Monday, June 28, 2010
Streaming sucks. ohwell. HAHA.I have a strawberry frappe scented nose pack on right now! It smells so yummy, and the packaging is so pretty. I hope they still sell it. <3
(Edit) BACK! Like 6 hours later. XD National Treasure is on, but I'm staying. XD I bought PINK cherry tomatoes just now! Total love. <3 YUMYUMYUM.
FTB tomorrow! But that means I'm missing Spain and Portugal! OMG HOW. DX I got advised to seek out someone with iphone streaming. GOSH I hope it works! DX
I went to Haniel's today to borrow his Happy shirt. Nothing like a good shirt to start the day! God knows I need it cause it's WAY too early to wake up tomorrow. Reporting time: 8am! FOR GOODNESS SAKE. DDDDDDDX Gna pamper myself with all kinds of exfoliating/cleansing/conditioning lalala regimes tonight. Cause for the next few days, I'm going to be sleeping in a GOD FORSAKEN TENT. DX May God have mercy on my soul.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
LOOK OUT WORLD, HERE COMES REBECCA, AND SHE'S GOT A LICENSE.Aside from that, I met Michael Hermantoso today (he's in the same year as me, BUSINESS TOO) to go to sign up for camps! I was apparently in Run 1 for FTB but I had no idea, cause I was avoiding all land line calls the last couple of weeks for a secriiiit reason. XD So I couldn't change it to Run 2 with him cause I have my Academic Writing Exemption Test then! BOO. DX But anywho, we don't always HAVE to be together! It'll be good, making new friends. ^^ Got the Arts Camp and Bondue too! YEY FUN. The fun before the terror. XDDDDD
After that, was completely lost, but tired. Wanted to go home, but met Xing instead. And we went to her place... and slept. -.- HAHAHA. For almost 3 bloody hours! HAHA. I rested well though. Thinking of watching the last night Spain vs Chile & Switzerland vs Conduras matches tonight, but we'll see. XD Met Fon for dinner, and we three went back to Fon's to catch the Portugal vs Brazil & NKorea vs Cote d' Iviore matches! The former was really boring, but the latter, WOW. The crazy Ivory Coast really ruled! I can't explain it all, except that the goalie for NK SUCKED BALLS. Read updates online and elsewhere cause I'm pretty unreliable, and my recount will prolly be peppered with emotive outbursts and the like. XD
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Toy Story 3!

Watched it today with Jamie! I CRIED LIKE FREE AT THE END. Must be one of my emotional states. XD I do like a good cry at a movie though. It's so cathartic. Amazing movie. <3
After the movie, Jamie and I visited the arcade to play on the Bishi Bashi machine! I found out one thing; Jamie screams like mad when she's excited. HAHAHA mad fun! <3 We did a Super Mario race thing too, it was alright. I don't understand why I like it; it's not really worth a dollar. HAHA.
To Xing Hui's house! We almost got lost, but XH, that lazy bum, came down to fetch us and Helena who came like 2 minutes later. HAHA. I learnt how to play bridge! Spent the whole time having a (bad) go on her piano, listening to XH play her amazing Chopin exam piece which I adored but TOTALLY couldn't get the rhythym and playing cards like a couple of old birdies! Ordered pizza, AND I COULD EAT IT. AHH perfect fast breaker after days and days of liquid-like food! OH I also bought ham. TEEHEE. Sherry and Zi Hui came after that, and we played Go Fish and The Game of Life before we headed home. FUN!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cause it's too zilian-ish to put on fb. XD I've learnt my lesson of humility.
Went out with Drey today! We did like NOTHING. GOODNESS. Was halfway to town before Rui said she couldn't make it. Poor bby, flooded with projects. DX Anyways, went to City Hall to meet Drey, walked to Esplanade Xchange to explore new boundaries!, bought onion rings and a sandwich and surfaced at Suntec City. I watched her smoke, then we walked around, and saw Jasmine at a salad bar! Also saw this dude at the fountain making a wish, and planned some movie scenario that's too ridiculous to tell. XD Subsequently, we went into topshop, bought nothing, came out, watched her smoke again. IT'S LIKE A LOT OF THINGS BUT NOTHING AT ALL. -.-
NEXT. To Novena for Udders! Bloody dark chocolate with orange WASN'T SELLING TODAY WTSHIT. DX So ate like Rum and Raisin. Went into Made In Candy and tried some STILL WARM FRESHLY CUT CANDY. YUM. Then walked around for a bit, watched her smoke AGAIN, and called Rui cause we were bored. Got nothing, and decided to go to CLARKE QUAY. Apparently it never occured to us and we were making a big fuss in the underpass. -.-
Got off at Raffles Place cause it was easier, and bought fruit plates for an impromptu visit to LawSoc! Went there, heeheehoho, walked to City Hall, visited the old aunty from Penin, and went home. ARGH what a tedious, boring day. Lots of walking, wasted MRT trips, AND WE DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. O.o
NEVER AGAIN. At least tomorrow'll be fun; watching TS 3 with Jamie before meeting the rest of the girls at Xing's place! <3
Dad said I've become "skinny". YEY. But his conception of skinny is, then, very very flawed. Totally motivated now! \o/
There are somethings you just can't have. Cause life just doesn't revolve around you. So you bloody well accept that.Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Drey & Rui!

A LITTLE BELATED, BUT THAT'S WHAT SIS AND I DID TO WELCOME DAD FROM THE AIRPORT. YES, I KNOW. IT'S VERY. ... KEEP ANY SNARK TO YOURSELF. (Ignore that sticker at the bottom; it was the result of a moment of folly when I was 9. -.-)
It's like the Audrey & Rui revival all over again after Drey ended her job and Rui came back from China! I spent time with them yesterday hanging out at Ion, being silly with hats, indecisive over $90 slippers, and generally having a good time. XD Other than the fact that I couldn't eat. :( But I did buy a pretty 2-finger ring! Even though it's kinda tarnished. DX Photo!:

Not clear but whatevs.
Then today, we were supposed to tan at SGCC, but Drey said "OH IT SEEMS LIKE IT'S GNA RAIN". It did, but at like 1/2 in the afternoon when we would've finished! ROAR. Anyways, Thursday's a pool day with the group of us from church, so it's alright. In the end, we goofed around at Rui's house, messing with Cookie and all that jazz. For lunch, we were SUPPOSED to go to Thai Express, but we got distracted halfway by a decent looking Thai Restaurant with a 6.50 lunch promotion! We were like OOH YUM. And the food WAS good, but the pad thai was a little small. DX As in the portions. HAHA. What was that phrasing man. Anywho, Rui's tomyam fried rice was like, a huge pile, so she was pretty much a lump of smug when we got our food. Gave most of mine to Drey, cause obviously I couldn't finish due to my braces, but it really was good.
Decided to go to town next, after taking my photo ID pic, but the bus wouldn't come! So our plans got a little mashed up and we ended up going to Kovan for my picture at the booth, then I went home whilst those two LEFT ME and went to check out Jitterbugs. DX Anyways, the picture sucked, so I went to the shop to retake before driving. Now, I don't see myself living the rest of my life with either of the two prints as my driver's license ID, nor in the 4 years of my uni life with that as my student ID, so I'm stumped and about 18 bucks short. DX I HATE PHOTOS.
Driving exam's on friday! My instructor told me to JIA YOU, and I thought he meant to accelerate, so I almost did. HAHA. Gosh, I MUST NOT BE NERVOUS. OR I'LL SCREW UP EVERYTHING. WILL NOT BE. ALSKDNGLKJASB;DGNZSLJKDG;ZDSJG ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
I just had this gem that I HAVE to put down here. The human mind loves to play tricks on you. When you like someone, it suddenly seems that they're looking at your more, doing sweet things for you, smiling at you and only for you. But then, in retrospect, after you're completely humiliated yourself and having nothing left to save, it's all just over-thinking. DX
Random pictures of us. <3 And the stuff dad got me! YES that means the bag. XD

I took two, but everyone looks weird in the other one; not least, RUILYNN.. XD

Monday, June 21, 2010
Super Junior

I was just watching a couple of their older videos, like pretty old. 2005/06? And there's was one from the Attack on the Pin Up Boys, and the last frame was in slow-mo, cause that's how mvs work, and they just looked so fresh, a little silly, but just so happy together.
Super Junior will NEVER be like that again. Everyone'll be going off for army, Hankyung's gone for good and Kibum's pretty much going along with him, Shin's getting married.
I just wish I knew them earlier so I could enjoy their prime days before they ended. :(
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Zip By!
Made the taters again for dinner! Think my fingers are burnt. DXI saw my legs in mum's mirror. Either lighting's on my side, OR THEY LOOK REALLY GOOD. OMG. NOT EATING FOR THE NEXT FOREVER. I WANT TO STAY THIS WAY.
Mashed Potatoes!

So now that most of us know about my current state of being practically unable to eat anything that isn't liquidised/mashed/softened or yoghurt, I puked today in church. DX Cause, I couldn't eat anything yesterday + I was sick + medication = weird stomach. So I felt nauseous last night after my antibiotic course, and this morning too. So around 11-ish, I puked in the church loo, and it was pretty gross, as all puke is. -.- So naturally, I deduced I needed to eat.
So when I got back home, I tried to boil an egg (soft, of course) but it was pretty much a disaster cause the water was too hot, I think, and it cooked fast on the surface layer but the yolk was a little weird. So... Soft-boiled egg plan ixnayed.
Scrambled eggs next! Pretty good if I say so myself, but then again, soso. Then, on to the potatoes! They were boiling for around 20 minutes, so I could mash them down, but the water evaporated really quickly, so I had to fill 'er up and wait somemore. When they were done, I peeled them, squirming in pain as my fingers bore the brunt of the hot potato skins. Not as if they were completely fine from the egg from before. Eurgh. But then, I pretty much produced THE BEST MASHED POTATOES I'VE EVER EATEN IN MY LIFE, so it was all peachy keen. XD And now I'm gna tell you how to make them!
1. Boil 2 potatoes (de-eyed) sliced through their skins vertically and horizontally (so their skins come off a little easier later) until soft. Just stick a fork in and you'll know. Just be careful not to boil them until they start to disintegrate.
2. Take the taters out and peel 'em!
3. Take a slice of cheese (those kind from supermarkets) and lay on top of the potatoes to melt
4. Add about a tablespoon of butter (and you won't have to bother with salt), a dash of black/white pepper according to preference and MASH.
5. Slowly add in 30mls of milk (about 2 table spoons) until well absorbed
At this stage, the mashed potatoes should be smooth, creamy and prettily pale, not to mention TOTALLY DELICIOUS. Serves 1-2 people, just increase the proportions to the amount of people you're feeding! Add whatever herbs you want along the way for a twist, and serve HOT. YUMMMMM.
PS All the ingredients and proportions are according to personal preference, so tweak it here and there however you want! ^^
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Sick. :(
Had a totally shitty night - kept waking up cause of this really high fever. And the throat hurt like a mother. Still does, but last night was really the clincher. :( I'm so miserable cause I missed ballet and korean, and even though my fever's broken I have a weird feeling mum won't let me go to church. I actually said to myself in the doc's that if God makes me better I'll go to the meeting. But now that I'm better, I don't know if that's gna happen. DXI went to the doctor's, comatose, and had to wait for like a million years in the freezing office whilst a seriously talkative aunty did dno what in there, talking and talking away. I was so annoyed, and if I had any strength in me, I would've glared at her when she came out. On the plus side, I have a double eyelid again! Although I'm not exactly sure if it's worth it, considering the hell I had to go through. DX
Mum's sleeping. Guess I'll ask her at 3. Sighh.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Hidden readers!
If y'all have anything to say, please comment! I don't like tagboards cause they're laggy, have pop-ups and allow annoying ads. XDSo I got something that's pretty life changing. No, not the Coach bags. XD But cause many people don't know about it yet and I wna surprise them, I'm not disclosing it here until I'm sure people have fully known. XD I can't do something though, SADLY. DX
Today, the weirdest thing happened! Cause I was with Fon at Cathay, and we were queueing for Karate Kid movie tickets, which is totally awesome btw, makes me want to go to China! XD Then this girl came up to me and went EH I TOTALLY CAN'T RECOGNISE YOU. And cause I have a really bad memory, I was totally clueless but just pretended to know her and went HAHA EH YEAH HI. Then she started asking about how I was, and that I'm going to NTU right? Same as Wei Qi or whoever. And I was like NO SMU WHO'S HE?! And she looked at me, blinked and went "You're not -insert name which escapes me here-?" And I went uh no. So naturally she went O.O OMG NEVERMIND and walked off.
OMG that was terribly embarrassing. That's the last time I'm ever pretending to know someone again. HAHAHAHA. It's punishment for lying. HAHAHA. And I think I'm sick to boot; fever symptoms like painful joints, sensitive skin, annoying throat and just that general woozy feeling overall. DX I HOPE NOT.
Fon got me I Miss You candy from Made In Candy! ARGH I need to get her something. HAHA. Not out of obligation (yeah right) though. HEEHEEXZXZ. Going over to her's next week, hopefully, and bringing over subway. Maybe we can swim and play rockband and such! I just hope she has the time. XD Hahaha I want to have a life. EEK. I secretly can't wait til Korean is over. HAHA. I'm sick of rushing to the meeting! ROAR.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Church Conference!
Using Zi(Zhi) Hui's school's laptop! I knew I'd find a way here. XDDDD What a wonderful start to the day. I got my booklet and it was stapled the other way around. O.o At least I have something to remember this YYP Conf by, if not the message, that is. HEEHEEXZXZ.MY DAD BOUGHT ME THE BAGS AND SCENT. OMO I'M SO HAPPY. But I hope it's the correct one; I don't want any excess perfumes. XD
I hope that the workshop later will be productive, and that goes the same for the whole conference. I want to enjoy myself, and from this morning's first meeting, it looks promising! Only downside is, my shoes are annoying. HAHA.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
I love this pic. HAHA. Dad just looks so silly. XD
If y'all are wondering what's this about, we're testing out the features on...
And clearly we're still in the early stages of getting accquainted with the camera's mechanics. Why must it be so complicated! It's also semi-professional cause it comes with like two other lenses! Thank goodness for IT fairs! I would put a picture up of it but we all know we can't take pictures of the camera with the camera. Ehh. Yes. XD Maybe someday, if it gets captured in one of those inevitable I'll-take-you-taking-me shots. O.o
Today I sent Haniel off to army! Ahh the pretense. And met Audrey there! What a coincidence. I hope her situation gets better. :(
Going off for the conference tomorrow! I'm just so bad at packing; half-thinking and half not, and wandering around doing other things. Good grief - mum's right to nag. Hahahaha. But it's really hard finding proper clothes for the next few days! Gosh, do I have that few. HAHAHA. Says so much about my image...
Here's a spammage of pictures before I go. ^^
Friday, June 11, 2010
Back from Church Camp!
Haiii. I hope you missed me. ^^ If there's anyone here, that is. Heehee.I just came back from Church Camp, and this reminds me exactly why I'm terribly thankful it happens only annually. Wow I'm DRAINED. The kids are a handful, to say the least. Always running around, yelling (understatement) and the like. But then again, what kids aren't? I know I was getting myself into this, but I'm gna whine cause I CAN. HMPH.
But before you get the impression it totally sounded like torture, it was actually a very enjoyable time for me, and I thought it taught me, tiring as it was, to be a little more patient, agreeable and just a little more happier. It'll also teach me to enjoy my sleep while I can. XDDDD
I think that the most fun bit was meeting this pair of twins, who were the CUTEST looking boys (IMO) ever. Even though they didn't talk much, they're just SO ADORABLE. They'll totally grow up to be handsome. And I met a few sweet girls I didn't even know before. Sis Siew Tin asked me if I wanted to serve the children upstairs on Sunday, and I'm seriously considering, now that I've mingled with the kids. They're little monsters, but for some reason I still love them. XD Don't ask Jamie though. HAHAHAHA.
Youth conference this coming monday! Oh this madness. ^^
I'll come back hopefully with more TOMORROW. <3
Monday, June 7, 2010
Sleeping late PART II

Of all the dumb luck, I met a wrong someone at a wrong time. AIGOO.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Clean up at Church!

So as we all know, or not really, the church camp for children is coming up, and our church was essentially COVERED with pigeon doo and dirt. DX So some of us got roped in to help wash the church, clean up stuff and do bits here and there. Naturally, when today came, everyone mysteriously came down with ailments. Hmm. So I was the only one there until the afternoon, when Nicholas came to help. But in the morning, it was auntie Lily, sister siew ching and I. Those two are so funny.
So I got dirty, semi-wet, especially when I unthinkingly tried to spray the window right above the one I was sticking my head out of, and tired. My fingers hurt, and I've got a cut, plus a couple more injuries that I'm either unaware of, or too tired to be. But it was a great day, and I actually had fun cleaning. Coming from a person who wants to be a contruction worker just for fun, you wouldn't expect anything less. ^^
Btw, the picture is of a rooster we saw in toa payoh when we went there to eat dessert for dinner. A sweet treat to reward ourselves for all that spraying, cleaning and drilling (yes) marked the end to an exhausting but fun day serving the Lord. ^^
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Stitches removed!
FINALLY.Except I can't do solids right now. DX Don't ask. Ahh bloody water.
I met Rui and her friend Alex today. To think about it, we didn't really do anything today. -.- Except we got my mushrooms! <333 And Rui took loads of pics. ^^
Going to church tomorrow to help clean poop up! HAHAHA. For children's camp. Heehee AMEN.
Short post today, cause I'm tired and grouchy. :(
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Always a Day Late

I always seem to blog a day late. XD Good gracious.
Those two (dark) furballs you see up there are Xing's hamsters. I was utterly bored yesterday, then I took it into my head to go to Hougang. Then, I suddenly called Xing and we agreed to meet there. I tried to sort my ezlink card out without the receipt cause I lost it, but got given another recipt to go back on the 6th of June. The day of Super Junior's concert. I'm not going but I feel terribly sad whenever I hear that date being mention. DDDDDDDDX
Then I met Xing, and we went to the library to return books, then to Macs, Pet Lover's Centre and NTUC, where we bought a watermelon! That fellow was HEAVY. After that, we took a bus to her house and ATE THE WHOLE THING. Like a half each, with a spoon. XDDD Greedy greedy greedy! It was really juicy, and really filling, but that's cause most of it was water. I really had to pee after that. HAHA. I also half coloured in her colouring book. ^^ Then we played with her hamsters, which ALMOST mated, to our panic, and chased each other all around, giving us a hell of a time trying to catch them! What an eventful day it turned out to be, using the term eventful VERY loosely. XD
Today, I met Jamie at Novena for lunch before going to church to help out with the name tags for the children's camp. Naturally, we were both late. XD Lunch was a cup of corn, an egg and green apple green tea! Yumm. Then we went to church, where Esther showed up TWO HOURS LATER. Jamie and I tried our harmonising thing again, but it wasn't as good as the other day. XD We saw Nicholas there later in the afternoon, "meditating over the Bible". How comical. XD
Gosh, I really want to go to Germany for the conference, but yet at the same time I'm a little apprehensive. I hope it'll become clear soon. (: