Friday, October 31, 2008
Look at Fon's blog, talk about Boredom-Induced PostSpam.
Hopefully not. I don't want my neck to swell, I'll look like an ugly toad. DX Not to mention that my neck's one of the better parts of my body. ARGH.
My doctor just noticed that my neck was a teensy weensy bigger than usual, around the thyroid. And now that she's pointed it out, I can see the swell. DX Before that, neither mum NOR I had a clue, and she could tell even though she hasn't seen me for motnhs! Shattap, all you with nasty remarks regarding my state of obliviousness. So, in an earlier conversation with Joshua, I remarked that my doctor was "PRO".
"Bex, if she wasn't pro, she wouldn't be your doctor."
Maybe it's just aggravated by my flu/sorethroat/cough. STUPID FLU JAB WORE OFF. My voice is so screwed up la, I can't sing at all. Now, that's excuse enough for me to fall into major depression. AND WAIT, THAT'S NOT ALL THE FABULOUS NEWS JUST YET! I just have to wait til I get better before seeing how I am. Maybe through a blood test and an ultrasound. Eep. I hate those blood test things. Injections I'm okay with, but the drawing of blood feels YURGH.
I keep wasting my life on injuries. It better not get into ailments too, I've got rheumatism/arthiritis as it is. DX
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
OMG.Sis - "Do you want a comfort snack?"
Me - "Sure... I'm a little confused but okaaay..."
-sis dashes downstairs-
-brings back a bowl after 5 minutes-
Now, the bowl seems to be filled with what looks like torn bread bits and milk. I was urged to try it with an "IT'S NICE, TRY IT!" Need I mention that before sis came into my room, I heard her gasping with laughter outside my room, somewhere near the dustbin. Okay, so I give her the benefit of the doubt, and eat the bread.
-after a while-
Sis - "Sure you don't want something new?"
Me (wryly) - "Like what, bread and milk?"
Goodness we're a bunch of laughs. XD Apparently, the milk was supposed to be warmed, but I doubt even then it'll taste good. HAHA. Ohman, she just made a noise not unlike the Japanese little "Ju-On" kid from Scary Movie 4. WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS.
Goodness.Rae conferenced like a million of her friends including me just now, then she LEFT with a "take care, you guys", and there was quite a bit of swearing when we realised what the hell was going on. HAHAHA. I love IAN for coping and not lagging. Baby, remind me to treat you to a full wipe when I'm free. XDDDD Don't tell me how wrong that sounds.
Edit: Just remembered. On my way to school to waste time and to eventually discover audition's down, this woman and her friend offered me a lift out. HOW SWEET. I realised only after I got in that they could be kidnappers, but they looked heaps nice. XD And yes, I didn't know them. WHOOBOY. Now most of you may be tut-tutting out there thinking, OH Bex is TOO naive/trusting/guillible/whateveritis. But I want to give people the benefit of the doubt, and only the nice people don't let me down. I don't mind being let down too, because then I know who cares and who doesn't.
DAMN IT the stupid shop was closed. Oh well.
Will call later to find out why there won't be any secret telling. Hoohoohoo.
I want a HALLOWEEN PARTY with Absolut, friends, laughter, and a whole lot of fun. That'll be one sweet night.
PS: Daddy came back today! WITH A MIUMIU BAG FOR ME! It's SO my type, ILU DAAAAAAAAAD! <333333
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Love myself.
I don't have to change to be loved by someone.Because the important thing is that I love myself.
That's what counts at the end of the day.
God I think I'm mentally bipolar.
Monday, October 27, 2008
I feel lousy and fucked. I feel like crap and like shit.If not for my goddamned annoying sorethroat,
I would drink til I turn various shades of red.
Fuck you all and your pretty ass lives of illusion, when you'll never make it.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH MUMMY MUMMY MUMM YOU'RE SO FUNNY SOMETIMES.She said Geography was a very good subject to take cause it's logical and DOWN TO EARTH.
And the best part was that she didn't know she made the pun. XDDDDDDD
You light up my life.
PS: The fly came out, looking like seaweed and obviously dead. HAHAHAHAHA.
Inhaled a fly
GOD this is bizarre.See, I was walking down my hallway to my room, pretty quickly I might add, when suddenly this fly appeared in my path and before I knew it...
GOD that was NASTY.
Snorting coke can't ever be fun.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
OMG. Last night, I can't even begin to write about it. I dno, guess this'll mortalize it or something. But anyways, long post ahead, so if you don't really care about what I did, you don't have to read it. XDBefore the concert, Fon and I reached there around 3, found Jade pretty front and queued sitting down. Then around 5/6, everyone stood up and moved forward so we did too. There was a fight all because of this drunk dude who was yelling around at random people before, and the police came with their batons. Retarded. This old jogger dude ran through the middle of it! HAHAHA we all cheered man. XD So with the fights and like the freaking riot we kinda caused, I'm afraid Singapore won't allow these kinda concerts anymore. Waited like that for like half an hour, and suddenly it became seriously squeezy and there were people smoking in the crowd. WTF idiots. Could barely move cause there was a serious lot of pushing and squashing, and we waited like that for an hour plus. Hope now, it's all the fucking troublemakers' faults man. DX OMG I SAW ARTHUR CHIAM!!! HE'S SO COOL NOW, he's got a lip ring. XD Then we all squeezed even more, and that was like a pre-empt to the concert man, seriously. We sang the national anthem, said the pledge and like Avenged songs. EVERYONE knew the lyrics, it felt SO good. And they actually heard us from inside. XD They took my glowsticks when we went in though. DX But I didn't wna get it back cause I was already sprinting in like a freaking gazelle. XD Fon didn't get her stub back. Man, bummer.
The opening band were not bad. Initially, we were all FUCK OFF and GO HOME but they were pretty okay. XD I hate the interval though, they kept playing the same Bad Religion song again and again. PFFT. When they came out, woah man.
Basically, as the show progressed, I got pretty beat up. HAHA. I wasn't in front, UNLIKE SOMEONE and got caught in between the mosh pit and circle pit. Not a good place to be when you're 152cm. My shoulders hurt like mad from the crush, I lost count of the number of time I wasn't able to breathe, ditto with almost falling down and getting my feet trampled on. My left shoe came off for a while, and I managed to grab it and whack people with it. HAHAHA. I kept bending down to tuck in my shoe laces which came off and people kept going "are you okay". A bunch DID watch out for me, guess that's the perk when you're small. But doesn't make up for the "unable-to-see" factor. BAH. I got kicked in the head by a crowd surfer so I pulled him down over my head, and I got strangled by a guy behind me and a dude beside me who was looking pretty concerned since I started to stumble like everywhere yelled at him to let me go. Oh well, during these kinda concerts, you grab anything and everything. HAHAHAHA EH FON?? XD Poor Jade got out of there after the first song. She was sick and like she got hit on the head, fell and got trampled, the works. Man, poor kid.
Their songs were as goes, not in order cause I can't remember.
-Whole of latest album cept for Brompton Cocktail, Lost and Unbound.
*Little Piece Of Heaven was an encore.
-Beast and the Harlot, Bat Country, Seize The Day
-Unholy Confessions, Chapter Four
-New song
-Syn's solo(s)
OMG NOW ABOUT THE GUYS. HAHAHA FAN GIRL GEEK TIME. SYN QUACKED, STUCK OUT HIS TONGUE, GAVE THIS REALLY CUTE FACE AT THE END OF LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN AT THE CRYEYEYEYEY BIT AND GENERALLY LOOKED GORGEOUS. <33333333 He's so beautiful, really, and I loved his solo, like always. But apparently he was really pissed cause he had mic problems. DX Johnny did this little headshake like he was disappointed at the end of Holy Confessions. Think something happened in front, what with all the dirty shoving and such. The Rev moved out at the second song to play the cymbals from the front for a bit, and he looked so cute with his headphones. OMG ZACKY SANG THIS NEW SONG THEY WROTE, HE SOUNDED AMAZING. His voice is like jazzy and ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS. It's like really good quality and really high class. XD Matt was like really powerful, his voice was at it's prime tonight, and he had SUCH stage presence. Now you know why I love this band to death, even if I saw so little of them last night, because of the fact that just with those glimpses I got so affected, and the fact that they could command such a crowd to the brink of insanity. My respect for them will never die. They said they'll "be back soon", I can only hope it's soon enough. <3 But y'know, they looked a little too perfect and like they weren't really pumped and having fun. Or maybe I didn't see Zacky, Johnny and The Rev enough.
So the crowd was "brutish", "childish", "rough" and really insane. I have to agree. At Singfest last year, there was a lot more breathing room, I only got kicked in the face, the crowd was more mature and people were heaps nice. There were a few last night who "took care" of me, but not as nice as the ones last year. There were many shoving matches between sides, and it was freaking crushing. Like, at times, I would just be carried around with all the pushyness. MAN. But towards to middle and end, the crowd lost a little of its energy and I was able to shove insanely. HAHA. I was screaming a lot of the songs and people kept looking at me like I was insane. I'M NOT INSANE, I'M NOT INSANE. HAHAHAHAHA. XD
I felt so at home there, everyone loved them as much as I did, everyone (as far as I know) knew all the lyrics. It felt so good to be amongst my own kind. XD <3
It doesn't seem real that I've seen them, only my pains prove that I was there. DX When I think back about it, it's like it's a movie or something. I only remember being in the crowd, more than actually watching my boys. Maybe cause I only got glimpses, and wasn't really able to watch them unlike FON, who was directly IN FRONT and could WATCH. You know Syn acknowleged her! Like she stuck her tongue out at him and he shook his head! HE'S SO CUTE, but I'm depressed. DX He looked at me though, at Seize The Day. Or rather, it felt like it. I was singing and like looking at him with what must've been a look of love and adoration on my face. HAHA oh I'm so pathetic. At the end right, Matt threw like what, rubbish? And it was literally descending down upon me, when suddenly 10 hands shot up. Dno who got it though, or what happened to it. MAN it sucks being short. DX Syn actually gave his pick to the guard to give this girl who had a board saying "Dear God, please give me a pick," AND THIS FUCKING BROAD BITCH SNATCHED IT FROM HER. WTFFFFFFF ASS. I would've killed. And I saw this guy with Johnny's pick. DDDDDX I should be so unlucky. NEVERMIND, NEXT TIME.
It was an amazing night, nevertheless, and I'll be there the next time they're here. Boys, I love you. <3
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Fon's coming over to stay the night and we'll go tomorrow together after school. I love it now. XD
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
So school today was mundane ans cuh, as usual. But HANIEL GOT INTO TROUBLE. ORHOOOOOOOOORRRRRR. Feel the obnoxiousness. XDThen after school, I woke up and left my class rather pissed off and grouchy cause I was semi-sleeping and everyone was singing the beginning to Disturbia by Rihanna which, ironically, I started singing. So I guess I was just grouchy from sleeping and unreasonably pissy. Sorry kids, ILU.
Went to KFC with Fon and Ting. It was awesome. XD We had this thing about mishearing what each other was saying; we kept hearing "angel" instead. HAHA. And OMG. We witnessed, well, Fon and I witnessed, this dude working at KFC do something horrible! He picked up the straws which dropped on the floor and put them back into the straw bin right in front of my eyes! I was like OHMYGOD and I gave him this horrified look. He didn't notice me then he walked away. Fon saw it too, and I kept going on about how I wouldn't ever eat there again if it was his shift. We went to inform the manager after that and he was pretty nice about it, saying how he needed to be trained more and such. BULLSHIT.
It's common sense to NEVER do such a gross disgusting thing. Obviously he was pissed off just cause his other manager asked him not-so-nicely to pick up the straws cause she was stressy from dealing with difficult customers, according to Fon. Doesn't mean you should take it out on customers. What if we get handfootmouth disease! and the joint has to be closed down cause of complaints of hygiene and such. MAN he's stupid.
Anyways, after that, we went to buy glowsticks for FRIDAY, A7X OMGOMGOMG EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. HAHAHAHAHAHA okaaayyy... I can't take it, Janice Cheong heard me say Avenged Sevenfold as BAND SEVEN HOE!. WTF! Deaf kid. HAHAHA.
Good friends ask for a drink at your place. Best friends take it themselves from your fridge.
Even if it's just coins. XD
Monday, October 20, 2008
Nothing to say. HAHA. I don't remember what went down today. Prolly nothing interesting enough to bother to remember. Only that I went out with Eve, got a new shiny metal pink barbell! and found out that she likes to mash her tofu with her rice. EWW. HAHA.Goodness, I dno what's with me and pink recently. Prolly years catching up with me. HAHA. As long as it isn't the pansy shade, I kinda like it. XD
And I made a new friend. XD On audition. He's heaps nice, he's 13. No I'm not making like a Kim and going paedophile. HAHA. Funny thing is, he gave me his number after I just knew him, and his account and pass to help him get his license. HAHA man. Too trusting. Young and naive. XD
That's about it I think. OH how droll and mundane.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Sorry I have blogged in a while! If you consider this a while, that is. XD You know how chock full my weekends are. Breakfast on tuesday! YAY.So ballet was cancelled today, so I could eat with the fam damily. I like today. HAHA. There was some debate drama in church over controversial questions Brother Daniel asked. And there's this guy who loves to say "Oh God (read:GAAD)" in his prayers. He said it 34 times in a 3 minute long prayer. Ohman... O.O Then we went to Jerry's to eat. WHOOSH, herby and thick. You won't see me touching red meat for a while. Man that's chewy, but good. XDDD
After that, sis and I to Nic's house. We basically did nothing but to play on her PS. Goodness, I think I hold the record for fluctuating scores. Try last position for 3 races in a row, then suddenly jumping all over the place on the score board, including topping it more than thrice. Oh I played with her Yamaha acoustic for a bit. God I love that sharp sound, I WANT ONE. My classical goes more BLONG than BLING. HAHA now I sound like a casino machine. XD Nic suggested her fam and mine pool money together for a $500 acoustic made of one piece of wood, but think mine'll object. DX They won't even pay $500 for a freaking drum kit! I know right...
And yesterday, GOSH. We didn't even dance in ballet! Celebrating Val's birthday, so there was cake and laughs all around. MAN there were pretty silly moments too, remembering Jaslyn's WOWOWO at the cake shop. GOODNESS HAHAHAHAHAHA. Then it was all pretty much blahblah for the rest of the day. And thanks to the neck dance, my neck's stiff and knotty. Ohmaaaan. DX To think it's our SYF dance too, meaning constant pain. This takes weird dance pains to the next level.
Going out with Evil tomorrow! YEY. And OP rough presentation tomorrow, informal, but regardless, wish me luck!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Sam said I was moody today. WAH that girl really has the eye of a psychologist.Maybe it's just a hard time for me. And what's spastic is that I can't tell you, so you can't understand, and obviously you don't like it. I wouldn't. But I just can't.
Un-fucking-believable. Weak.
Stop breaking or they won't believe you're strong anymore.
Nothing On My Mind.
Do you know what it's like when you don't really have something on your mind, but at the same time, there isn't nothing on your mind either?You may have to read that thrice to understand. Or more.
Maybe I just don't wna think about it.
That's prolly it.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
If only they were more common, they'd be my favorite comfort food. DX Enough sugar in them to satisfy my practically diabetic sugar cravings. HAHA.
Dance was OMG man. After so long, we did some choreography. Fun, but ohman, KILLED. My back now hurts like a bitch. DX The tailbone. It's been hurting for the past few days. GOD I don't need this man. PFFT. Hope I get better quickly.Dance is violent. XD In a way. It's like being in court cause it's a place of injury. HAHAHA GET IT. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Like, even before dance started, Yuen, Eve and I were doing some shit ass dance thing sitting on the floor, and somehow, Yuen elbowed my cheekbone! I found it veryvery funny. HAHA. Speaking of funny, I haven't laughed this bad for a bit. XD I love dance, I always laugh like MAD when I'm there. Okay BACK TO THE POINT BEX.
Then after that, during choreo, William was marking when I walked past him and I SOMEHOW GOT ELBOWED IN THE EXACT SAME SPOT. I suppose it kinda hurt but I was laughing too hard to care, cause it's just so freaking deja vu. XD If he did the steps properly, it wouldn't have happened! HAHA. Then during the dance, I scratched myself on the face! ARGH. Only felt it after dance was over, and it's like a damn scratch la! Borderline bleeding, those kind.
So the dance was really fast, in a not so awesome way, it was kinda strange and spazmodic. And we have to remember it cause we're continuing on friday. Ohman, I hope he doesn't use this for anything, cause it's just a little too OTT.
So I'm really really pooped, and I feel impending blisters on my feet. WTF impending?? FINE uhm, potential. That's much better. GOD ya'll just caught a glimpse of my split personality right there, happens when I'm tired. HAHAHAHAHA. You have my permission to feel afraid and run away. HAHAHA. Okay but I feel like a rock or something, can't move cept my fingers and eyeballs. That's all that counts, really. HAHAHA. Today only had chinese, and I didn't go. XD But went back in the afternoon to "do PW", after hearing how people missed me so. HAHAHA suuuure. Ended up doing the chicken dance and lip synching to Spice Girls with the kids, amongst other things.
HAHA don't ya'll love me so! <3
You think you have problems.
Pfft. Now you know how I've felt for the longest time.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
GOD. I SWEAR, I LOVE KIM.She prevented me from doing the unthinkably rash today. XD
YAAAAAAAAAAAY NO PW TOMORROW. Cause Mr Nahar has to go for some conduct grade meeting. HAHA. Feels good knowing you're not the one they're talking about. XD Oops, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but... Okay I should just shut up. O.O
So we (Haniel, Kim, Joshua, Dwayne and I) went to Clarke Quay to eat Marutama Ramen. Then Haniel went back to school, (sorry bby, I couldn't send you back. DX) and we rest went to Vivo to walkwalk and buy stuff. Like at Candy Empire! HAHA. They took away most of my favorites though. DX I think they might be mad. But I had some fun. XD Like, I engaged in a battle!!! with Joshua at Toys R Us. Weapons of choice: Sponge battering rams and the occasional axe. HAHA man. How childish. XD His secondary school teacher saw us please! SO THROW FACE. HAHA, I so did a Jamie right there. XD I was reading Suicide Bunnies! It's kinda sick, but oh so cute and funny. HAHAHA. My favorite's the corkscrew brain thing. XD I like it when they show the bits/remnants. HAHAHAHA. I AM SICK.
Then after a bit, Dwayne and Kim went back, and Josh and I chilled upstairs, occasionally smack talking the "lians and bengs" a few steps in front of us. HAHA. He attempted to draw hair and such, it was a partial epic fail. XD
NO WAIT how can EPIC be PARTIAL? There's a reason why epic's an extreme term.
Whtaver, it was a phail. That's better. XD
I don't like my mood. So nowadays I'm sad/happy/confused/scared. GOD. Most people'll know what I'm talking about. Cept the one who's kinda the semi-closest to me now. Ohman.
GOD I hate complicated.
Love's lies cruel
Introduced me to you
And at that moment I knew I was out of hope
Kill me, I begged and love said no
Leave me for dead and let me go
Monday, October 13, 2008

Give up.
I kept laughing today, it felt good. XD I love my friends! But WTF man, today was JAMIE TNG DAY. See right, Jamie basically went all psycho during break. Note:Jamie: Geog's a bitch; bastard!
Then she proceeded to ask, "How do you know it's a girl!" Haniel helpfully made reference to Mother Earth. That was a phail.
Then later after school, we were doing PW in the SAC, and Kim decided to poke Jamie. Jamie had a weak heart today. XD So when Kim jabbed her, Jamie yelled this really loud AURGH! I think the whole SAC heard her. XD That was DAMN funny. I almost died of laughing. And another embarrassing SAC moment was when I told Haniel to SHUTUP. He noted, between bouts of laughter, that the whole SAC shut up. Hahahahaha maaaan wtf.
Okay so, we got back our promo results today. I got like a freaking E average, but my points without chinese were 42.5. Maaan. Hopefully my CA'll help, that's all I'm asking for, cause my mid years la. DX GOD I just gave myself a scare! I just realised that midyears only 20%! HAHAHA YAAAAY that means I'm prolly not retaining! But a lot of people I care for will be. DX Or they'll be leaving or something. MENOTHAPPYWITHTHAT. DDDDDDDDX
I thought of giving up today.
I really meant it for a split second.
But then I realised that I can't.
So I'm just gna stop hoping that everything'll turn out the way I want it to be.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
UGH, GAG ME.When people try to act all "horror and macabre-ey" and it turns out wrong.
When you get afraid of a little bit of bloody in real life.
And all you self-acclaimed pyros out there worry about getting oil splatters on your skin when you're cooking.
Oh man, ballet was weird. Don't wna think about it.GOD I can't dance when people are watching, least of all, watching when I'm in a LEOTARD. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDX
He's my best friend!
He's my best friend, best of all best friends!If any of you paid(EDIT) attention during that era, you must've heard of Vengaboys, ToyBox etc. XD Hence, the song. HAHAHA.
So anyways, this is for my two guy best friends that came over on friday. They're damn comfortable here la! Especially Haniel. XD Dwayne got on the comp and started working on his I&R, Haniel grabbed a bunch of comics and parked himself of my purple chair. I can't stand talking to him when he's reading cause he seriously can't listen. XD Got to repeat it twice man. HAHA. Okay so anyways, I went to sleep on my bed, and in the end mum had to send us or we wouldn't make it back in time for dance. Dwayne la! Still want to bathe when there's like 2 minutes before we go. Pfft!
Then a bunch of runners club people came over to watch a little into dance practice, think they got freaked out by our training and such. XD Mr Dan talks waaaaay too much. And like, he got these new sunglasses, and a new bling in his left ear. HAHA. Plus an upgrade, 3G, on his iPhone. I TELL YOU AH. HE'S RICH, EGO, PAMPERED AND AH BENG. HAHAHAHA. And he knows it too. XD
Ballet after that. And I skipped ballet yesterday due to CIP. MAN. Carried so much newspaper. DX Wait that's a good thing. XD It was pretty awesome. HAHA. Even though the first (or rather top) few floors were a little of a bust. No one came to the door. But then these two apartments alongside each other gave HEAPS. Ballet later again.
GOD my muscles have been hurting like mad since dance.
I've missed the feeling. XD
Dad's leaving for NZ tonight! Back on thursday. I WNA GO. LUCKY. But think of all the fun I'll have when he's away. HAHAHA. OH I MEAN, I'LL MISS HIS SO MUCH! XDDDDDDDD
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Ohmygod.I've begun to develop some kind of respect for Singapore in terms of the music scene. It's getting better! LOOK.
A really long time ago... DRAGONFORCE.
Which I incidentally missed cause I wasn't so into them. I regret. DX
Last year...
Once again, REGRET. Too painful... DX
Btw, I'm only stating those that even remotely matter to me. XD BAI TO THE CLICK FIVE YADAYADA.
TASTE OF CHAOS (ATREYU, MUCC etc). Although it's only three bands since MUCC recently backed out. DX
And I bet there're heaps others that I missed. DX Like Lifehouse, can you dig a PRIVATE, INTIMATE SHOW?? Bet ya'll must be like, OMG LIFEHOUSE CAME?? Yeah well I only found out days too late. DX
It's only time before Ozzfest, Warped Tour, Big Day Out and other really amazing festivals come.
Oh and bands too.
I can now truely say, I (sorta) LOVE YOU, SINGAPORE.
PS, please tell me if I missed any that you know I'll care about, just so I could wax lyrical. XD
Friday, October 10, 2008
OMG. Firstly, I'd like to start off by saying that I'm never taking this laptop for granted again. As I type on the pristine white keys that make beautiful tappy noises and feel just right, and as I stare at the screen that adorably lights up a wee bit brighter when it's plugged in like it's that much happier, I realise my attachment and love to this dear thing. I shall name it later on in the post when I'm done spilling. XDSecondly, I'd like to share my long story about how I came to realise how much this laptop means to me and I have come to appreciate it. All my songs, documents, pictures inside, priceless. I promise I will get the skin done next week as a reward for my baby. <3
Here's the story. Albeit long. SIT TIGHT!
I went to Plaza Sing to watch a movie with Joshua and Dwayne. After that, we went to Yamaha where we spent half an hour; Joshua was trying out the Ibenez (?) and the amp that it was attached to sounded divine! But I digress.
Anyways, after that, we went to the MRT, and with some considerable whining, I managed to get Joshua to follow me home. XD (my pleas don't work on Dwayne) Somewhere between BoonKeng and the station before that, we realised MY LAPTOP WASN'T WITH US! Joshua called Dwayne and asked him to go to Yamaha to check, then he texted us saying it wasn't there!
We went back of course, and Janice and Sam were there! Those two wonderful people stayed with me walking up and down the whole place to check where it was. Love you two. <3 Then WAH two other amazing people, JOSHUA AND DWAYNE. Those two helped me RUN ALL OVER PS, scoured like two levels, asked the shops and everything. They must've done like 2.4 or more with the distance they walked. I realised that they are two really really true friends, and I could never ask for any better than that. I love you two! <333
Typically, after an hour of fruitless searching, we didn't find it, cause that's how it goes. We were distraught and wound up pretty badly and I was on the verge of semi-crying. So I left my number with the Information Counter, GV and Yamaha and went home to face the music. And oh boy was it bad. Let's just say the equivalent of the verbal beating I got was Heavy Metal genre of Othello Music. Whooboy. And I crossed the VERGE I mentioned earlier once I told my dad. Yup. DX
Went to the Police Station at Hougang to make a report at 10. Man pretty tense, cause dad took me and all.
THEN TODAY! Between 3-6, when I was at dance so I couldn't check my phone, I received 6 missed calls from an unknown land line. As I checked, my phone rang again, and there was this malay guy at the end. When he said he was from Yamaha, my heart leapt into my throat, I didn't dare ask the question for fear of high hopes ruined. After he said he's been trying to reach me all day (3 hours? yeah right! XD), I couldn't take it and asked, "Did you find my laptop?" And apparently, it was found in the PANTRY. How the hell did it get there? And I was told they had a cleaner who was a bit "err... ehh..." and he finds stuff and puts them in the pantry. Ohgoodness RELIEF. Then daddy just picked it up on his way back, and I'm here with my gorgeous baby again. XD
I was seriously wigging out, and today I was kinda downish. I couldn't stop thinking about my laptop, and when I went to eat lunch, I ordered Roti Prata, and it came out as, "Uncle, two laptops, kosong." HAHAHA. GOD.
Anyways, I'm glad I have it back. MY BABY. I love you four people who stuck with me even though two of you didn't come with me in the first place and honestly didn't have to. Dwayne and Joshua, I owe ya'll a BIG ONE. Anything, ask. I love you two so much. Thanks heaps, Sam and Janice, for following me around and showing your concern and trying to help by asking questions to try and prompt my flustered mind, even though you didn't have to. <33333333333333333
It shall be a guy. XD Cause it's so classy it's kinda metrosexual. HAHAHA.
And his name shall be...
No particular reason, I just think the name has a nice sound to it. XD Say baibai to blogger, Ian! Imma go cruise around on this little baby now. XD Hope ya'll found my adventure griping (not really), amusing (prolly) and very BEX (forgetful, much!). <3
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Young, twisted and sad.
I realised how young I actually am; only sixteen. Yet I've done so much. I've done, thought and wished so many bad things, more than a good portion of you people reading have even dreamt of me doing. If you really looked into my mind, you'd stop thinking that Rebecca's a good person.If you've even thought that in the first place.
I'm pretty screwed up. Everyone is, of course. But I just can't fathom how someone at 16 could have this many problems. Wouldn't the rest of your life then be a freaking cesspit of misery? Maybe it gets better. It probably does, cause at this rate, hardly anyone would live past 30, thanks to the last third of Malthus' natural checks - famine, vice and MISERY.
Excuse the pun.
But I just don't like being sad. I mean duh. Unfortunately, it's not "real" to be happy all the time. People go, God, face reality, there's no such thing as being perpetually light-hearted. But I do try. It just sucks when you feel sad, especially in those times for the stupidest reasons. I think it's a waste of time. But the problem about trying to avoid is cause you think it's a waste of time or whatever, it all comes back pretty hard on you.
And another thing, it also sucks when you can't say a thing cause somehow, you're afraid and you don't know what of. Another waste of time.
For the love of God, I'm only 16.
So young, and so
The One
Note to self:You're not THE ONE,
but merely the one.
I hate this confusion. It's only been a short while. I just need to wait, let time pass for a bit, just go with the flow.
Wait, Rebecca, be patient.
That's never been my forte.
Psyche. HAHA.
Then manages to insult me 20 seconds after a pretty impressive insightful note.
THIS KIND. HAHAHA. I always seem to make friends with smorgasboard personalities. HAHA. Aren't they awesome? <3
No dance today! WHOO. HAHA. Now I sound so horrible. Today was the most PW I've done in a while though. I was mega lethargic in class, and I totally made up during Math lecture. HAHA hooboy. The only lecture in which I didn't feel like sleeping! Should bother Kim more often. XD OMG and I set a high score for that memory game in Dwayne's phone to beat Xing's valiant efforts in one try! One level higher - 36! HEEHEEHEE. XDDDDDD OH and discovered that bubblewrap popping game in Kim's phone. Good for maniacs destressing. HAHA.
Dno what the hell I'm gna do tomorrow. We shall see. XD
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
PW today. OP BEGINS. OMG. But I feel lazyy. Today I was so sleeeeepy during econs, I barely paid attention. Dno what's the point of making us come for post mortem when we do it so unwillingly.
PS for yesterday: I really don't like that Abbyson woman. *TBBPT*. That was a raspberry, btw. HAHA.
Went to eat Pizza Hut with Aleem, Haniel, DwanMan, Keeem and Xing. Had fun. XD I wna do fun again pretty darn soon. HAHA love you guys. Then we aimlessly-ed around Kovan for a bit before Dwayne, Kim, Xing and I went to PS. We like went to get Emily stuff (didn't) and went to BK to like waste time. I got a bloody HIGH score on Dwayne's funny game, LEVEL 22! XDDD Supposed to hang out after with Dwayne and Shwa, but it was too late so I went home, effectively PSing Shwa who was at Siglap waiting for us. EEP. SORRYYY!!!
Dance tomorrow! Ohman. Like I can't wait to discover how unfit I've gotten. Not that bad la, but by Mr Dan's standards, it's a whole new meaning. Hmm. Wonder who has CCA tomorrow. Dinner anyone? HAHA.
Thanks Keeem, you have a knack of putting things into perspective for me, and for straightening stuff out. XD Especially when I'm confused. Which is half the time. HAHA. <3
Monday, October 6, 2008
One of those days
Today was remarkably uneventful. I wanted to DIE. 6 hours of lectures altogther, more than half of which was spent in a semi-conscious stupor. After school, I went to Hougang Mall with Kim to eat like bits of Ajisen Ramen, not ramen, and bought like three barbells for 5 at Chameleon! They're so cute. XD So much for going to PS to get more Emily stuff and like a bag or something, but that'll come in time. Haha.
So what Kim said today really put things into perspective, got me thinking. We'll see then, I can't give you an answer. Thanks Keeem, you're my intellectual. <3
I'm sick of my life sometimes. DAMNIT. It's so annoyingly weird how things go so right at times, then at other times they seem like they've all gone to shit. Man I hate this pedulous swinging between the two extremes. TO HECK WITH IT. To make things more awesome, I just sneezed, so I'm all stuffy AND sniffly. It's one of those times when I join the masses in the world who presently hate their life. Wish I could just bury down into my bed and never come up until everything I worry about is over or gone.
I want an early night.
It sucks BALLS when the people you want to talk to the most don't talk back.
4 hours.
OMG so I'm prolly gna be up late cause I slept for four hours this afternoon before ballet. I know right. O.OSo I basically only went to church and ballet today. What fun! I wore my new shorts and the A7X tee, and Yixin said I looked slim! XD
My dear little long counterpart. XD Tall Rebecca!
HAHAHAHA. Belated celebration next week, mmkay! <3
So the drama...
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Went out with family after ballet today! OMG. I bought these really cool Emily shorts which look REALLY FAB for only $19.50 when it was actually $65!!!!! XDDDDDDDDDD And Helen earrings, the same ones as the ones I have now. Wheeeeeeeee.OMG and THE funniest thing happened five minutes ago. HAHA.
Bex: You know Ali can do a really good impersonation of "This is Sparta!" -demonstrates-
Sis: ...
Bex: And Kenneth's really good at Dumbledore. Ahem. YOO SHALL NOT PAAAAAAAAAASS.
Bex: -admist peals of laughter after realising- OMG GANDALF SORRY HAHAHAHAHA.
I love my fam damily. See the entry on Sunday, May 27th, 2007 for more retarded antics. XD
Friday, October 3, 2008
Mixed signals.
OMG. I'm so training my pointe. DX It is SAD. Gotta develop those little ankle supporting muscles man! I CANNOT afford my achilles to give way. Not now, not so early.Let. Me. Dance.
Imagine if I were to go for the thursday class, I'd have ballet four times a week. And if I went for the later Saturday class too, voila! FIVE TIMES. Goodness. I know I need it, but there's parental consent. DX I want it too. I worked hard today, and I did well. I want to keep it up, I really really do. And I'll do whatever it takes. I took dancing without pain for granted, I miss those times now. But I love the pain, because I love to dance, no matter what anyone says.
Today was very slack. XD Kept sleeping la! Especially during Chinese lecture. Sam and I went out halfway to try and wake up. HAHA. I felt like stoned for the most part of the day cause I slept at like 1.30, then SOMEONE woke me up at 2am. XD But I didn't mind. Hahahahaha.
Super Trooper's stuck in my head. SUPERPER TROOPERPER. OMG that part is SO dumb. XD
Dwayne, sorry. DX I would've lent you, but it's prior committment. If I had my ballet stuff with me, I'd GLADLY go late, but staying in SCHOOL until 6 was a serious no go. DX As as dancer, I hope you understand my priority. ilu <3
Mixed signals result in car crashes, darling.
DWAYNE-Y WAYNE-YAWW. You shouldn't have to ask. XD
Actually you should, or I wouldn't have done it. HAHAHAHAHHAHA.
But you're speshul to me! ALWAYS. <33333333333
For Zameer!
PS: General response, about my right ear.
Of course, there are the few lovelies who are either nonchalant (better than nothing) about it, or who think it's cool. XD <333
I love ya'll who don't chide me, and accept me for who I am.
Of course, those with the groany responses prolly love me too, so right back at you. HAHAHA.
Today, school was semi-uneventful, to say the least. We had like talks which we so didn't pay attention in and PW where we like fooled around typing huge words on the notepad. XD JAMES LA. HAHA.And now I've got doodles on my leg (courtesy of Branson and Fon) and vandalised "concert" shoes. XD
Then a bunch of us went to LJ to eat. I wish we laughed more today, I miss laughing until I want to die. Oh and when I got home, I downloaded Audi (I KNOW, DAMN BORED) and couldn't create the Asiasoft account for some weird ass reason, then fell asleep. So now I'm up. And I can't talk to Shwa cause his ears were bleeding. WTF. That's SO storybook right! Scary... Hence, the result of boredom = Happyland and Icy Towers, always overreacting when I die. HAHA.
Life is slack. Only for today la. HAHA unfortunately. I shouldn't be laughing. DX Tomrorow's post mortem already. BAH. NO MARKING DAY! INSANE.
Last last night was quite fun. XD I'll pick another day where it doesn't rain. HAHA.