Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Omg. Guess what WEIRD ASS THING I found on my sister's friend's friend's blog.Last night,
thinking of u,
one tear rolled out,
i asked why r u out?
Tear said, "there is someone so beautiful in ur eyes,and now there is no place for me."
AYG's over... DX
AYG'S OVER. DDDDDDXIt's saaaad. Rah. No more dancers to chor lor with, no more "man". RAAAAAAAAH. I took a pikchah with a really hot India guy. XD He put his arm around my shoulders! EEEEEEEEE. Heeheehee. He was so cuuute. The Kazhakstan guys were the best man, but they seemed above us, how disgusting.
So today we were allowed to go to school late, at 10. But the moment I came in I had to sit down to an econs test. O.o But after that only had geog and an extra lit lesson, so it was all good. Hahaha. Pity I have to face full school tomorrow onwards. I'm still in the holiday mood. NUUUU SOMEONE SAVE ME HOLIDAYS ARE OVER.
Ezra has my rings, I better get them back tomorrow! I say rings in plural cause dad bought me a really nice silver ring from USA! He also got me like pink, purple and black pretty bangles, two Banana Republic perfumes, one smelling like my White Summer Musk from Body Shop and some weird Chunky soup prepacked in a plastic microwave bowl. Hahaha talk about imported technology. XD I also got my MCR stuff delivered today! YEY. It would be really lovely, if it wasn't so small. O.o I told mum to get a bigger size! Not as if the size I chose really helped, cause that was adult. But she made me get youth medium! Which is like actually for kids. Ohmygodzilla. So I won't wear that shirt unless it's with a jacket or something. What a waste... DX It's really really really cool. Maybe I'll go merch shopping another day or something. I also got the inhaler notebook and file, which I will be bringing tomorrow!
I've been having a serious craving for Jap food. I know I'm gna be spending a lot, but I'm jumping at the next chance I get to go to that lovely GWC place again! EEEEEEE IT IS LOVE. <3 I found out the name!<
Sunday, June 28, 2009
I'm so freaked out. Hahaha. But today damn slack. Tuition cancelled, cause Mr Fok got H1N1! And ballet also, I dno why. But Miss Gina got quarantined before. This H1N1 is disrupting everything! Got almost 500 cases already. Dno who tell me that if it hits 500, schools will be closed. HAHA I HOPE LUH. But elearning SUCKS.
Last night after the AYG opening, Michael, Ezra, Dwayne, Moses, Daniel, Isaac, Jiawen, Maria and I went to Hougang to eat. After much debate, we settled for Pastamania. I hate wasting food but I NEVER SEEM TO FINISH MY FOOD NOWADAYS. DX Maybe I over order. After that, we went to the arcade! Played the dancing machine thingy there, don't think it was DDR cause it was kinda confuzzling. RAH. DX
I played piano in church today, then after that went to Great World City to eat lunch! We went to the Jap place with Nic's fam, and we had a fab lunch. I had cha soba, sashimi, chawanmushi, miso soup, eel rice and fruit. A LOT HOR. And it was like 20 dollars like that. It was so delicious, and the cha soba was a lot a lot, and again, I was unable to finish. I kept raving about the dipping soy sauce, though it's kinda insignificant. HAHA but it's really really good quality leh, not some rubbish Kikkoman soy sauce. It was sweet and like not hair-droppingly salty. Anyways, for really good quality food, I think it was supremely worth it. <3 I recommend everyone to go there! Level 1 of GWC I think, just check it out. The only Jap restaurant on that level. Hahaha. For more westerny Jap food, go to level three!
After lunch, sis and I went to Time Zone upstairs. I got a new card cause there was a promo, top up 20, get 40 worth of value! Went to DDR and House of Dead 4 for a while. So relaxing eh. Never enjoyed a Sunday afternoon so much before. Hahaha.
Tomorrow's AYG! EEEEE. I'm so not used to this rest day cause for like the past four days, we were dancing every afternoon. I can't wait for tomorrow, nervy as I am! I'm conveniently overlooking the fact that I have school for 4 hours before cause it doesn't seem as significant. HAHAHA. Despite another fact that I haven't done any homework. OHGAWD, I don't wna go back to school!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Sis was trying to insult my "lao pok" laptop. HAHA. She went through camera, wallet, iphone and picture before saying laptop. Everyone's forgetting words today. HAHA.xoxo
Thursday, June 25, 2009
AYG live broadcast!
Dead chuffed.
I'm dead chuffed. Hahaha, cause I got a good day today. It's not really like an AWESOME day, but it's one of those days that you don't get problems, like things just go alright, but not bad. I just feel like we should be grateful for them, and I recognised it today. Well, except for the fact that I lost my sheet music, and I'm due playing on sunday, but heck that, I'm a happy person. XDFirstly, I got the right sized leotard and short tights today, which is like a major for me cause I NEVER get the right sizes. I'm like the epitome of unluck when it comes to getting the right sizes. And it happened TWICE. Secondly, I didn't get any broken props today. Thirdly, we were damn high today, laughing and cheering like mad at the country names flashed on the LED screen for some reason. Although my bun came out, it was no biggie. HAHA. Lastly, the bus ride home was way fun. Whooo. I enjoyed today, and even though it was kinda tiring, it was good fun. XD
Tomorrow's two full out runs. Ohman, tiringggg. And I won't be sleeping til like the wee hours of the morning. GRACIOUS. I need to hunt for a new hair net. OH but another good thing today, I just forgot. HAHAHAHA. OH RIGHT we got the finale dance. LIKE FINALLY! XD Instead of making fools out of ourselves in front of the Mayflower SECONDARY dancers. HAHAHA. I'm off now! Tired. Hahahaha, turrah!
AYG rehearsals!
Omg the first day of AYG rehearsals started yesterday. It was pretty tough, cause there's a heap load of running to do. HAHA. And they wanted real dancers in this mass display. They might as well give it to the regular NPCC and NCC people; they're prolly more used to running than us! Today is gna be another tiring day, but not as gruelling as yesterday, it's only starting at about 1. And we have to bring food, we learnt our lessons!Yesterday I actually broke my fan during practice. HAHAHA. But it's cause it was taking all the impact of the bloody S-wave thing okay! NOT MY FAULT, I'M NOT CHOR LOR! So I'm using Ellen's one, temporarily, until they get mine fixed. XD Ezra and I had a drinking competition at the end of the day cause we had to finish our water, and I chugged like 600ml at one go. Ohmygodzilla it was kinda awful. It was mineral water too, and I totally felt like hurling after. HAHAHA what regrets. I couldn't make it for dinner yesterday with some fools who asked me, but I think today can, if they're interested in going. HAHA. I was also asked to watch transformers today like at 10am by Ezra, but he's NUTS. I mean, I"m not gna rush all the way like mad dude, and even risk being late. I don't like push-ups. HAHA. Instead, I'm gna be a lazy bum and sit at home, and order Macs for lunch. XDDDDDDD
PS, the day before yesterday, Haniel and I went to eat Suki Sushi! CAN YOU SAY FREE FLOW SASHIMI?! YEAH, BE JEALOUS FOOLS!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Saw myself on TV!

After everyone's been telling me, I FINALLY saw myself on TV! In the AYG advertisement, I totally saw myself doing the flippy fan thing. HAHAHA. I look kinda sotong, a funny thing to be proud of, but at least I was one the tube. 1 second of fame. HAHA.
I was alone in tuition today! But it's alright, cause time seemed to pass fast, together with Normal Distribution questions. Fatin and Aleem didn't come cause they were studying for the geog test tomorrow, and I was merrily doing math. How unappropriate, really. HAHAHA.
I got a Superpoke Pet! It's so cute. XD But methinks the novelty will wear off fast, it isn't as awesome as Pet Society. Meeting SH tomorrow. Gna go to amk then coming back to Kovan to eat bak kut teh. Where's the sense in that, TELL ME. I absolutely protest against eating my own kind! Yeah well, this is resignation to my identity, seeing as it is SO ADAMANTLY perceived by others to be so. PIGS FTW!
New look!
NEW LOOK! And it's highlightable too!Durn, means no secret posts no more.
So if James still reads my blog, she can highlight. XDDDDDDDD

So it's like 10am, and I'm still home. GOD and it's gna rain. By the time I actually get off my procrastinating lazy ASS and get to school, it's gna come down in roses. Well, buckets of rain actually but roses sound nice. HAHA. But it's not my fault! I had to wake up at 7 bloody am to give Aleem a morning call, and his phone HAD NO CREDIT! Like hello, you expect me to call you when you have no credit and half a brain (early morning syndrome)?? So I went back to sleep, periodically waking up to reply to smses in like 30 minute intervals. Must've been frustrating for the recipient. HAHA. Then I used the sense which only comes to me about 9.30am to call Aleems house phone, and VOILA! His mum got him to the phone. Hohoho. And he'll be in school by 11. I hope. It's gna rain like a mutha, sky's super freaking grey...
My friday night's taken again. HAHA. Even though the next day's the preview and I have to report at 9.30. GAWD I dno what's good for me. Hahahahaha but tis a fun game to play. XD It's like Cuihua and Dhot all over again. HAHAHAHA.
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Even if you totally dno how to treat girls sometimes.
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I feel so giggly. Hahahahahaha.
"When you play with fire..." - Haniel
I hate people who don't mind their own biznus.

Eeee I totally hate people who don't mind their own biznus (business). Bu guan ni de shi, go spread for what! Fucking kay poh kia. Ohman. I think someone's influence is rubbing off on me. A certain gangster boyboy/pig. XD
Okay, now that that's over with, HAHAHA. MY PINK HEADPHONES BROKE!!!! DDDDDDDDDDDDDX So I can't let ya'll wear them again, cause it requires the outward pressure of the phones to keep it attached. If ya'll don't get me and are actually interested in this rubbish, you can find me to find out! HAHA.
Tomorrow's the last day to prepare before geog exam. For some reason I'm not taking it seriously. And I just got reminded through Fatin's blog that PRELIMS ARE 8 WEEKS AWAY.
Can you say OHMYGODZILLA!!!
Chionging tomorrow in school with Aleem, have to wake him up at 7. O.o MEANS I HAVE TO WAKE UP AT THAT UNEARTHLY HOUR MYSELF. Nuuuuuuu. And I have to write my SGC on tuesday after the bloody test somemore, before I go out for dinner with SH. Hahahaha. He got cough, that bodoh dno how to take care of himself. I'm gna bring my honey sweets and force them on him! MUAHAHA.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Dirty *giggle* things.

I wna drive stick.
I'd tap that.
Bananas have fourskins.
Life savers.
And you can lick my lollipop.
Dingdong bell, pussy in a well.
That's so dirty;
That's what she said.
Merchant Court!
I forgot to blog about an amazing food experience! HAHA I bet Xing totally hates me now. XD On wednesday, cause dad took off, we went to Swissotel's Merchant Court for International Buffet. The sashimi was okay only, think it was the soy sauce that spoilt everything, cause proper sauce isn't so salty and it's a bit sweet, not like that low grade sauce they gave that tasted suspiciously like Kikkoman! DX But what was MOST memorable was their desert! Some durian puree thing. FREAKING NICE. <33333 I actually got goosebumps eating it! So yummyyy. It's the first food to give me that kinda reaction. People, it's like 20-30, like Sakura, MUST EAT.So I ton last night. XD Hahaha. I'm playing, that's all girls. Don't worry about me, even though you pretend not to, Yixin! I love ya'll babes, but don't worry. XD <3
Friday, June 19, 2009
I'm an amateur stalker. Hahaha.So I just found out something, kinda made my mood go off. DX
And gets me wondering if I'm doing the right thing or not.
Forget it Bex, just go play.
Have fun.
XD Maybe I will.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Back to maple! XD

I BROKE MY SHOWERHEAD TODAY. I DNO HOW. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Pulled it a little and BAM it came off in my hands. O.o
Oh btw people.
So you'll be seeing less of me now. XD
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Crabs for dinner!

We had crabs for dinner today! Hahahaha. Waited damn long, but it was pretty worth it. I love House Of Seafood! <333333 XING! I'm blogging about food again! XDDDD
Today I went to ballet. Discovered a line that I look pretty great in. YEY. XD Went to church too. For some reason everyone was high today. We sang happy songs and did a ghey dance. HAHA. Then when we went to our smaller groups, we were all laughing like MAD. HAHAHAHA. Goodness, for no reason too. I love that kinda laughter. XDDD Though we should've sanctified the place of God and such, but I'd like to think that He brought us joy today. XD
I got an email on facebook reminding us that there were only 15 more days til the AYG preview. And I totally got this Godzilla Sinking Feeling (GSF) in my tummy. Might've been the crabs, since they're "Seafloor Creatures" and all, but I seriously doubt it. But I think the GSFs'll come way stronger on that day. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Especially cause there're so many surprises that we have to get just right! And performing with props is always risky. Fans aren't good for sweaty palms eh?! AND WHAT IF THE DAMNED OPEN-EY THINGIES GET STUCK LIKE THEY ALWAYS FREAKING DO!!! Omg stop freaking out!!! Makes it do massive quakes in my tummy everytime I think about it! DDDDDDDX
Bex needs to chill! [/creepythirdpersonnarration]
PS: I googled crabs and got a HIV result! GGGGGGGGGGGG.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Can I really get over it? I hope so.

"Things will fall into place somehow."
Suddenly I feel a little brighter. Haha. I dno why. I guess it's the moment of dawning I have in all of my breakups. Occurs around a few weeks later. XD First the pain, tears, sadness, about a week. Then anger, for a while, depending. Then acceptance.
Maybe things will be better now. I dno if there'll be another bout of hurt, but I have a feeling I'll emerge well. I'll get over it just fine, in time. Hopefully, soon, I'll forget.
When I need you.

I got an email talking about going to God when we need him and throwing him away when we don't need him. I guess it's like that with everybody, not just with God. When we need someone, we go to them and make them think like they're worth something. When we don't need them, it's disposal time.
Oh btw. I ate shabu shabu with some sashimi with Fon at Clarke Quay. Damn ex, but DAMN YUMMY! XDDDDDDDDDDD Get this, Xing! HAHAHA. I had a good time today, ate at Pastamania. Edward actually came along! I know right! Oh, and apparently I really did lose weight, according to Edward. Hahaha. I'll ask him about my weight one; he's my gauge. So I had a great time, laughed like mad at Cuihua's multiple capture shots; we looked like animations! Utterly ridiculous. XD I missed laughing like that, haven't laughed so hard in weeks.
I hate this sadness. Sometimes I ask myself if it's worth it. I'm hanging doggedly onto something that I really want to let go. But at the same time, I don't wna let go. This fucks, seriously. I wna sleep forever.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
After "dance camp!"
Well! After three days and two nights from being away from home, I'm back! XD I can't really divulge much here, lest there be some unwanted readers. Ya'll know, I think. Hahaha. But I had fun. XD Swam a great deal. I seem to like swimming more and more nowadays. Hopefully I can go again soon. Need to build up my stamina for WillRun and AYG cause there's heaps of running ground apparently! Curse my luck for being in the middle!Apparently I've lost weight. I haven't been eating much recently. Feeling full faster, like I have no appetite. Well I would know why. Yeah. And I guess after eating less for a while, your stomach shrinks, hence a fall in capacity. Omg sounds like geog. EEEEE.
I usually don't put videos on my blog, like never, more like. Hahaha. But this song really means something. If you hear the lyrics, well, it reflects a heap of me right now. <3
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Went swimming today. XD It was heaps fun. Sis and I swam for a bit, I swam the breadth of the pool in three breaths! Then we mucked around at the kid's area, shooting water at each other until we looked like two prunes. XD Went to the sauna, got heated up for like 2 minutes before we wanted out. HAHAHA.
Had math tuition after that in the evening with Aleem and Fat. Aleem and I were late cause I picked him up at school, and when we reached we went to buy bubbletea and fries. HAHAHA. Luckily he called then. That dude is always forgetting we have tuition! We had fun during tuition, laughs all around. XD And Mr Gan is damn sadistic. HAHAHA.
Met Haniel, so I kinda just got home. We met, ate and talked. XD Brought my defective board cause I thought it'd speed things up. MY FOOT. I'm SO getting a new one! I can't wait for tomorrow. XD My last chance to have fun before I have to hit the books. And it's not even halfway through the hols, like I so know right! I can't wait for AYG though, EXCITING. Hahaha.
I'm gna hit the hay soon, right after Christy's finished unloading some goss on me about her and Cory La Quay totally hitting it off! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Loneliness comes with night.
During the day, it's totally possible for me to be brave. I even convince myself at some points of time.But then the loneliness comes with the night.
And I lose the strength I thought I had.
I'm afraid of something I don't know.
This needs to stop.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Ye ye.

So I went to some early father's day celebration with my fam, including grandparents on dad's side. So annoying; cause of that I had to miss church. And in the end, we set out when my service should've ended. And it's not like the parentals told me in advance in a reasonable manner. It was on the way home (to church, as I thought) at about 3.45, just 15 minutes before I was supposed to be at church, then did the parental units INFORM me that I shouldn't go cause of the fucking dinner, and stay at home and rest. Annoyance to no end.
We went to the restaurant Singapura, where they have cold crab, and the food in the end wasn't all satisfying cause my mind and heart activity reached this week's climax for some reason, and I had the most terrible fluttering in me. It's bad. DX ANYWAYS, I DIGRESS. On the way to the place, I found out that apparently, some acquaintence of my yeye in Malaysia died. Comatose for a week then died I think. He hit his head or something. But that's not really important, cause I didn't know the poor deceased. What's more significant is something interesting yeye said.
"With all these old people, every phone call is a frightening thing."
Pretty deep huh. Sometimes people just say things that really mean something without thinking. I think those are special moments of our lives we have to witness. It's really true, makes you think a lot, and makes me not wna grow old! DX
But yeye's not all that philosophical either; he's racist. HAHA. Well, people of their generation tend to judge people by the colour of their skin, so I guess it can't be helped if it's ingrained. Cause mum took the mrt to Little India and walked to the restaurant to meet us cause the car couldn't fit all 6 of us, and yeye was like, "All these blacks around, can't be too careful." Or something along those lines, I pretty much got the first part correct, and the gist of the whole thing. But it's kinda unreasonable cause why would a guy like be a threat just cause he's coloured? A chinese man, or someone of your own ethnicity could be as equally dangerous. It's in the nature, not the colour of your skin. There're still quite a few people going around that are like that, but maybe they're more racist cause of their dislike of other ethnic habits.
Then again, all of us are racist in some way. Though that's no excuse; it's whether we let that innate racism affect our actions and behavior towards other. Just imagine it this way, you're walking alone on a street, and you see a man of a different colour walking towards you. Would you be more afraid, than if it was a man of your own ethnicity? It's the innate fear of the different and the Other that propells racism. But it's the intent to hurt by display of racism that counts. So just think about it.
My imaginary best friend.
I know most of ya'll prolly wouldn't expect this on my blog cause I don't really talk of such things. Hahaha, but I just wna say something.That I think, at the end of the day, you can only love God. He's the only one for you. Some of ya'll may think he's fictitious and such, but think of it like an imaginary best friend. But you know, when you were 7, your imaginary best friend was the perfect friend right? You could make them however you want, and you'd talk to them if you had no one else. Sometimes, when you were alone, wasn't your imaginary best friend the only person who talked to you, understood you, took your side, made you laugh and loved you unconditionally all at the same time? They didn't let you down.
Yeah a little philosophical, crossing-over-to-the-holy-side kinda thing, but I really feel quite strongly about this.
So God's my imaginary best friend, it's safer to invest all your feelings in him. Cause sometimes the people that matter the most to you, the people that you put your feelings into, they let you down, and disappoint you. Cause that's how fucked up the world is nowadays. So...
In God we trust.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Swinging at a window.
I feel kinda alone nowadays. HAHA.Pooh.
Many late sleepless nights.
You wna be friends, sure.
But a warning.
I don't really have any surviving outside school friendships, unless I see them like on a frequent basis, i.e. ballet friends ans cuh.
I wonder.
We might lose it.
You seem like you're enjoying life.
This image of a person sitting alone.
Swinging my legs, sitting on a window ledge.
I mentioned this before.
But for quite a few people, they get off, fall off, or just slide off the wrong way.
OMG last night's convo with Haniel was ridiculous.I MEAN IT.
Like HAHAHAHA I was laughing NON STOP for some reason. Like, something as lame as "I was jumping up and down in madness" (Boys Like Girls concert) got me laughing and laughing and laughing. HAHA I think I must've been a little insane then. And then there was this thing when Haniel remarked about how Austen from Hinder could sing Lips of an Angel even though it was in a really high key. So I tried and it was alright. THEN HE TRIED. And promptly after bellowing it out to reach the high bits...
"Oh shit, I realised that the whole house is sleeping and my parents already told me to keep it down."
After that, he still went to scream really really pitchy and high to reach his high notes and did it again! His preparation of excuses kinda went something along the lines of having a bad dream. HAHA WTFFFFF OMG that's so DUMB.
Tomorrow's his Singapore Idol audition!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Facial and principal's rally!
So I attended the principal's rally yesterday! It's amazing he didn't say much. XD I KNOW RIGHT. Instead, we watched this documentary about this dude's historical trip to Antarctica. It's really good, I cried at the end. <3O.o Ezra just sent me a link to a transexual comedian. HAHAHAHAHA.
Okay so then I cried even more in the afternoon cause of the facial. HAHA wow, it was really bad neh, I'm kinda embarrassed now. XD Now my face is post-facial. DX But it'll go down in a few days! Just sucks cause it's always like this during the holiday dance practices where the cute guys from deyi come. BAH. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG I'M SUCH A SHAMELESS PEDO.
So today was like the first dance practice we had in a while. For some reason, my right arm weakened, together with my hand, and I couldn't play with the fan properly. DX I dropped it like twice and I couldn't hold on to it for long. NOOOOOO. The guys got new flags! PURPLE AND PRETTY!! We mastered putting on the costume in 30 seconds, and we got new props and an entire new dance sequence, plus a finale. Oh the finale's a joke. XD But the costume got LED lights sewn to the hem of the white side! IT'S REALLY PRETTY. And the new prop is a pain; some collapsible gold/silver triangle with a gold cloth hanging from it. Kiaps my fingers everytime I opened it. Today many of these went for "operation". HAHA, cause the cloths kept coming off. TERRIBLE! It was tiring, I reached home and immediately slept til dinner. It's been a while since I did that. XD
Tomorrow'll be another today. And the day after that. And the day after. And after. Oh God.