Friday, February 29, 2008
FOUR BROTHERS IS ON NAO so I'll make this quick. XDSo basically, today I went to school, but not actually FOR school. Talk for one hour in the morning, then had chinese, which I ponned, and the timetable basically ended for me today. SO SLACK RIGHT. So I spent the spare time fooling around with Fon's laptop. AND HER WEBCAM. HAHA. XD
Then after that was musical, removed my shoes then realised everyone had their shoes on, so my feet were dirty for nothing. DX Joyce didn't come today, so I understudied. SO TOUGH LA. Almost every scene had to go out.
So I went to dance prac cause we ended around 5.15. Got there just in time to learn a dance, quite cool, but the last bit damn funny. HAHA. XD And now I feel so happy, cause I'm actually DANCING, which I LOVE. Haniel was kinda bad at it. HAHA. But I bet he'll improve. WOOT!
I was also very mean to Haniel today. SORRY HANIEL. But I'm like that, so. XD
Oh, and excellent news, I'M GETTING THE PURPLE SKULLCANDY LOWRIDERS!!! FINALLY RIGHT. XD Okay. So I have to watch Four Brothers now. I mean now. NAO.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008



SEE HOW INFERIOR IT MAKES PURPLE LOOK! So I can't ask for other people's opinions without them making an asthetically biased decision. My favorite colour's purple, but sis said take RED. Omg I really don't know what to do... To all of my FEW readers, tagboard poll PLEASE? But don't hurt my feelings just by writing what I want to hear. Gimme a reason for you choice. <333 Thanks all.
So today lessons as usual, then had musical. We actually went to a classroom to practice a classroom scene. HAHA. XD Amanda did this part really awesomely, and Yuen and I were all over it. XDDD Then Joyce, Yuen and I tried to sing the council song, then I suggested lowering the pitch. So after I set it, we all tried it out, and it sounded great. Hmm... XD Better for the girls, so we don't have to yell our lungs out. HAHA.
Then after musical went to dance. A bit late la, for the tryouts, but I managed to learn the contempt dance for fun. Didn't do it though, cause I didn't have to. Haniel learnt the hiphop. HAHA he was kinda funny, but I admire him for his effort. If people laughed at me, I would've taken it really seriously. That's what's so great about Haniel. <333
After prac, went to LJs with Haniel, Dwayne and Joanna. We like made really lame jokes and cheap thrills. HAHA. XD Like the fish and fishball joke. HAHAHA damn fun. XD Last time though, not allowed to go out for dinner anymore, cause rents are afraid I'll make it a habit.
So I'm gna go, got letters to write. So I'll hurry up and do them, then better sleep, so tomorrow I won't be grouchy and give poor Haniel and generally everyone who tries to talk to me tomorrow hell. BYE ALL ILU. <33333333
Monday, February 25, 2008
AMAZING MUCH. I want one. But should I get purple?

OH and last night, after I declared I was gna sleep, I eventually managed to bugger mum to take me to the airport with her to pic dad, but I had to sit in the car cause I was wearing my tatty PJs. So when we were there and she opened the door to get out, THE INSIDE LIGHT WENT ON, and people could actually look in and see my disasterous attire! OMG. I was like panicking to mum, and she was grinning in until the light faded. HAHA. EBIL WOMAN.
So today was pretty much slack. Just like any temporary timetable. Spent like 2 and 1/2 hours chilling with Fon and Xing's friends, Ezra and Damien. Ezra's super LAME. HAHA. Reminds me of ME. Seriously. XD They're DAMN FUN LA. <333 LOWLOWLOWLOWLOW. Aww that song is SO awesome. XD
So after school, Dwayne, Haniel and Sam came over. We baked, and Haniel SLEPT. And The brownies were CHARRED. WHEN I CHECKED ON THEM, THEY WERE PERFECT, so I set the timer for 10 more minutes! STUPID MOVE. When I ran back, I couldn't see anything cause it was BLACK, and virtually blended in with the oven. NOOOOOOOOO.
And tomorrow, we're going bowling! YEEEEEEYH. I just sneezed. Someone loves me, I think. XD <333
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Dry eyes, blurred vision and a DISTURBED MENTAL STATE after reading some emo shit blog, looking for something that prolly wasn't there in the first place. And not to mention me having to go through pseudo-philosophical shit and a crapload of whining.I AM CRANKY, GOODNIGHT.
FOR PIANO SERVICE TODAY!!! OMG LA. I knew something was wrong when I woke up, and I like jolted upright. And I couldn't remember the day I was supposed to play. Then like at church she texted me and I was like OMGWTFBBQ SORRRRRRRRRYYYY. SHAT LA. GAH. CURSE MY BLOODY MEMORY. I'm sure it's PREOS. Okay ya'll won't know what I'm talking about, but whatever. XDSo after that we went to Novena after driving in circles cause we couldn't figure out which Subway to go to. Then we spotted the logo in the Novena ad thingy and we were OMG GO THERE. So it was nais, and I BOUGHT A SKIRT FROM OP. Okay. After the halleluia chorus, I'll explain why. -after 10 minutes- OKAY. So like, mum was like, "Becky, let's get you shorts," and turned out, everything was way too short for her. O.o So then I saw this skirt and it had shorts innit, cause most of the do, and apparently that was what appealed to mum, and I tried on large, and it was practically falling off, and so I took medium, and it was perfect. <3333 Yaaay. Nao I need to get experienced by wearing it. XD
So I realised the damn DVD I rented when Fon slept over was like overdue, so I'm gna return it today and pay 2 dollars for two days. ARGH. So I'm gna go nao before it's too late. Booo. ILU ALL. <333333333333333
"I feel like a HEEEERO"
And it goes like HIGH during the heeeeeee part. Yer. HAHA okay bye.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Haven't been blogging much these few days. Meeh, sorry people.So basically, yesterday after musical, we went DINNAIR. Joanna, Dwayne, Haniel, Kenneth and I. We went to Haniel's beloved Ajisen Ramen to eat, and I now know something new about Kenneth: HE IS TEH MASTER OF ALL CHILLEHS LYKE PWNZZZ. HAHA. Okay, enough LOLcatz speak. XD Then I ordered like so much food, AND ICE CREAM AFTERWARDS! OMGZPIG. Okay, I think LOLcatz speak has become a part of my laif, so why resist?? Awesome... Then I slept at like 9.30. SO EARLY RIGHT. I got home, immediately fell asleep, woke up to shower then went to sleep again. And I wasn't even fully awake during my shower. Okay...
So today, I heard some goss in ballet. OOH scandalous! HAHA right... But today we were like damn high or something. Yixin and I kept doing stupid stuff. XD And our dance is so "ghey". Or rather, HAPPY AND BOUNCY!! YEEEEEY. Tsk. So whatever, I just pranced around like a pansy. HAHA. That's pretty much all it takes to make the examiner love you anyways. Yer... Then piano, CHOSEN THREE SONGS. LEFT ROMANTIC BUT I AM HAPPY. The modern piece is super easy, so I'm GLAD. About 6 plus minutes long though. For ONE piece. HAHA. Those who know you're wanted at my recital better not fall asleep. I'll fail if anyone's sleeping. HAHA no lah, but still, RESPECT ME! XD
Then went to grammy's house for dinnair, and played BLOCKUS with cousins. I kept graduating from fourth place to third, then to second. Last game didn't get first though. Boo. SECOND STILL OKAY. And my second was so much better than the last. Then played SABOTEUR. I got frustrated after a while cause it was too complex ans cuh. HAHA whatever.
So I'm gna go now to download this video converter Ms Gina told me about today. HOORAY. Bye all! <333
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
No one's been blogging. They're prolly waiting for me to pepper up their insignificant lives. HAHAHAHA. Naw, I love ya'll and you know it. Just be more, bloggish. Y'know? Bloggish can be defined like:
Mhm, something like that. XD
OMG AND I LEARNT, A JIFFY IS AN ACTUAL MEASUREMENT FOR 1/100TH OF A SECOND!! OMG. AWESOME. I didn't actually think it was a real word yo. XD
So today, academic orientation of second intake! Ohmygoodness, I had to make new friends all over again... So there were like MANY sjc people, and I didn't wna speak to them. HAHA. Dno why. Fresh start? Whatever. So Haniel was being all loner-ish cause he didn't wna make new friends when he would only be with them for a week. Yer. So he was kinda bitchy the whole day, but he was better when school ended. I think the bloody long talks had it in for everyone, and everyone was pretty much cranky, cept for me, but I dno why. Eh... Actually, I was a little cranky myself, coming to realise. XD So yer. BUT FON WAS THERE! Made a few puns. I tell you, it's her presence that inspires me! HAHA. XD AND SHE'S SLEEPING OVER TOMORROW NIGHT. GOOD TIMES ARE HERE AGAIN. HAHAHA YAAAAAAAAAAAAY. <3333333333 ILU FON.
Then in the afternoon, we went to Good News to pass time before the musical rehearsal, and we were singing away like randomly and Kenneth told like a bad joke about "THE PING PONG BALL". Thank goodness Janice told me already, or we would've been stuck there for 10 minutes, I reckon. XD Then like, Kenneth has an amazing jazz voice, I LOVE MUCH. But he can't sing pop and such, only jazz. Poor guy. He still can train though. And he seriously sounds like the Disney Movies narrator, especially the narrator singing guy who sang "When You Wish Upon A Star". IT WAS SO AMAZING, AND SCARY AT THE SAME TIME. The similarity was freaky. Then since Disney was brought up, I sang a few lines from Snow White, "Someday My Prince Will Come", and Kenneth said he got the goosebumps! In a good way, course. XD I was so flattered, I'm still so happy about it. Haniel, as usual, was abusing his vibrato. TSK.
Then like, he accompanied me to rush home to get my polo tee and shorts cause I thought since Reginald was coming for rehearsals, we would be doing blocking for dance steps. In the end, nay, but whatever. Walked off the excess food. HAHA. OMG AND LIONEL HAD THIS RED PIMPLE AT THE END OF HIS NOSE. HAHA. Poor bby, he was perpetually covering it. HAHA. But it wasn't that obvious. Haniel thought it was a nose bleed. HAHA. XD THEN WE WERE DAMN HIGH TODAY LA. HAHAHA. All went into the LT from upstairs singing and dancing, and this continued for close to half an hour. HAHAHA. XD Damn fun. Most fun I've had in a while. Yaaaaaaay. The seniors rock la! XD
Then we did some funny game that basically involved walking really slowly around with retarded expressions like HAPPY LIKE YOU GOT 4 A1s and ANGRY LIKE SOMEONE STOLE YOUR IPOD. HAHA. And RUNNING TOO. Okay that was insane. Running with a crazy happy face. WASN'T HARD TO DO. HAHA. We were laughing the whole time, got time out to laugh and think about our face. HAHAHAHAHAHA ROTFLMFAOBBQ. XDDDDDDDDDDD
So Britty just sent me a pic. FRANK. CHUBB. OBSERVE.

AND WE WERE TALKING ABOUT BOUNCING ON HIM. HAHA. AND GOING ALL BOINGGGGGGGG AND WIBBLE WUGGA WOOOO. HAHAHAHAHA. XD Oops, sorry, but we're talking in caps nao so yer. Hahaha. I love Britty SO MUCH. <333333333333
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Didn't notice too. HAHA. XD I'll just blog what I remember. So yer.V-day was okay, and I got lots of sweet stuff, duh. XD The Guylian chocolates from Dwayne were definitely the best though. <333 I love them so much, I think I'll become addicted if I'm not careful. OH THE FOLLY. They're so expensive too...
So tomorrow is Jun Hong's birthday, and Drey's birthday is on the 20th! I miss her so much. WE HAVE TO MEET DEAR. But you're not reading this, I bet. DX So Sam and I are sharing Jun Hong's present. She's got some lunchbox thingy for him, and she's putting stuff like toys and food and sweets inside. I got him a balloon and a card. A collective card too, it's for people who forgot. HAHA. The message was "FROM ALL OF US!", so figure it out. XD Yer. Then went to Heartland Mall just nao cause I felt my presents were a little pathetic if I was gna combine with Sam, so I got that spray thingy when you press the nozzle one string comes out. Yer. And BUBBLE JUICE! YAAAAAAY.
So lit night wasn't bad. I felt that people weren't performing at their optimum, but maybe it was just the nerves. And I realised most of the guys are tone deaf. HAHAHA. XD I wore my prom dress, after realising I'm sorely lacking in formal wear. And my black heels which totally didn't go, but whatever. People said I looked pretty. <333 And Yuen was like, it's so nais to see you wearing a dress! And I was like, omg how did she know I don't wear dresses. HAHA. But yer. I borrowed Janice's mum's cardigan, and it was lovely, so THANKS HEAPS JAN. <333
Then the next day went formal attire shopping, and after trying on like millions of dresses and rubbish stuff, ended up buying only ONE formal top, and it isn't even THAT formal. It's off shoulder, black with coloured seams around the sleeves and "neck", and gypsy-ish. So we also tried to buy a skirt to go with it, but no luck. Boo... But then before I met Haniel to like walk and buy stuff, and when I saw him, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The poor boy... He bought a cap immediately after he got his haircut. HAHAHA. And he's NIEL nao cause no more hair (ha). STUPID LA. XD But damn fun to touch laaaaa. Then we went to Peninsula Plaza, and I spend like $72 on an MCR hoodie, skull earrings and skinny jeans. They're good, btw, and I'm very happy with my purchases. XD I just spent most of my money btw. ARGH. FAINT. So much for saving up. HAHAHA.
So yer, that's about it. Around the world in 80 days is going on nao, and it's DAMN funny. HAHAHA. I wna go watch nao. BYEEEEEE. <333
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
TOMORROW. OMGOMGOMG. And I'm here using the comp and talking on the phone simultaneously. If I don't get off soon, my rents'll incur large expenses, and not only that, I'll prolly fail tomorrow's quiz. MEEP. At least it's not Data Response. MEEP. XDSo today right, I have something important to say. I ONLY ATE ONE BOWL OF PRAWN MEE IN SCHOOL TODAY. AMAZING RIGHT. Oh and a few sweets, RICOLA, but that doesn't really count. XD The chili padi is damn hot today la... MEEP.
Today during PE, we jogged on our own initiative! XD Jogged one round okay, but still. XD So responsible la, Mr Kok called us. YAY. Then played "tennis" without rackets and with a sponge ball like thing. We were supposed to throw it to the opponent's court and it's not supposed to bounce more than once before the person has to catch it. Then we could make up our own rules. SO FUN LA. Yuen, Maryanne, Athalie and I were in one group, and we made up our own rules like everyone in the team must spin twice when the ball is caught before sending it back, and at one point of time, DANCING A TRIBAL DANCE. SO FUNNY LA. HAHA. Laughed like crazy la. HAHAHA. XD
Then after break before lit, Athalie had food poisoning? Dno what it was, but she was puking really badly in the loo. People were speculating about the fan choi she was eating. Poor Athalie.0
Then after school had musical practice. Mr Lee was like late, and we ponned chinese to go at 2.30, earlier a bit. Then in the end, Yuen, Haniel and I ended up fooling around with the mic and piano. XD Dwayne was passive, sitting with Joanna. HAHAHA. So prac was kinda fun today cause we did some strange exercises. HAHA. Vocal and speech, apparently. Then we had to move to LT1 cause LT4 was gna be used for English Week movie screening. I LEFT AT SEVEN. Meeh. But most of the time in the end we were kinda slacking and tell jokes. LAUGHING A WHOLE LOT. HAHA. Then met with Ms Teo to discuss publicity and media, then went home.
So I think I'm gna go and study now, and subsequently hang up. HAHA. XD GOTTA STUDY MAN! XD So hardworking. HAHA. BYEEE. <33333333333333
Monday, February 11, 2008
WAS SCARY LIKE CRAZY. And I was SOFT and my voice SHOOK. BAWWWW. Performing on wednesday too. OH THE TRAUMA. I didn't bargain for two performances! All I can say is that the jigsaw better be good, Haniel Soh! XDSo today nothing much happened, wore Sam's Pei Cai PE shirt for PE, nice and comfy, and basically spend 3/4 of the lesson running after tennis balls. GRR! In the end, went outside the court to hit back stray balls. HAHA. Way fun la, but my shoulder kinda got strained, damn pain, cause I swing the racket too MENG already. HAHA. XD
Reminds me, poor Ah Meng died. Poor darling. RIP I asked mum if she was sad the Ah Meng died and her reply was "No, I didn't know her personally." ROTFLMFAOBBQ HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. XD
So then after school made straight for the RR for Lit Night rehearsals, but Yuen and her friend (I FORGOT HER NAME. ARGH. TYPICAL.) weren't there yet, so I went to the cafe for a hot dog AND SAW LILING. Said some bitch Serina was spreading nasty rumours about her. These kinda people have no life, and they're just really bored with their no-lifeness so they wna trash other people's for the heck of it. TISK. Then we all came together and went to LT4, then we ran through the whole show with comments. DAMN LONG LA. But most of the things were pretty funny, or sweet. This guy called Emmanuel (Manny for short) came back to school to perform with Ms Tiang (?) and they sang really nicely. Yuen Mei and her friend didn't sing as amazingly as they usually do. Poor lovies. It was a one time fluke, I'm sure. I got complimented on my piano playing! YAY! XD
So tomorrow there's rehearsals again. MEEP. LATE. BOOOOOOOOO. So I'm gna go, gotta call someone. XD TAAS. <333333333333
Sunday, February 10, 2008
TIS BORING. You know I was like grouchy for the second week in a row today, cause last night I slept at like 1 plus, listening to Velvet Revolver's CONTRABAND! Woot! <333 Slash is love, so I think I might start listening to Guns N' Roses soon! XDDDOkay wait I need to say this.
Okay so after church, which had an EXTREMELY LONG SERMON, I might add. No idea why... So like, Nic's fam and us went to Hans by the National Library. Portions damn small, but we had BIG slices of Black Forest cake later. XD <333 Luckily, we didn't make a detour to Bugis. Undoubtedly, sis would've come away with another piece of NBC merchandise. O.o Nic, Adriel, Sis and I were talking about skateboarding and snowboarding. DAMN FUN. Maybe around March there we'll go to Snow City to snowboard. And I'm gna try to improve my skateboarding!! And if I can do a proper Ollie by this year, I'll be heaps pleased. Then we'll go to the SKATEPARK!! HXC!!! HAHAHAHAHA.
Then we went to OG, bought two uhm, can't say. HAHA. Guys read my blog. HAHAHAHA. XD I only liked one, but mum insisted on a "rou se" for PE. HELLO. SR's shirt isn't see through you know... So nevermind, went to NTUC somemore. TSK. I just plugged in all the way, so tired. And skulked around the damn place. ANTI-FLAG IS LOVE. Then went home. AND OMG LA. We went to Popular just now, where I bought a file, fountain pen refills (blue and purple) and a purple fountain pen. AND THE PURPLE FOUNTAIN PEN DOES NOT WORK. GRRRR. Like, I think the ball bearing is gone or something. So I told mum, and she searched high and low for the receipt. Apparently, it was in the bag and it got folded up and put out back. I<3MUM. So yer.
Maybe tonight gna jog. RUN, I mean. XD See my mood la. HAHA. I'm wearing running shorts already, so I can't make excuses to myself to keep on being my unfit state I am nao. ARGH. FLUB. BYEE.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
To a certain lovie, for doing me a favour, a really big one. I kinda inconvenience you a lot, and I'm really sorry for that, so just know that I owe you big time. Anything, anytime, just say the word. Ilu. <333So today, I went out with my friends to watch CJ7. Some arse insisted on sitting in the middle. That arse got my foot in the face. HAHAHA. OOPS. Honestly, didn't mean to kick you! XD So the movie was funny, but also very sad... I freshly cried 4 times. CJ7 is SO cute. And the way Stephen Chow and the kid tried to bring it back to life was SO FUNNY AND CUTE but also very sad. I love it so much, and though people may argue that it's crap (kinda), you should totally watch it cause it's beautiful.
Then we went to Kallang, took Bus 16 there. I didn't know we could do that! XD And on the bus, KuKu revealed something that was pretty saddening to say. OMG bad english la. But yer. TEARS came. FORCED, but yer. HAHA. Okay. Serious issue. Do. Not. Laugh. So I hoped we were good friends enough. According to KuKu, we were. <333 We're always here for you, I hope you know that. We may not be THERE, but we're HERE, no? XD Okay...
THEN WE ICE SKATED!! Poor BuBu had a tummy cramp, so couldn't skate. Instead, wore gloves and my hoodie and made like some, strange hulk-like thingy sitting there. XD I'M SO PROUD OF MY KUKU!!! The first time for KuKu, AND IT WAS NO PROBLEM. DIDN'T FALL. Came close to, but didn't. XD SO PROUD!! But I did aid KuKu a bit. XD YAAAAAAAAAAAAY.
And we went to Pastamania to eat, SO FULL LA. AND BUBU'S JOB IS VERY INTERESTING. HAHAHAHAHA. KuKu lay down like sprawled all over, and we were like OMG. Then the dude at Pastamania came over to tell KuKu to get up. HAHA. BY AUTHORITY!!! XD So yer. Then we went to the bus-stop right, THEN KUKU LAY ON THE FLOOR AND REFUSED TO GET UP. Then BuBu pulled him up, then KuKu was like "EH SO FUN!" then promptly lay down again!! ARGH. Then BuBu had to pull that idiot up again and INJURED TEH BACK WHILST DOING SO. Failed, too. KuKu eventually got up. IDIOT. XD
So yer, went to Bugis to meet rents and sis. SIS GOT MORE NBC MERCH. NO FAIR, I TELL YOU. But then cause when I was walking in Citylink, I saw the sale in HMV!!! YAAAAAAAY. Then like, we eventually went back there after pleading from me during dinner, AND I GOT TWO CDS!!! Velvet Revolver and METALLICA!! HELL YEAH. Mum got a movie Sliding Doors too. <3333333 I LOVE YOU MUM. Cause she paid for me, I didn't pay for any myself. Felt like crap, but she insisted. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. We did a whole lot of walking too, and made Dad wait for REALLY LONG. XD Feel still hurt. HAHA. That's the price to pay for my CDs, and it's well worth it. XD <33333333333 SO HAPPY.
So today was VERY fun and very fruitful, I love my beloved Bananas, and we are gna have many more days like this. XD
Friday, February 8, 2008
A bunch of cutie pies. <3
So, pictures from yesterday! XD Nice ones only though, SORRY. HAHAHA.So Sam came over first, and we swapped uniforms!








Later at the alley...

Jan borrowed Dwayne's shirt, she's SO for drag! XD


HAHAHA. <333
AAAAAND. Jan and Sam got to know the BANANAS! XD



HAHA the shoes are a total fashion faux pas, MUCH! XD

Oh, and I totally kick ass, mhm. Dwayne's, to be precise. HAHA. XDDDD

Wednesday was definitely one of the most fun days of 2008, SO FAR. XD Much more memories to make, I just know it. Oh I love my friends. So much. <333
PS: O LEVEL PIX ANOTHER TIME OKAY. Let this one shine first. XD
Thursday, February 7, 2008
No pictures. My cable is in my rents room and I won't get it for personal reasons. Maybe tomorrow.I really don't actually have anything to say. I keep typing things, then erasing them.
I hate it.
Okay, firstly. People just need to stop being so confrontational and being such arses, essentially.
Secondly, people need to NOT do certain things. They make me pissed off.
Thirdly, I need to stop being the ruler of a kingdom called Pure Ambiguity already. TSK.
But lastly, the said people need to die. And I won't feel sad. AT ALL.
CNY lunch.
Apparently we could go over for lunch, cause my aunt offered to cook. In the end, NO MEE SWUA. What tradition what! It was stuff like beehoon and PIZZA FROM PIZZA HUT. XD And mum's chicken and wanton soup. The soup was a little strange, if you ask me...So it was pretty okay. I had my first ever conversation with Uncle Brian (Bryan??) in my life. And you know what's absolutely unfair? He's my uncle, even though he's ONE YEAR OLDER THAN ME. BS LA. And he kept attacking me harder than Gorgor Paul, Daniel or Sam did over my liking of Rock/Metal. TSK! Apparently I act way too 'ditzy' for someone who likes Metal. Is there a norm for metal lovers?? DEATH TO FAKE METALLLLLLLL. HAHA random moment there. Geez, I forgot what band that phrase was in association too. Tsk. Well whatever, if I forget it, it's not THAT important. But then again, I forget most stuff. HUH?? OKAY out of point here. XD But it was fun, I guess. I have two extra ang paos! One from Ah Ma for my O level results. <333 And another one I found under my pouch. Huh...? Strange. Oh well, people love me. XD But we can't open it til tomorrow, mum sais. DX We have another reunion dinner thing, so I guess I can understand. Collect all first. HAHA.
So I'm gna post the pix later cause nao my phone isn't with me. YA'LL HAVE TO WAIT! XDDDDDDDD <33333333333333
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Found a new blogskin. Not THAT awesome but I think I was gna give up, so I just bullshat. XD PS, long post, sit tight! XDPractically NO ONE in Singapore is online now. Or afk. DER. XD CNY reunion dinnairs. Just got back from mine. OMG LA something damn funny happened. I was gna bite into my fishball, and apparently it's so springy that it sprang from my spoon and rolled across the table NEXT TO MY GRANDFATHER'S PLATE. HAHAHAHA. I laughed like seow la! Then I was like SORRY YE YE. And he was like ohmygoodness. THEN HE ROLLED IT BACK. HAHAHAHA. He's so cute la. Then my dad sat next to nai nai, and I saw a lot of her in him. My grammys are so cute, I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!
So today right, Sam came over at around 8 plus, and she didn't actually sleep cause my room was being tidied. TSK. So I burnt the Nightwish CD for her, as well as our Music & Lyrics Minus 1 cause Haniel messaged me at like 7am, woke me up just to tell me to burn the CD, and he's going for rehearsal cause IT'S GOOD FOR HIM. IN THE END NEVER GO, BUT THAT'S FOR LATER EXPLAINING. XD THEN at around 8, Haniel called to ask if he and Dwayne could come over since he's going to school. TSK LA. Like I'm SO honoured. XD
So we hung around my room after, listening to Velvet Revolver, HIM, Mayday Parade and My American Heart. Sam read a bit of Kerrang. I swear, Panic! looks so untidy nao. TSK. SHAVE ALREADY, BOYS. Then I practiced HERO one last time cause I was supposed to go to school at 12 for Lit Week rehearsals. I somehow got roped into playing the piano for Yuen Mei and her friend, and the song's really nais. The agenda was to meet Haniel, Dwayne, Jun Hong, Janice and Aloysius outside school, and at that time I didn't actually realise there was a whole lot of guys. XD
So I brought them over, kept fooling Dwayne and Haniel where my house was and wasn't. HAHAHA. SO FUNNY. XD Then almost immediately after they got settled down, Yuen called to say the rehearsal had been pushed forward to NAO and I needed to get to school. Sam was lovely, came with me. XD <333 Then so I left EVERYONE at my house, AND TOOK THE ONLY SET OF KEYS. So when Jan wanted to leave for a while to go help her aunty with something first, THEY COULDN'T LEAVE. HAHAHA OOPS. I'd like to say that I'm not usually such a terrible host, but this was urgent. DX
So Sam and I reached, only to realise Yuen and her friend wouldn't be here until like 20 minutes later. So we hung around and listened to Nightwish and such, AND SAM FOUND HER BOTTLE! YAAAAAAY. The water was a day old, so cannot drink, so she poured it on the floor and made nais words and such. LIKE SO:

Word, yo. XD
The artist at work.

The end result: TRIBUTE TO NIGHTWISH. <333

The end result: OHMYGOODNESS. XDDD
My scores. RANDOM. XD
THEN I went back, turns out like everyone went to my room and slept, and Haniel told me mum came in and he was like sleeping on my bed hugging my bolster! HAHAHA. Then she asked them to like introduce themselves, and later she came in with fried bread and Dwayne was on the bed, and he was damn shocked. HAHAHA. XD So funny... My mum is amazing. MUM ILU LOTS. <333 We ate a bit of chocolate, then eventually got moving. Mum made two trips to send the whole lot of us to Heartland Mall to eat Pizza Hut before bowling. Again, I HAVE AN AMAZING MUM.
I really wonder where my money disappears to. Somehow, I lose track of what I buy, then suddenly I'm left with a whole lot less than I started out with. MEEP.
Then Janice joined us as Pizza Hut, and she had all of an ice water and some chicken drumsticks. LAME WOMAN GAVE ME 5 CENTS FOR IT. HAHAHAHA WTFBBQ. XD OH apparently Ah Bengs say that?? TSK. Dno Aloy la. XD Okay so after lunch, DWAYNE'S CAP WAS MISSING. Whole hulabaloo, then Haniel actually had it. HAHA IDIOT. Then we went to the alley, but everything was booked, so we went up to play pool. At least, Aloy and Dwayne played. Those ACS guys la... So zai. XD I MADE A COOL JOKE. SEE.
What type of music is very suitable to play pool to?
A-CUE-STICK (Accoustic)
Then Jun Hong happily told us we could go and play nao, so we went down but Dwayne and Aloy stayed up there to play pool, then we had two lanes! We had a bit of problem with the names of the players tho, but the lady at the desk helped. SHE TYPED HANIEL AS HARRY. HAHAHA. Then Dwayne played for Sam's name cause Sam was up there playing with pool Aloy. And I realised something.
After that, we went home, but not before I got a panic attack after seeing meal worms. But no shit people, THOSE WERE HUGE. Like, the thickness of a pencil. Almost. They were huge and brown and had large crawly legs and lines across their bodies, AND THEY WERE WRITHING LIKE MAD. DIE LA. I ran to Sam and clung on to her arm, and I was pressing my fingertips into her repeatedly. It was something about my fingertips la... Damn weird. I was literally wringing Dwayne's cap in my hands and running my thumbs over that bumpy thing at the back to adjust the width. I was SO freaked, I wanted to cry. THE WORMS ARE SO DISGUSTING. I WON'T THINK ABOUT IT ANYMORE.
Then later went to KFC to get a drink, everyone left cept for Haniel, OH AND EDWARD WAS THERE. XD With his friends. Then yer, went home. OMG la this ah ma in front of us take like DAMN LONG, literally 10 minutes I think, just for like 7 orders. I can't believe it la. I think it's her reunion dinner. TSK. Lame la... But she damn poor thing la, nao I'm not angry. Just now I was PISSED. XD Then went home and slept til 6, then went grammy's house for dinnair. Yer.
So nao I'm gna shower, and sleep. Tomorrow, promise, more pix, if Janice sends them to me. XD And the pix from my O level results release day, cause it'll be so boring at home tomorrow. OH and some random pictures as well. If you're lucky! XDDDDD Poor Ah Ma cannot have reunion lunch cause her back is too painful to allow her to stand and cook. DX <33333
By Janice: An attempt at controversy. XD
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Finding a new blogskin yesterday was completely fruitless. TODAY SHALL BE ATTEMPT NUMBER TWO!! XD Thanks Sam, so much. I shall call you my BlogskinBuddy! XDSo today we actually went to chinese. XD But we did a damn test. GRR. So much for going to the IT Lab! TSK. ECONS lecture was interesting? XD Well, not really, but I followed it, Haniel was like going to sleep, and I bet a radius of at least five people around me had stopped following the woman 30 minutes into the lesson. SHE WAS DAMN FAST LA. But I got it. XD PLUS, devised my own theory to link excess supply to excess demand. THE RESULT OF TREND SWITCHING. HAHA. Yaaaay so happy, proud of myself. I may actually keep up in JC. Or at least, try not to fail. XD
After school was lit week rehearsal. We sang like thrice, and we have to relax and do some actions? Oh well. When it's time, we'll get into the right frame of mind and actually take the song into consideration. Makes sense? Hopefully. XD SO LAME LA Haniel. Watched a bit of Les Miserables during CT period so he kept trying to discover and ABUSE his vibrato. IDIOT. AND GUESS WHO HAD TO TA HAN IT. GRR. HAHA. One of the writers of Les Miserables is called Boublil. HAHA. AND MR YEO SAYS IT DAMN FUNNY LA. Cause his voice is so deep and he has to project it. HAHAHA. Sounds like BOOB-UHGIL. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
JunHong cannot understand "Coo-ee". Tsk. Or maybe everyone can't. I DNO? XD THE ATTEMPT BEGINS!!!
Monday, February 4, 2008
I'm having one of those left out feelings again. It's not you, Sam!! XD It's something else, so don't worry.It's like, I totally should stop being so sensitive. It'll eat me from the inside one day...
And I'm being too possessive, and selfish. I HATE THAT ABOUT MYSELF.
Okay self depreciating moment over. TSK. I don't like it when I become like this. Maybe I'll go sit in my closet after this. WHEEE. My favourite place to be. <333
ANYWAYS ONTO HAPPIER THINGS. I FINALLY FINISHED MY WORKS FOR THE CAP THING! XD I won't post it here cause you know, reasons. If you wna read, tell me. I'll send you the thing. Or give you the hard copy. XD
So today was okay, fun bit in PE. Played tennis with Sam. Actually, more like ATTEMPTED to play. HAHAHA. At least on the average of every 4 hits, we'd find ourselves running for the damn ball! GRR. Then after that went to Heartland Mall to collect Haniel's spex. SO CUTE. XD Then he, Jan and JunHong went off and Sam and I went to Popular. She got paper, those expensive, pretty kind, for her friend's birthday. IT'S ON VALENTINE'S DAY CAN. SO COOL. I wanted to get fountain pen refill but don't have. BOOHOOHOO. DX The dude suggested Toa Payoh Interchange. TSK. If I ever get lost again, I'LL GO BUY LAH. HAHA might as well say now, cause last time I wanted to go to Serangoon Gardens Country Club to swim, then in the afternoon I went la. Then mum told me to take bus 73(?) home, and I took the WRONG 73. HOW WAS I TO KNOW THERE WERE TWO KINDS. It stopped at Toa Payoh Interchange and I was like OMGWTFBBQ. Well not really cause I didn't know OMGWTFBBQ back then, but you get the drift. XD Then had to take MRT back. SO FAR GRRRRRRR. AND IT HAPPENED TWICE! Tsk. I'm so blurrrrrrr. XD
So Sam, Jan and JunHong are coming over on wednesday. PON CNY EVE! HAHA. Waste time la... Then like Sam's coming over at 7, WAKE ME UP SO EARLY. GRR. Then coming to sleep til ten. BUT THEN JUNHONG'S COMING AT AROUND 8. WAKE UP EARLY AGAIN. And this time it's bright so I can't wear my jammies. IDIOT. Then at 10-ish gna bake, then maybe going to go bowling when Jan comes over. She doesn't wna pon school. GRRWTFBBQ. OKAY I really have to stop the BBQ stuff. XD BUT IT'S SO FUN!!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
MY ROOF IS LEAKING. ARGH. Stupid. Dripping right outside my room. DX Ah San is coming at 6 though. TO SAVE THE DAY. YAY FOR OLD CARPENTER MEN. XDSo today went church a bit earlier so sis could stand up for when they introduced the baptised people from yesterday. We made it one hymn before they started. HAHA YAY US. So after, went to PS cause I wanted to buy my MISUNO shoe bag in a hurry, AND WE GOT IT! Sis got one too, I love it. <333 Then ate at the food court, Kopitiam, then I convinced my rents to let me go to Marina Square to buy this nice button skull shirt I saw a while back. Sis got a Nightmare Before Christmas Jigsaw and a frame for it first. DX I WANT A JIGSAW. BUT I DON'T HAVE ONE. TSK. ARGH. SIXTY DOLLARS. BUY FOR ME, WHOEVER'S READING, PLEASE. XD Then we went to Daiso, AND BOUGHT LIKE 26 DOLLARS WORTH OF THINGS. My fam are crazy shopaholics in our own right. I bought V Day gifts. For the Bs & Cs. Sis bought for her friends also, SO MUCH MORE THAN ME CAN. I EVEN PAID FOR MY OWN. Tsk.
Then we went to MS, but the bloody shop didn't have it. Not only that, it was apparently selling only JAP SCENE stuff. WTFBBQ. So then I walked around for a bit, and came to this shop which had original design shirts. Weren't my style, BUT THEY WERE SO CUTE. So I bought two. Sis bought one. SEE.
Then came home. So today's list:
One shoe bag
Four V-Day things. I ain't saying. XD
Two awesome T-shirts
One shoe bag.
One jigsaw puzzle.
One frame.
ONE MILLION V-Day things. Same as mine, sorta.
One T-shirt.
One Lava Lamp.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
So today, I went to school for hiphop again, SO EARLY. Had to do pushups cause a bunch of people didn't show up. Had to do 40, but we did 30 the first time then I zao-ed early for ballet. XD So fun you know, we did body conditioning, first time in a LONG time. Makes me miss Ms Bibianna days. Then we did the funk dance for the musical. SO FUN LA THE DANCE. XD Then after, went to ballet. Ran to dad's car, then ran up to the studio, in the end Ms Gina was late. GRRWTFBBQ. XD Got that BBQ idea from Dwayne! HAHAHA. Your blog, dude. XD CAN I LINK YOU? Tag your answer bby.
So after ballet, found out that PIANO WAS CANCELLED. YAAAAAY. XD Considering the fact that I didn't prepare that Fantasie or-whatever-it's-called-I-don't-think-it's-called-that piece, I was pretty psyched. XD And that meant I could go out! Which I did. XD We ixnayed the movie thing cause weekend rates are a bitch. But KuKu, BuBu and I went to Plaza Sing to eat SWENSENS! Took really long cause BuBu was late. IDIOT. XD So after, I went to Novena, they came along, and I went off to church whilst they went to buy hair gel for BuBu. O.o OH KuKu is on now, I better go ask what they did when I went off.
I tell you this funny thing. I'm not really a holy kinda person, but somehow, when I was watching her pray in the water, I felt all tingly and butterflies-in-the-tummy-and-palms-like, and I had this feeling that God was there. I know he's omnipresent and basically everywhere, but I had an inkling that he was THERE. Like there there. You mayn't get me, but whatever. Then like, I had three consecutive bursts of warm feeling in me, like the kind you get when you're hot and just about to break out into a sweat, but I didn't. So it was really strange, kinda magical, and curiously wonderful for me. I think I experienced God there. I dno? I'm not too sure! OMG.
And we went home after going to NTUC to buy oranges, and sis and I went to turn on the landing light for the staircase. AND THE FUNNIEST THING HAPPENED. See, our switches for the landing light are like, one is on the first floor, the other is on the second. I was upstairs, and sis was downstairs. So I turned it on first, then she switched it off by accident. So I was all TSK. Then I went to turn it on again, JUST AS SHE DID. HAHAHA. So we flicked it at the same time AND THE LIGHT BASICALLY WENT ON FOR LIKE A MILLISECOND OF A MILISECOND THEN TURNED OFF AGAIN. HAHAHAHA. It was so funnyyyyyyyyyy. Showed mum the dance just now, she sais it's fun. XD
Friday, February 1, 2008
I didn't blog cause I slept really early. So I'm gna just make a quick thingy here. XDTHE KEY EVENT: RUNNING OUT OF CHINESE.
See, we ponned on wednesday already, so I felt bad, went yesterday. AND THERE WERE ONLY FIVE OF US. So nevermind, we went to class, but the classrooms were occupied by the J2s, no idea how that happened, so basically the corridor was milling with three J1 chinese classes. Or four. XD So we went to the big LT, LT5 I think, and five of us, Maryanne, Athalie, Haniel, I and Kenneth sat behind Dwayne's class. Haniel insulted Zhi Hao, but he apologized later in the afternoon. XD So we seriously didn't wna stay cause Athalie heard there was a test, so we wanted to run away! Then we like made it halfway up the steps before we heard a "TONG XUE MEN BU YAO PAO." HAHAHA like omg! So after that, we turned around and started crapping about how we wanted to go find Lu Lao Shi, then the teacher was like huh...? And she turned around to get something AND WE FREAKING RAN OUT. HAHAHAHA. SUPER FUNNY LA. HAHAHA.
But what sucks is that I found out that the chinese test is for class placement, and it's an MOE thing. SHIT. Better stop ponning stuff now, otherwise I'll get into trouble. DX ESPECIALLY SINCE I'M STAYING, WHEN OTHERS AREN'T. TSK.
Okay, then after, Dwayne, Haniel and I went to Heartland mall to like, get Haniel new spex. HE ANYHOW BUY ONE. AIYOYO. But it's okay, just that it makes him look so PRETTY BOY. XD Okay, then we went outside, and I was like freaking out cause they were selling DERMO or whatever it's called. It's like this cream that Jun Hong uses, I forgot to tell him today, but whatever. DX Then like, he can't find it anymore. So I went over to ask for a flyer, and the man working there suddenly went and applied it on my hand! Then like after, HE APPLIED IT ON MY FACE. So like, Haniel and Dwayne were trying to get me away, but I wasn't going to go away when I had the stuff on my face! So I waited for him to wipe it off, took a flyer and ran away. HAHA. So weird la...
Now, yesterday's over, and I'm gna talk about today. XD
So today's the slack day. XD Breakbreakbreak. So like, we didn't do anything, but the two hour break before Math was spent with Joanna talking and such. OH AND I STYLED BOTH DWAYNE'S AND HANIEL'S HAIR. HAHAHA. SO FUN. Dwayne looks cool, though he didn't think so. DX COOL LA DWAYNE!! XD GO HERE FOR PICTURES. I realised I'm so HU TU, because I never bother to post certain stuff, just link directly to Haniel's blog. XD SO. Actually I didn't really style Haniel's hair, Dwayne and I just made him mess it up a few times before trying with gel to find the perfect look. XD He looked really cool after la, especially without the spex. But apparently he had to "reiterate" that he didn't care about his appearance. TSK.
Then at math, only had Isha, Edward, Gee Cheng, Athalie and I, cause EVERYONE ELSE PONNED. MAN. XD And Mr Tan came late, so we were all talking about how we waited two hours, and if he didn't show up, we would just leave, might pissed. But he came. XD Apparently I don't look like me from the back, or it's just a 18 year old thing. I.E., Edward and Isha are crazy. XD Then after Haniel and I went for the musical rehearsal thingy. Dwayne came in later. It was okay, showed my poster draft and the Alice in Wonderland programme as a rough guideline. It was okay, I GUESS. XD Then apparently, we're not using it. OH EVEN BETTER. The title has yet to be confirmed. AND YOU KNOW WHAT. Our deadline for our second draft is 11th, and Mr Goh will confirm the title earliest by 5! ARGH. TSK. He wants the student body's vote or something. Aiyoyo... STRESS.
Not only that, I have to write my stories and poems for CAP, this writing camp thingy organized by the Gifted Education Board or whatever. I have to put together a portfolio to try and get in, cause story writers and poets will be teaching at that camp, and there will be a 6 month intership with a writer, where you WILL get something of your own published. I could be on my way, I just need to pour everything I have these few days into my writing. BAH.
So I'm gna go, prolly go get ideas. I need to stop writing about abuse, apparently. XD <3333333333333