Wednesday, April 30, 2008
My hamster sleeps like a human. Especially in this hot weather. XD
Aww. Hedgehog hugging fluffball. <3333 Haniel gave me the hedgehog, the fluffball's sis'. HAHA. I stole it.

Camera Phone + Bored in CT = A preview of my gorgeous ZOMBIE shoes and my cell. HAHA.

That ribbon like thing used to be on my organiser. XD It was puffy paint, which I peeled off in chinese, apparently. EEK. HAHA.

Do I look like a dancer? HAHA BUN. XD

AWW My fluffy pen and GAYPRIDERAINBOW shoelace! Now, that pen's replaced with sis' fluffball. XD

Tomatohead! Rachel Inc. She's brill at THAT. XD
OMGOMG LOOK AT THE TRICKERY!! INNIT COOL? I took it. XD Cause we were bored in musical between scenes. HAHA.

Same rehearsal day: KENNETH IN PJS. HAHAHA.

His head set. Note: STILL IN PJS. XDDDD


MEMBER OF THE BREAKFAST CLUB. Members: Samantha, Janice, Rebecca, JunHong. NO ONE ELSE. XD

DANCE HOODIE! ISN'T IT COOl. The words and such are sewn on. No wonder ,$42! O.O


Brollies on a rainy day.

Innit cool?
Fon, this is for you. XD <3
I hope these pictures have been to your liking. Though some reach 11 on the Random Factor Scale from 1-10. XDDDDDD
PS, I love you.
MUSICAL ON SATURDAY. And I've been busy with stuff and all, so I haven't posted in quite a bit. XD Tomorrow's a full day rehearsal, as is friday. AT TRCC. Ohman. Tiring, long, whole day wasted. And tomorrow is mainly technical, so I think I'm gna bring something to do. Like, schoolwork. HAHA YEAH RIGHT. SOMETHING la. XDThere's only the sunday worth talking about. XD
On sunday, I went to the nursery in church, and that cute little smiley girl was back! She's so cute. Just make like funny noises and smile at her, and she'd smile and SHE'S SO CUTE. <333333333 No pictures, unfortunately. DX She's so sweet tempered. But noisy toys make her cry. I found that out the hard way. SAD. I made the little lovie cry. DX But her mom came after. Haha, how sweet. XD She made like the appropriate baby-grabby-hands gesture and she's just so adorable! <3
Then after church, we got invited by Auntie Pam to celebrate Adriel's 12th birthday at Holland Village, Da Paolo. And if you've been to Holland Village, especially this strip of fancy restaurants with a rude interruption of some dialect named convenience store, you'd prolly go, WHICH DA PAOLO?? Cause like, the whole strip is DOMINATED by Da Paolo!!! It's like monopolising the whole strip. HAHA nearly econs termed there. XD There's a bakery, a pizza place, a bistro dadada. We ate at the bistro, the prices made me wna almost faint, but Auntie Pam told me not to look at them, so I didn't. XD I found the liver on the salad quite nice, well, the first 2 pieces, then suddenly the texture and taste was like a little eurgh. Hahaha. Then got veal and mashed potatoes AND OMG I GOT A BINELLI. XD Like, it's peach puree in champagne. It was amazing, but I got a little drunk. HAHA. Like, when I went home, I KOed for 2 hours. XD But I digress.
After lunch, there were cupcakes! They actually bought a birthday cake from the Da Paolo bakery, but the stupid thing was that the bloody DA PAOLO bistro didn't allow "outside food", which was cake from DA PAOLO bakery. WHAT IS THE RATIONALE. LIKE WTF. But the cupcakes were awesome. XD They had an A on them for Adriel. Hahahaha. We brought two home and I actually wanted to save one for Aleem, but I ate it up the next morning when I didn't go to school. HAHA.
The menu, which has all of four pages, half of which is in italian. O.o
My Binelli! Oh and you can see a little of the calamari dish peeking over there. XD
The Adriel Cupcake. XD
Oh and as we were gna go home, I saw this WEIRDEST DOG. It was like a cross breed between a pitbull - face and neck, jack russel - color and head shape, labrador - neck and sausage dog - body. I mean, ROTFLMFAOWTFBBQQQQQQ. LABRADOR AND SAUSAGE DOG. HAHAHA.
So I didn't go to school on monday cause I was sick. Like on Sunday, it was like some hay fever or something, I didn't know, so I just didn't go. And my voice and throat has been funky ever since. DX Hope it doesn't affect the musical. GAH.
So we like "celebrated" Chris' birthday today. It was actually on monday, but it's prac today, so yer. If you count turning off the lights, bringing in a cake then making him cut it together with Haniel a celebration, that is. HAHA. Here's documented, WISHING YOU A HAPPY
And I've had an epiphany. I'm a bully. Either that, or I'm like that girl with the curls: When I'm nice, I'm really nice. When I'm UNnice, I'm REALLY UNnice. DX Sad, innit?
I'll put up another post with pisshures. XD ENJOY. <333
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Yi Shan Yi Shan Liang XINGXING!
XIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGYou can be so sweet at times. XD
And the best bits about you is that when you get all pissy or anything, I look sad and you start to laugh and be happy again.
You're awesome.
Oh and, your bipolarity (HAHA IS THERE EVEN SUCH A WORD) keeps things interesting all the time. XD <3
Saturday, April 26, 2008
TO POST PICTURES. Cause I want to. XD They're awesome.1. Kenneth in his PJs. HAHAHA.
2. Breakfast Club! post it.
3. Dance Hoodie pic.
4. Brollys on top of the lockers. They're so pretty.
And I'm sure there's more, but I forget. XD
Musical was okay today, I managed to stay for the whole thing cause I skipped ballet. Aww, but anywho, HURRAY, FIRS TIME! And I ruined the finale picture when I realised I was wearing my shorts. XD Eep. Then piano was okay, cause I brought only one book, so stress was minimalised, and like, we played random songs. XD Then I met mum and sis at Slaza Sing and bought a tank and FBTs. OH I SAW CLEMENT! WITH SOMEONE. HAHAHAHA. Then we took the MRT back, WHERE I SAW MS KHOO! Seeing so many people today. XD Then we went to Kovan's Guardian, where I bought mascara, face wash and foot stuff. HAHA. Thank goodness for the $50 voucher. XD Ballet's really bad for me. DX But I love it anywho. Yaaaay.
I'm full of yay. XD <3
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I can't wait to play it. XD Tonight, perhaps! YAAAY.
Oh and we finally got the musical shirt. A little big, and I would've rather it said cast, not crew, but I'm happy with it. XD It's comfy.
Eeek. So much to do by tomorrow.
2. Chinese zuo wen
3. Chinese worksheet
4. PW
5. Econs
6. Running tomorrow
Eeeeeeek. Swamped. DX
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
TODAY WAS INSANE.Like, we didn't have to run 2.4 again cause we improved, but we did 3 rounds, 15 inclined pull-ups and get this, 40 sprints up the bleachers.
I wanted to die. Eeeeeek.
Well, it's famous in our family. XD
Or with me.
Eek but dad's back for dinner! OHNOES. No time. DX Unless she cook after, and I'll eat less. HAHA. Her potato pancakes are love, seriously. Yummmm.
So like, today was BORING. Like, can you say math lecture? I was falling asleep during chinese and math. But PW time passed quickly. Harhar. Maybe cause I had cookies. XD And like, I have the files nicely sorted and everything necessary printed out. I'm happy. XD
And musical was a technical rehearsal, so it was boring and a waste of time. Basically talked about heaps of pointless stuff and we mooched around doing really lame things cause we were just so bored. So like, I'm not doing the SYF dance. Oh well. It's okay I guess cause it's too late and I'll prolly weigh them down. It would've been nice though. NEVERMIND. I already have the hiphop formation to worry about. Eek.
Econs test tomorrow, and even though I'm tired, I have to sleep late cause I'm gna study. And I can't even go online long enough to tide me through. DX And I have to live through tomorrow. Everything seems a tab bit bleak, but I'm not gna let it get to me.
Cause I still can text you, even though it doesn't feel quite the same. I love you darl. <3
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Trial-ish run yesterday.15.07.
And here I thought I improved vastly. DX Yeah right. All of 31 seconds faster than the last one, and a mere 16 seconds faster than my last year's PFT. It's my fastest time ever in my life but I'm aiming to get faster. No excuse cause PE is so intense. I shouldn't walk.
So like, I could run with my iPod! Burn It Down is a kickass running song! Synyster Gates solos my legs on. <3
Today I borrowed Aleem's jacket. I looked like Isha. HAHA. And he made me stick my pen into my hair. The fluffy "padeep" pen. HAHAHA loser. XD I basically bunned up my hair for the whole day, and apparently it looked very short. Like, people kept asking me if I cut it. And one told me I looked like a serious ballerina. I just thought I looked snooty. DX But it feels really good cause there's no ponytail flipping around in the way. XD
And for GP, we watched this China student video, and everyone's like a mugger. OMG. I got so inspired to study. Yet, after I reached home, I slept for 2 hours and am now using the computer. HAHAHA. Go figure.
Tomorrow's musical. AH. We're getting our shirts tomorrow! YAAAAAY I LOVE YOU MANDA AND FEL. <333333 I'll miss everyone so much la. Kenneth, he's like the only aunty person I know. And Lionel's like, teeheehee. Shuai wor! You should comb your hair more often. XD But now he's gone and CUT IT. DX
I want a dog. Perdy. <3 It feels great, now that I can message you everyday without worrying. Much. XDDDDD
Absolutely drive you wild.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Double entendre
Ballet and musical were both pretty good today. XDCept Joyce didn't come today again. EEK. Had to do the prison scene. So awkward while holding the mike. Cannot make the scene la. Hahaha. And the last scene was SO fake. XDDDDDD Retarded la ya'll, I love you guys. XD
I'm wearing my cute shirt. HAHA. It's so funny. XDDDDDDD Last night I spoke to Britty, it was so nice to talk to her, haven't done that in a while. What happened to the four of us anyways. DX I love you guys and I missed the times we had. WEDDING. XD
And you know OMG I watched this Hall Of Fame video last night, and this little girl was dancing to a covered song. AND GET THIS. PAINTED BLACK BY THE UNSEEN, COVERED BY VANESSA CARLTON. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. I was so shocked. But it's pretty good. XD
I love youyouyouyouyou. Only you. <333333333
But as for YOU,
I don't care about you anymore.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
TIRING. MY FEET. SWEATED BUCKETS. STINKY SWEATY GUYS WALKING PAST YOU.Strangely enough, I only danced and played Pick-Up-Stix, not any events. HAHA.
PS, I won. XD
But we danced so much, and I had so little time to eat, so I ate only a little today. XD Pretty proud of myself. HAHA. And for all our practices and me yelling at people cause I was too short to be heard (eek), we totally screwed up. Like, less than halfway, we FORGOT our steps! OMG la retarded. But we just freestyled to the end. XD Everyone wanted to redo, but I felt it wouldn't be fair. I got over it pretty quickly, cause it was only a day that we had to learn the dance, which wasn't really cohesive either. Poor Haniel was kinda distraught though. I had to leave so I couldn't pei him for a while.
After the performance, I didn't watch the skit and prize presentation cause I was outside cooling off. HAHA. Talked to Jonas. He isn't half bad, though really frank. XD Hahaha. I HAD DURIAN TONIGHT. And more of sis' potato pancakes. Really improved, I love. <3
Whitney Houston's one line chorus is really meaningful, ironically. XD <33333333333
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Went to the Library's computer room during lunch today. XDI got happy. Hahaha.
Today was like, boring, and sleepy. And pretty demoralising during PW. ARGH. But the good bit of the day was my love. XD And the fact that my tie didn't feel so retarded during CT. I looked pretty good too. XD Especially in the mirror outside the loo by Crossroads. I think it's the lighting. XD My complexion just looked way nice. HAHA.
So during CT there was this really graphic sex talk. Like, I don't wna talk about it, cause the image'll just come to my mind. IT'S SO GROSS.
For those who were there, the slide after skin cancer with three pictures, the last one. EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW.
And after that was about animals and their rights. Much better. The animals were so cute. And treated unfairly. DX I'm so volunteering at that place. Eek, better find out where and what it is first. HAHA. Doesn't look like I'm going anywhere soon. XD There was a booth with really cute slogans on tees, but I didn't have money or time. DX A couple of people cried over this monkey story. Hahaha.
After all that was the course for StreetBattle for SR Olympics tomorrow. It was tiring cause I stood for over 2 hours. But it was fun. XD The instructor kept acting ghey. HAHA so cute. XD Then after that, still had to practice the Let's Dance one for tomorrow. Eek. Gotta report at like 6.30, super early. To practice. I hope the white pants from dance fit. Meeh. Bringing loads of stuff tomorrow, can hardly wait. O.o
Monday, April 14, 2008
STRIKES AGAIN!She was wearing her glasses upside down after I looked up from prayers with a retarded look on her face. HAHAHAHA so funny. XD
I'm glad I have her around. XD
OH I forgot to mention that I bought a cool shirt yesterday too. XD It goes something like Cute Fluffy Bunnies Who Just Don't Wna Live Anymore. Cause the picture is of this bunny getting ready to blow up the Leaning Tower of Pisa. HAHAHAHA. XDDDDDDDD
I was so happy in school today. XD So everything seemed to turn out fine. Even my blouse was the way I wanted it to be for the first time ever! Hahahaha. Tomorrow's the dance course. Eek. So excited. XDDD
I love you, Bryan. <333
Sunday, April 13, 2008
I love MUM. XD
She's just so cute. HAHAHA.Like just now, sis was like chasing her zombie-style and she was like running and laughing away and hid behind me, and I was like wtf's happening? Then I looked up, saw sis and I started to screech. HAHA. XDDDD
And after that, mum wanted to dig my ears, and apparently it was so gross. Then she put it on this loo roll sheet and sis knocked it to the ground, and she pointed at it and went EEEEEWWWWW with her eyes shut and head thrown back, laughing. HAHAHA. XD
Mum's seriously cute. ILU MUM. <333
I'm happy with today so far. We went to Queensway where I got a new pair of converse. They're kids converse with elastic laces, but they're so cute cause they have the word Zombie onnit in green, and I thought of Rob Zombie, so I wanted those. XD And the fact that I can fit into kids' shoes makes me pretty proud sometimes. Heehee. Although it means my feet hurt more. DX Oh well. HAHA. I wouldn't have to have gone through too much pain in China long ago. HAHAHAHA. XDDDDDDDDD Then I went and got a Nike Shoebag, those with the handle that lets you unzip two zips, and so the hole's nice and big, for $17 dollars. A good buy, all in all. XD Mum got her salary recently, so I could get new stuff. Reached my quota though. DX Oh well, she's awesome.
Econs tuition tonight. Eurgh, pretty boring, but I need it. I was the one that asked for it. Wow, work attitude's really changed. XD But I need to rev it up a little more, I'm slacking, and just doing fine, so who's to say I can't do great if I pull up my socks a lil more? XDDD Taas ya'll!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I think we're not friends anymore.Just accquaintences.
It wasn't settled, but it just seems like it.
You're psychic. XD Something big DID happen. Well it wasn't big, but it was Dad again so yer.
HAHA I need to trust your instinct more often. XD
So today's musical was like long again. I had to skip ballet cause of it, cause Joyce didn't come. Boo. And some stupid things happened.
It's just that I hate it when you lecture me about stuff you don't know shit about.
So piano was pretty good, you just don't think about stuff when you sit down to play. <3 Now I know how to answer myself everytime I ask myself why I'm still continuing with this. I may not know it, but piano may just as well be my life. <3
Sometimes I feel left out. I wonder what happened to us. But then I see my other friends and I don't feel so bummed anymore.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
My quads hurt like hell. DXWell not really, but they just feel weird. XD
PE was killer today. Did two rounds, 25 glute jumps, 20 jumps-on-that-step-thingy, 20 rounds sprinting up the bleachers in the gallery and sprinting 6 times. ARGH. Tomorrow I'll feel the pain. XD I just know it! GAH.
Musical was like, not musical at all. XD We spent the time shifting boxes and frames and such, and assembling "stages". It was like MANUAL LABOUR and we kept saying that council line from the musical. HAHA. It was pretty fun, cause we could watch the dancers dancing in the hall, it was epic and really gorgeous. I miss dance. DX And this graduated senior came back to help with the SYF piece, he's hot. XD I was like eye-ing him the whole while. And he's a pretty decent dancer. In my opinion, the graduating batch took most of the talent with them. BOOHOO. I'm not saying the J2s or J1s aren't good, cause some of them are, but then again, some of them aren't. Yeah. Oh well. Went to the RR to sing Happy Days together with the band and choir, and get this, they were so STIFF. I mean, it's a fun song! So at the musical interval, the musical cast were like grooving and clapping, and everyone like turned back with this WTF look on their faces. So annoying. As if we were aliens or something. PLEASE. They're the ones who are behaving so stiffly. Bah. Nevermind, we know how to have fun, and that's what counts.
And one more annoying thing that happened; Jonas, Jeremy and JunLong "confronted" Haniel about him not being happy with their class, not liking Keagan and laughing at them during Geog. Eurgh. So drama. I mean, if someone laughs at you, you gotta have to be doing something funny or stupid. Tsk. But at least Jonas was being kinda nice-ish and not mean, like asking him to try not to do this again, and JunLong wasn't too bad, but that Jeremy, kept swearing and acting tough. I mean, whatever, it's so eye-rolling la his attitude. Yeah that's right, I'm saying it here. If you're man enough to come find me, so be it. Tsk. He just gives me the impression that he's trying to fit in, trying to make up for his height. Like, I saw the "ol peekaboo checkered boxers" above his berms and he's always acting tough. I just really don't like people like that. I have a name for those kinda people. Poseurs. It's just, eurgh. I'm not insulting him; I don't know him personally. And if people argue on that basis that I know what kinda person he is, and for all I know, he could be awesome (doubt it), I'll just tell you that if I don't know him, impressions are all I can get right now. And my impression of him isn't very good, to say the least. And if anyone's reading this, whatever's said in the blog STAYS in this blog. I'm just so annoyed right now.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
There are complications between us.We both know it's there, but we don't acknowledge it.
So when I'm by myself at night and it's safe to take out and study our mess of cross-stitch conversations, I try to make sense of, and attempt to unsuccessfully untangle, all the knotted up strings we pretended not to have made.
I wonder if you know what you're doing to me.
Was boring as usual. DX But the only fun I had was like with my pals, duh. XDI TICKLED ALEEM! FINALLY!!!
Only once, but yeah, you get my sense of achievement. XDDDDDD
CT period had this talk when this person came to talk about some copright law thingys. And it was so boring, and what's silly is that:
1) The school's wasting money on what we won't pay attention to
2) The school SCOLDS US for not paying attention.
HELLO. We're teenagers. With short attention spans. And even shorter ones when you're talking about this kinda BORING thing. Tsk. Whatever.
It was like raining super hard, so Clifford walked me to the bus stop with his brolly. Still stepped in puddles though. HAHA. Then the bus came like so soon, and Clifford got on without realising!! HAHA. So he followed me to J8, we went to Popular for my fountain pen refills and we bought a part of Kim's present! Shit on a stick. HAHAHA. XD It's one of those stuff toys on the stick at MiniToons la. XDDD
Then Bryan came, and I PS-ed Clifford. DX And we just went to Coffee Bean and talked for like an hour. HAHA. What a way to spend the time. And now I'm just a teensy bit wired from the coffee. HAHA. He's leaving tomorrow. MY BILL CAN BE SAVED!! HAHA. XDDDDDDDDD I'm gna go talk to people now. XD Neglecting is teh none goodz. <333333
Sunday, April 6, 2008
ARGH!!!I feel like making a shirt:
Not just another 24-hour virus.
Now, if only I could find a place that makes special shirts NOT in bulk. Or maybe I should make it in bulk and make it our musical tee. XD Hmm. Maybe I should raise that idea. XD
I realised something.
I only ever go to HMV when I'm with you. XD
No, seriously. When I'm not in you and I wna go in, I can't cause of time constraint or some other shit.
It's our place.
I'll make time for a day.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
WE WILL ROCK YOU WAS BEYOND FABULOUS. IT WAS BEYOND AMAZING. IT WAS WAAAAY BEYOND SPECTACULAR. I stood up for the first time ever to clap. Standing ovation, so to speak. I didn't even do that for Phantom of the Opera. But in a way, it's reasonable cause I can actually relate to this musical. It's my lifestyle, my life. Duh. XD I'm not Phantom everyday, but I am ROCK everyday. <333333WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ROCK.
Firstly, there was this slideshow thingy. Basically We Will Rock You is set in the future. And music got banned in 2040. OMG RIGHT. So everything's like in cyberspace, clothes are downloaded, and all music has to be programmed by the ruling world company Global Soft, and basically the life of the people in Planet Mall, and Gaga Land (think RADIOGAGA) is like a conformist preppy society. Eurgh. -shudder- But there are these "Bohemians" who've gone underground and generally into hiding that want to find the true music, Gaz and Scaramouche included, and this fabulously awesomely glamorously amazing DIVA, KILLER QUEEN wants to oppress them, and never wants to let them have their Rhapsody (BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY!!). Pity she's evil, but that still goes not make her less awesome. XD OH and the Bohemians have really funny names, taken from salvaged POSTERS to try to find their true identity. YEAH RIGHT. HAHAHA. LIKE MADONNA FOR A FAT GUY AND VICTORIA BECKHAM FOR A MACHO KING DUDE. Oh and Ozzy Osbourne for this really cool girl. XDDDDD And there was this bit where a video tape (read: VID-DAY-YO TA-PEE) was played. Of Queen singing, of course. And Galileo was like WHO ARE THOSE AMAZING GIRLS. And the dude who played it was like THEY'RE BLOKES. And Galileo was all NO in le gasp fashion after like 10 seconds of silence. HAHA. It was crazy hilarious. XD In the end, of course, musical instruments that Queen hid were found, and everyone was happy. And they sang Bohemian Rhapsody at the end. XD
There were Queen songs all throughout (DUH) and it was sooooo amazing. It was like, the new and improved Queen. In massive scale and numbers of course. XD WE KEPT SINGING ALONG. And the audience was great, cheering and clapping and all that. XD It was so fun and informal. And there were Singapore references. XD Like Queen's musical based on their greatest hits being showed in Esplanade, Theatre On The Bay, Phua Chu Kang, Fried Rice Paradise, and "SORRY LA." XDDDDDDDDDDD
The costumes and the set were gorgeous, indescribable, breathtaking, and generally my style. XD I WANT THEM. HAHA. The lighting didn't fall short of those qualities either. XD It was too amazing and really marvellous.
So I just can't find the words to describe it. Those words up there basically are too shallow. Or maybe it's my vocabulary. NO. SINCE I'M SO FABULOUS AND AWESOME, I'M GNA INVENT ONE. Like jsdhlgkjhlksdfh.
KILLER QUEEN WAS jsdhlgkjhlksdfh.
GALILEO FIGARO WAS jsdhlgkjhlksdfh.
SCARAMOUCHE WAS jsdhlgkjhlksdfh.
OMG and one more thing, THE BAND. SO AWESOME!! Two drummers, one solo-ist SHREDDER who looks SO CUTE AND DORKY BUT YOU SHOULD SEE HIM AT THE GUITAR. He did Bohemian Rhapsody's solo HONOUR.
I'm in love with it. Got the CD and badge set. I'll remember this performance for the rest of my life, and I'm definitely gna be watching it again. <33333333333
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Had to run up to the gallery twice, do burpees (WHAT??) and shuttle runs. Like three times. It was kinda like a relay thingy. And by the second round, our people were everywhere. DX It was so messy, I got so frustrated. GAH. Nevermind, it's over. But I was so tired, I wanted to faint! Like, the world was in technicolour. Now I gotta train for PE. HAHAHA. Imagine that. So ironic. PE is supposed to help you train for your NAPFA, and here I am training for PE. But today was insane. If I can do this okay-ish, 2.4 will be a breeze! And I got more tan. Bah.Meeh. So musical was really fun today. XD Prolly the most relaxed practice ever. Chris was like kinda high, so it was funnn. And we learnt Happy Days, a real nice song. Couldn't help dancing everytime we were singing it! And Chris kept fast forwarding through scenes, so we goofed around like a whole lot. XD So it was awesome today. XD
Tomorrow I'm gna was up at 5.30, to run. XD Train, I told you! PLUS if you run in the morning before you eat anything, you'll burn your fats for energy cause your insulin and sugar levels are low after 10 hours of fasting. XD Yaaay. So sleeping as early as possible. XD Taas! <333
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
April Fools!
HAPPY APRIL FOOLS!So, as tradition goes, I brought Rudolf to school. Initially, I thought I forgot him, so I was kinda upset, but he turned out to be in my bag! Clever boy. XD Scared a few people. Only a handful. Shocked them, at least. The numbers seem to be decreasing every year. DX Don't worry Rudolf, I STILL LOVE YOU! <33333333
Spoke to Dwayne today, found out a lot. I think I helped him. XD Hopefully I did. Thanks Dwayne, for talking to me. ILU. <3
Then supposed to buy bubbletea today - OMG this Metallica covered song, Astronomy, has this gorgeous solo riff around 5.30, SEXY SHIT I LOVE IT SO MUCH. <33333. So where was I? Oh yes. Bubbletea. But rain like suddenly POURED. So I couldn't. DX Sad.
Then CT period had to BUTTON ALL THE WAY and wear this tie. Felt so constricted, like I couldn't breathe. At least it wasn't the christmas tree. XDDDD This new one's nicer. Way nicer.
After CT was a house meeting, HANIEL GOT VICE-CAPTAIN FOR HOUSE!!! CONGRATS HANIEL. But the voting wasn't fair. We were saving our votes for Secretary for Xing, but then they decided to pick the top three in the Captain position. Wtf. Stupid la. Signed up for street battle and had to pay three dollars. O.o Whatever lor. But I seriously don't see how the upgrading of the school gym fund has anything to do with us dancers. Nevermind.
Walked home with Ellen, talked about dance stuff. XD Was awesome. Taas. I'm gna go reply on msn. Feel bad. HAHAHA. So slowwww. XD <33333333