDDDDDX And I strained my left hip/thigh muscle area. WTF. I'm such an old woman. DX
But I had fun, and that's what matters. It was amazing, every bit of it. <3
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Sorry kids,
Been too busy or tired the past few days to update ya'll about my summer school shit. XDSo basically the most fun class is JAZZ!
Modern's fun too, but Jazz beats all. XD Seriously fun dance with really happy music. Aleem and Kim agreed. XD
Don't even get me started on ballet. BORING WITH A Z!!!
But anyways, everyone's pretty much loosened up. XD At least there's some laughter, and we can go around randomly pairing up and talking. Modern, we had some teamwork thing going on, and we had to represent a hamburger with four people. Ironically, the littlest one went to lie on the bottom. HAHA GOSH. We had to train our abs to avoid crushing her. XD And the Apologize dance is coming along real fine. XD
OH the performance dances for Ballet and Jazz are FINALLY FINISHED! The Jazz one has a little of a loose end, but I expect she'll tie it up tomorrow. She's the coolest dance teacher ever, and I don't even know her name. O.o But she's like a whole load of attitude, with a fair dash of "happening"! XD Incidentally, that's her favorite word. I have to do a lot of kneeling in ballet. Hahaha EEK. Poor knee doesn't care anymore la. HAHA.
Oh and I think I strained my ankle. No wait scratch that, I DID strain it. Gah. I have to bind it every night for relief and wear my guard for contemp and jazz. Better wear it for ballet too. Not that it makes much of a difference. But when I land it hurts. DX I'm SO going to a doctor after summer school ends.
I'm having so much fun. XD I'm gna miss this dancing when it's over. <3
Monday, May 26, 2008
WAS SO FUN!!!Cept for the ballet bit, cause that was boring. But the jazz bit was like the funnest of all! Like, we did cool fun cabaret broadway musical-ish dancey stuff! HAHAHA GOSH. SO FUN!
Though the atmosphere was like so tense and sorta competitive, and no one laughed when I did, I had fun anywho. XD I tried to be nice. And it sorta worked. XD
I can't wait to go back. XD
God. Naggynaggynaggy.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Oh goodness
Cause after contemp, as if it wasn't enough, I went for ballet. OMG.
So it was brutal, as usual. But oh so fun. XD I love dance. HAHA. And Dwayne's dawning on that epiphany as well. Hahahaha. And to think he used to hate modern. XD HE SEES THE LIGHT! I MEAN. HE IS LIKE FLEXIBLE. Hahahaha. He can pull his leg up pretty high. And his attitudes were good, for like a bit. HAHA. Like Michael, but with the giam cai arms. XDDDDD
And I finally got my uhm, that step thing right in ballet. XD HOORAYYYYYY.
Too tired.
Can't type...
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
TODAY IS LIKE A SUPER HOT DAY LA. Everything also sweat. Dad was like, IT'S SO HOT, MY JELLO MELTED IN 10 MINUTES. Complaining about jello. XDDDDFor PE, I just like ran three rounds. RAN. Like no one's business. Then strolled 2 with Fatin. HAHAHA. For the 2 km chop thing la. Then went to the gym to goof off. XD I can't lift anything heavy. HAHA what crap.
We had cookies in math. XD I scolded
And dance was crazy. Like, insane. TIRING CAN. We had to do that body conditioning. DX KILLER. I hope I get used to it pretty darn quick and improve my flexibility so Mr Dan can't torture me as badly. XD But damn. I had to do the bridge thingy 5 times today. ARRRR.
Suffer today, suffer more tomorrow. I don't think I can get out of bed tomorrow. EEK.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Stupid Skin
Is jacked up. Ohman. I'm speaking more like Bry everyday. XDDD I'm gna change it, DAMNIT.I just redyed my hair. Home job. Hope it doesn't turn out shitty. I know I couldn't stand the thing. NO MORE HOME DYEING FOR ME, KTHNXBAI.
So I'm going out with sis to watch Over My Dead Body later. Gotta be a few good laughs, apparently. Hahaha. That's good, I need some cheering up, I just feel so dulled today.
Actually, it's not that bad. Slept til 10.30. XD YAY.
Oh and. I didn't get into CAP. Fucks shit. But oh well.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
I WENT SHOPPING after a long, hard, tiring day. I got an Emily bag and pink and black (eurgh, I know) shorts. It's like a buy two get one free thingy in Surfer Girl or something in PS. I'M SO HAPPY. Ya'll will see my sexy bag on Tuesday. XDBallet wasn't bad. Especially yesterday. HAHA. We were talking about child birth (tearing!), abortion (stirring!) and tampons. HAHAHAHAHA. Ms Gina is very against pads. HAHAHA. Go figure. Dancer! XDDDDD
Today went to school to do PW for two hours. My brain got FRIED. I admire James, Eudore who stayed from 9-2, and Aleem for staying from 9-6. AWESOME RIGHT. But they watched a movie. XD And ate. So I dno how stressed out they were but I know that they all did a great job! YAAAY.
Tomorrow's the reunion thingy at Mr Sim's house. 4H '08! I CAN'T WAIT!! Got him something. XDDDD
And the shittiest thing just happened. I can't order my Lowriders cause you need a US address on your credit card, which Dad doesn't have, obviously. Nor a company card. WHAT THE HELL. I DNO HOW TO REACT LA. SO ANGRY AND SAD AND LIKE DISAPPOINTED. But I'm surpressing it, I think. Cause I don't feel it that bad. I do that a lot. Pissed off la. Waited for so long. Nevermind, Dad's gna try to ask his colleagues. THANKS DAD. It's times like these... XD <3 At least I got my MCR special edish The Black Parade Is Dead! YAAAAY!!!
Gosh I gotta go. Taas!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I almost pushed Haniel down the stairs cause he said something dumb, but then he was all, "I'd die for you, but that's just pushing the limit."
HAHAHAHA good one. Seriously.
So today after school, I stayed back to study. Pfft, yeah right. HAHA. Ended up hanging out with Branson and Wei uhm. Wei-something. CRAP I CAN NEVER REMEMBER HIS NAME!!! In the art room, anywho. They paint hardcore. XD I just did my bracelet. HAHAHA. Then we moved outside, and we got locked out! Almost climbed back in through the window. HAHAHA. Branson was so game. XDDDD But then Ah Wei (HAHAHA WHAT!) managed to call the Auntie to open it for us, so it was all good. XD
"Your internet's being a fisherman."
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
After the shitty day, you totally made it better.
You tapped into my whistle register. XD
Has been a long day.I started the day by drinking Ice Coffee from Good News.
Big mistake.
I was like wired, buzzed and irritable. And short tempered. And stressed and tired. I couldn't take it, I hated everything, but I didn't have the energy to do anything about it. Talk about being buzzed. Huh.
Long day.
And even though I don't like Ms Then's zhao xia-ing, she's just doing her job. And that your public blast at her was totally unprecedented. It's not her fault that you failed two tests in a row. Take it like a fucking man.
Not in a good mood now.
HAHA. I Just remembered some stuff.
I gave Kenneth goosebumps when I sang Snow White's song."What's that got to do with the price of fish?" MS CHEW!
When you fall in love... MANDA!
Given circumstances! CHRIS!
That little dance move Chris ALWAYS does. XD
She ladadadadadaaaa, ladadadadada. JACK. HAHAHA.
Monday, May 12, 2008
HAHA Cause you wanted me to do it. XD
1) At what age do you wish to be married?HAHA 27, I think. Gives me time to do stuff. HAHA. XD
2) If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 3 buddies you'd take and why?
Fon. DUH. Bryan. HAHA DUH AGAIN. And, uhm, Zacky, to entertain Fon when I'm neglecting her. HAHA. I won't take Haniel, sorry, but I might wna kill you. HAHA. LORD OF THE FLIES!
3) Where is the place that you want to go the most?
Spain or Rome. Hahahaha. Or KL. Preferrably somewhere in that Mont Kiara thingy. HAHA. I dno.
4) If you can have 1 dream come true, what would it be?
To have like all the wishes ever, so I can decide later. HAHA.
5) Do you believe you can survive without money?
Naw, not really, no. HAHA.
6) What are you afraid to lose the most?
7) If you win $1 Million, what would you do?
Save/invest like $600k. And get guitars and such, and travel. HAHA.
8) If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Haha chyeah. I'm cool like that. XD But I've already met someone.
9) List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
HAHA. That'll be Haniel?
He does stuff for me. HAHA.
He lets me bully him.
He's nice and fun. XDDDDD
10) What is your dream GIRL/BOY?
11) What kind of person do you hate the most?
Stupid people. HAHAHAHA.
12) If you are given the chance to go back to the past and make a difference, will you?
13) Unconditional Love, what does it means to you?
"I'll love you no matter what."
14) Any wisdom to share with your readers
Don't talk to me if you're stupid. HAHAHAHA.
15) If there's ever a war(or things that are similar) happening in your place, are you going to move to a safer place or fight?
FIGHT! Nawww, I wish. I'll go away. I'm not trained. HAHA.
16) If you have the chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
My jealousy. I don't show it, but it's pretty much every bit of the green monster Jealousy is. DX
17) Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
ALL? Uhm. No one. Hahaha. Yet.
18) What's your weakest point?
19) Think of the person who tagged you to do this quiz. What song do you relate him/her to?
Song? Uhm. Hahaha. It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's A Fucking Deathwish. Cause we love it together. Hahaha.
20) What is the one thing you regret most?
Most? Being so angry.
21)Name people who you want them to do this question.
Naw. No cursing. HAHAHA. XD
Saturday, May 10, 2008
SERIOUSLY. Like, when we were watching the show, there was so much laughter. XDDD We had such a great time together. I can't believe it's been a week since musical! And during dinner, Yuen was going all scary on us. HAHAHA. And Kenneth finds sambal on toast good. Oh scary. XD The dinner was a little crap, sorry! But yeah, the noodles were weird. At least the chicken and springrolls were nice. XDAfter the thing was the dance farewell outside LT4. It was pretty fun. XD I wish I didn't eat the crap beehoon before cause there was pizza! AHH. DX Yesterday was my twirly day. Hahahaha. Did like 60 spins. XD And today during ballet, my twirls in the dance improved! Oh gosh I swear that helped. XD So happy. But I digress. So when the cake was brought out and all, Lilian started crying! Aww. What's retarded is that we were singing a birthday song and we were going all wtf. HAHAAHAHA. So funny. Then after the cake was cut, Houjian or however you spell his name ran around putting cake on people. HAHA YES. Including me! I asked him to help open the cups and he went to clean his fingers on me! Then smeared cream on my face. Grr, that guy ah!
Then we sat in a circle, where the tibetan headresses were distributed, Mr Dan got the golden crown. JOEL LOOKED SO FUNNY HAHAHA. Then we played zhong ji mi ma, I think that's it. HAHA. So scary, but I didn't kena or anything. HAHAHA. At first it was just soft drinks and chocolate milk (bleargh) but then Houjian added like pizza after he kena. ARGH. Hahahahaha. Ellen had to finish up a little for some weird reason. HAHA. After that, I tried to teach her the duet on the piano but failed. XD Rachel also. HAHA. Then cake was forced upon us by Ms Tan. HAHAHA. Kept going on about how she was late for class to buy it. XD Lychee Martini or whatever. It wasn't bad, interesting. XD It was in a sad shape though, all crumbly on one side. XD
Oh there was A LOT of phototaking last night. With other people's cameras. DX I wish I brought mine! And Michael and William were being gobloks last night. HAHA but they were super funny! XD I realised this pattern, whenever I took a picture with someone with my mouth open, Houjian would go extra in the pic. Aiyo! And whenever Mr Dan was in a picture, he'd make some retarded face! Especially one picture, they got pushed and everyone fell forward. HAHA. I love picture ruiners like these so much. XDDD
In the end, we turned Ellen's locker into a mini bar to store all the leftover drinks cause it was conveniently outside the LT. HAHAHAHA poor Ellen. We kidnapped drinks. HAHA. Cause they were being loners, standing on the floor by themselves. I was like oh look, that's us. HAHA. But I took the Ice Cream Soda home, she took the Sprite, I think. XD We compared Dwayne to chocolate milk, then that silly boy went to lie down beside it. HAHA.
It was so fun, yet so sad cause the seniors and Robelle were leaving. But she was like hanging around even thought she kept going all I HAVE TO GO NOW. Hahaha so cute. XD We forced random people to take pix for us. HAHAHA. AND YOU KNOW WHAT! SHE TOOK MY HAIRTIE HOME! AIYO! Hahahaha. Wonder if she realised. XD Now it'll be in the Philippines forever. XD Hope it has fun. Hahahahaha.
I'll remember last night for a long time to come. <3
Thursday, May 8, 2008
I found them!Haniel, you can't be offended then. Hahahaha. XD
Color's weird, but I look cool diva-ish. XD

Aww that!!
It's gorgeous! Bigger than what we've had for a while. I missed big cars. XD Dad's car looks big, but it's small. Mum's car looks small, but it is BIG. YAAAY. XD Ohjoy. But I was dragged out for like a ride to nowhere for 10 minutes, tradition. Figures, dad took like 3 minutes trying to reverse out of the space. HAHAHA.So there's not much to say today, just that I stayed back for "dance", but we did anything but. Walked home with Ellen, SAW THE CUTEST KITTIES! Like, one family of black cats, nursing a WHITE KITTEN. We were like wtf but AWW at the same time. XD And I did my chinese duan wen! Like, it's crap, but at least it's done! Now I have GP and Lit to do tomorrow, cause I have no means to do it tonight. Damnit. I hate rushed work.
Now for a few cute quotes before I go. XD
-remembering We Will Rock You-
Vanessa: "Heartbreak Hotel!"
Lionel: "Where?"
-while walking home with Ellen today, I saw...-
WTF, seriously.
-during econs, philo gone wrong. HAHA-
Isha: "To love and to be loved is like feeling the sun on both sides of your face."
Me: "Then I must have a hell of a sun tan."
Laugh your guts out. I'm that awesome. <333
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
YOU GO DAVID!!!Even though I don't know you, you're like the coolest guy ever, AND MY HERO!!!
OMG I just said something so cool.
About arts students:
We take lunacy, and turn it into eccentricity!
So today after school, we had like a musical cast dinner at Kovan's Pizza Hut! IT WAS SO FUN. Ms Chew let me hear the Assumption Song, and I was laughing like a maniac, and it was like silent laughter, like really stupid. HAHA. And we were laughing like mad, and gossiping and doing stupid stuff. Our chinese sucks, apart from like JOYCE and ZHIXIAN. WHATEVER!. Patson and I can do our GAO WU!! HAHAHAHAHA. I HAVE PISSHURES!!! Oh btw, Ms Chew is a total bluetooth n00b. HAHA N00B MINUS 1!!! XIANGHUI! HAHAHA.
NESSA AND I!! <333
JOYCE AND FEL. Hahaha pretty! ZhiXian extra behind!!
AnnNa's CUPCAKES! <33333
MY CUPCAKE. YUMMYYY. I almost left the flower behind. I ate it up though. HAHAHA.
The said almost-estranged flower. XD It was yummy! -crunch-

Fly. <3
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Thank You Musical
I've been really lucky to get into musical. I remember the crazy enthuness of PAE that brought me to audition with Haniel, Rachelle and Dwayne. But Rachelle left. DX I learnt that we were totally hated for a bit by the J2s. But they love us now. XDI love all of you, and I'm gna miss everyone so much.
Amanda, always calling me cute. I didn't really quite know how to respond to that. HAHA. XD Your insane laughter/giggling and adorable acting. Yeah, I adore you. XD That's the word.
Joyce, omg. I recently had a whole new impression of you! XD You're waaay cool, and such a good actor. You have so much sadness and anger in your acting sometimes, I feel that it's so real, and I hold you in wonder.
Zhi Xian, I never thought you were irritating until recently. HAHA. But that's you la. You give good advice, although it's like, running 2.4km for a 50m dash. You get my drift? HAHAHA.
Kenneth, OMG SOTONG AUNTIE LA. HAHA. You're so awesome, I thought so ever since the sotong Noah's Ark moment. XD Your jazz singing and JJ guitar SKILLZ YO are like, woah. XD All the eyecandies, knock 'em dead man. Especially with your incessant nagging. XD
Vanessa, ALWAYS worried about your "OMG HE'S SO CUTE!!!" line on stage. XDDD HAHAHA. "IS IT CRAZY ENOUGH???" You put up with my freaking out for the last few days, and I've come to realise you're such an awesome funny person. XD We've had our crazy moments, and I won't worry about forgetting them cause I'm determined to stalk you around school! HAHA.
Lionel, you crazy boy! OMG LA. Your little lame jokes in the earlier part of the musical were so cold, I wanted to die. XD You're really someone special, and the first person who knew about all my stupid little crushes. Especially your retarded giggle, if that can pass off as laughter! HAHAHA.
Mai, my widdle one! Called me little and small when I'm shorter than you! HAHAHA. Your acting rocks the house, you're the best ever I've seen, MAHJONG KAKI! XD I love your "little sissy papaya" line. You're definitely someone.
Patson, act cool maaan. XD And obviously sotong, cause I can always "scare" you. HAHAHA. Hearing you all cheer your guts out made it all PAUSSIBLE. HAHAHA. That part always got me. You go dude!
Joanna, cheap thrill partner! We started our "legacy" from the moment we were laughing at my Kopi-O at musical camp. XD Oh go us! HAHA. You're so cool, and I don't mind you telling me stuff cause it means you trust me. I love you girl!
Fel, your voice was SO funky. XDDD When you got it back partially, we all cheered and yelled at you not to talk. HAHAHA. You're so awesome at dance, and really sweet when you're not talking. Ehen you're talking, very noisy leh! HAHA NO LA. XDDD
Erena, you wise "President". HAHA. On the TRCC days, you were like a totally different person! HAHA. Like some kinda seow ding dong. I was SO surprised, and I was totally laughing at, I mean, WITH you. XD Your personality reversal is so refreshing, I'll definitely remember that always. XD
Ali, OMG YOUR WIG AH. Like some kinda coonskin cap. HAHA. Thank goodness you didn't quit musical just cause of your maths. It wouldn't have been the same without you yo! Even though when you didn't come, I had to endure monologing for the first scene. HAHAHA. IDIOT! XD Nawww.
The Rockclimbers, ya'll are the most CRAZY, INSANE, ON PEOPLE I HAVE EVER MET. Making like the High 5 kids backstage in front of the TV with ya'll were one of the most fun moments ever. XD You guys ROCKmoc. HAHAHAHA. GET IT!! XDDD WTFFF.
Chris, Mr Razmataz. XD IS THAT HOW YOU SPELL IT? Hahaha. You can get pretty beeyotch-y sometimes, but hey, we drove you to it! Other times, you're just pretty freaking awesome. XD I'll miss you the most, unless you come back next year! HAHA YAY. And the way you swung me around after the whole thing will always be remembered. XD
Reginald, sugar daddy! Thanks for lending me money for the WWRY merch. XD And you're so funny and random. The image of you pushing MandaPanda round on the box on wheels will forever be etched in my mind. XD
Ms Chew, what's that got to do with the price of fish? I got to see the side of you most students don't get to, and prolly don't want to, during the musical. XD And it's awesome. HAHA. But I still respect you, don't worry! HAHAHA. Not so sure about Ms Shaikal though. HAHA NAW KIDDING. XD You two are awesome teachers. <3
Yuen Mei, Haniel, Dwayne, I'm gna be living with ya'll for much longer, and if you're in for next year's musical, it would be beyond amazing. XD I love you guys.
All in all, I love the musical cast, and I will miss them for many a month to come.
I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! <33333333333333333333
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Memorable moments
We had a flood on our carpet.
Before: Airport/hospital smell, After: Hairspray and godknowswhatSTINK. XD
Surgical tape. OW. HAHA.
Drinking honey water.
Loading bay warm ups and dances. Heeheehee.
I'm gna miss musical so much.
I'm actually gna miss putting on the surgical tape (YES!) and that horrible pancake make up that makes girls look like trannys and guys look like drag queens. HAHA.
I'm gna miss getting high, dancing, watching the telly and making like the High5 kids with the cast and the rock climbers.
I'm gna miss Ms Shaikal's "dears" and the make up kids. AHHH. Not the horrible food though. HAHA. XDDD
I'm gna miss loitering along the backstage corridor with everyone, wishing whoever passes by good luck.
I'm gna miss seeing all the people, everywhere.
I'm gna miss drawing nonsense on the whiteboard. XD
Everything that we've had together. <333
It's gna be weird, getting used to the fact that I won't be seeing everyone on wednesday and friday anymore.