Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Say that thang.
Haha weird title. But whatever.I've considerably cheered up, thanks to this sweet person who made me feel better. XD
I've written an additional blog (wtf I wrote advertisement) post to say something.
I love my friends.
Ya'll know who you are.
All my blog readers are my friends. But not all my friends are blog readers. HAHA. Okay.
But basically, I love ya'll. I don't know where I'd be without you people. I kinda had a really fucking sucky start off to today, so I went to school in a serious deep funk, convinced the whole day would go bitterly, just like numerous days in SJC, but you guys, my friends, showed that ya'll always manage to take my mind off my problems and I can put them aside until it's time to pick them up again. And for some reason, after I get home from school and retrieve my problems from where I put them with help from my friends, they seem a whole lot less. I love you guys, you make life good, even when it sucks the most. <33333333333
So apparently I'm like on the brink of rudeness to Mr Chris Lee, our musical director. Oops. Poor man, I had no idea! Hmm... I shall make a conscious effort to be less "rude", if that's what I'm doing. O.o I honestly had no idea. OOPS AGAIN. XDOMG OKAY NOW TWO PEOPLE HAVE TOLD ME THAT I'M RUDE TO HIM. HUH?? SHIT. I HATE RUDE PEOPLE. I WILL NOT BECOME ONE OF THEM. OMGOMGOMG. I'm mortified, quite honestly speaking. Omg. CONSCIOUSEFFORTCONSCIOUSEFFORTCONSCIOUSEFFORT.
So today ponned chinese again. I feel like super bad la, I won't do it anymore. EEPS. Tomorrow gotta answer to lao shi. SHITE.
But anyways, Dwayne and Isha are appealing for Rachelle to the Principal, and he's seeing her tomorrow. <333 I don't remember anything else that happened today. I'm too upset to remember. I think I'll go die now.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Realised I haven't blogged in all of two days. XD But it's still not normal. But I've been either too tired, or too busy talking on the phone to get online. HAHAHA. You culprits know who you are. XDMum keeps watching Godzilla. Or she keeps it on for the background noise. Hmm. I think she's lonely. I love you, mum. <333
So like, last last night I had a sleepover. XD Was pretty fun, and I saw some schmoopy thingy. HAHA AWW. And we only watched one horror, See No Evil, which I saw before. GRR. STUPID LA. Gna watch Mortuary by myself now. Money wasted. At least I can watch it. XD So we ate MnMs, cookies, more MnMs and SPARKLING GRAPE JUICE OOOH. Yer. HAHA. And we went out for a bit. Actually a bit boring la, but I dno. The next morning saw people sleeping all over each other. XD And seeing as I got about 3 hours of sleep, I was hyped up in the morning, and predictably conked out after swimming. I gave an unfortunate receiver a cut. HAHA. But it was asked for, in a sense. Heehee. So I went home, and slept again, duh. Sleepovers mean you don't sleep that night, but when it's over, THEN you sleep for unnaturally long hours. Hahahaha. Oh, a revalation! XD Right...
So today, what happened was... Read the first post, the first (or second) paragraph HERE. XD I'm too lazy to blog it. Or rather, I don't wna think about it cause it's sad. Poor Dwayne, my heart goes out to you.
Why is it that everytime I come home from school, I end up sleeping?? Tomorrow, I will make an effort not to fall asleep! And it'll work too. XD
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Went to eat some random international food buffet thingy with grandparents and fam for "celebration" of my O results. O.o Well. I'm FULL, stuffed to the bone, my sister might say. Feel like pukling whenever I do like ANYTHING.So today went to ballet, my performance wasn't so bad, then piano, time passed really quickly. XD Still haven't confirmed my Diploma pieces. WTF. NO TIME ALREADY LA. Then went to Singapore Expo where sis bought her back support thing, amongst other things, but I didn't really care much to remember. NOTHING FOR ME. Tsk. And during piano, mum bought sis a pouffle, Nightmare Before Christmas, of course. GRR. BUT I BOUGHT NEW SHOES TODAY! Yay. Super light, running shoes, and they're fantastic. <333
No pictures today, but that's not my fault! It's cause my other computer which I use to upload the pictures has a virus, I think. I don't deal with viruses, never had to, so I'm basically scared of the computer, and I don't wna switch it on. Man. HELP! GRR.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Read the tagboard. So go to Haniel's blog if you wna know about The Mist. XD Wish I'd MIST(missed) it. HAHAHAH. XD I AM SO FUNNY. HA. HA. HA.But seriously, 8 dollars. Remind me never to do this again. Tsk.
I'm very inspiring. XDToday slept in "late". If you consider 8.45 late. Better than 6.20, no? XD Actually I woke up around 7.30, then dozed for the rest of the time til Haniel rang. Tsk.
So Dwayne, Rachelle, Haniel and I met for a movie. Haniel was 20 minutes late. DAMN HIM. Then we eventually got to watch it. The Mist by Stephen King. I was a little disappointed, cause it didn't really have this THING on me, but maybe it was cause Haniel kept spoiling it by talking. HAHA. IDIOTTTTTTT.
Then we got Dwayne's shoes, then we went to City Link AND I GOT TWO NEW CDS!!! Libertad and Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son. <3 My official Iron Maiden collection will begin here. XD Whaaat. I want the whole album spine art! OMG. It's too cool... Then went to Peninsular(sp?) Plaza and I got a Metallica belt. First, 39.90, after I bargained, 25 dollars. I AM TOO GOOD. BEST RIGHT. XD So happy. We then went to the nearby Pastamania to eat, not a bad price, 30% off! XD
Then after, Dwayne, Haniel and I RUSHED cabbed to school for our musical cause apparently we were gna get killed if we were late. THE INSANE BUMPY CAR RIDE (I hate taxis) AND THE LOVELY SPEEDY UNCLE WAS FOR NOTHING. I TIPPED HIM A DOLLAR, AND WE WERE EARLY. NOT ONLY THAT, THE BLOODY DIRECTOR CAME AT FOUR. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently he got the times mixed up. O.o But the taxi uncle damn nice la he. XD Ran red light for us. <333 Thank chew uncle.
So musical rehearsal was basically confirming our roles and I watched the other kids act out the FIRST LINE (YES) of Scene 1. The director, Mr Chris Lee, is apparently VERY particular. But he's good la, fine-tuning us. Damn funny leh. HANIEL, YOU CHEEKOPEK SHARK!!! XDDDDDDDDDD
Plus, I still can't get used to the fact that I AM SAFE, I AM CONFIRMED IN SRJC, CONFIRMCONFIRMCONFIRM. I need to start believing it soon!
Damnit, never do theory homework, or learn that bloody hard song, but nevermind, I don't care. XD And tomorrow has no dance, so I can perform optimum in ballet. I'm gna make up for last week. GOOD.
Now I'm gna go shower, then listen to my new CDs! Life is good... Wow. Feels special saying that, I better enjoy it while it lasts. <333
PS. Pictures tomorrow, I'm just TOO DARN LAZY. XD Told you I'd eventually stop putting them up. HAHA, just a matter of time!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
So I didn't blog yesterday. XDBefore I start... Let me just say
My biggest accomplishment in my 10 years of education BY FAR. Now I'm so glad, cause I've been giving my parents whole reports slips full of NOTHING UNTIL NOW, and I was a big disappointment UNTIL NOW. UNTILNOWUNTILNOWUNTILNOW.
I totally thought I would fail. The past two months of stressing have been for nothing! Gragh. XD But I'm seriously delirious la. When I got my results, I was shaking, and I couldn't think straight to calculate my points, so I had to open the envelope where it was all added up for us. But my hands were shaking so much, I gave it to Drey to open, or rather, THREW it at her. And I was basically screaming at the poor girl to open it FASTER cause it just wouldn't tear! Honestly, how does the government expect us to open those damned peforated envelopes carefully in such a crucial point of time in this condition!! Or maybe it's just me. XD
EDIT: So I'm back. Dinner. XD
So Mayble, Drey and I went to Pizza Hut to eat, then Drey and I went to Harbourfront where she bought an OLD AUNTIE dress, sunnies and bracelets. I'm going out with Dwayne, Haniel and Rachelle tomorrow, so maybe I'll get to buy stuff with the extra money my mum said she'd give me. XD I'm so pleased!
So THANK YOU Haniel for praying for me, I'm only mentioning his name because I know for sure he did, and thank you to all who have shown their support for me, confidence in me and those who kept me in their prayers. <333
There are certain people in my life who are important to me, and some of them didn't do as well as they hoped, or met Singapore's academic standards, or even their own. I just want to say that I know you all tried your best, and I love you no matter what. Also, don't be too disappointed and run-down, you can ALWAYS fix anything you want.
So yesterday was the first musical rehearsal. It was a little strange cause the teacher was like strict on us and our improv acting but he apologized later. So maybe he's not always like that. XD Then he's like a walking pantomimer. SERIOUSLY DRAMA LA HE. And we read lines, and I had to do an entire conversation myself, it was seriously screwed. XD Like really funny and such, cause I did three different voices, and people couldn't stop laughing, THUS AFFECTING ME TOO. HAHAHA. It was fun, going back tomorrow after we go out!
EDITEDIT: Oh I forgot to put specifics. XD Here goes.
Eng - A1
Emath - A2
Comb Humans (Lit/SS) - A2
Amath - B3
Comb. Science (P/C) - B3
Pure Geog - B3
Chinese - C6
OKAY Chinese so gross right. XD Mayble said so too. But otherwise, I'm super amazed at these results la. Never thought I'd see this kinda thing. EVER.
Oh and there will be pictures tomorrow if you're lucky. XD Of our SJCRETARDISM before results and one picture of after. XD
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Cause I'm bored. XD Some are pretty back-dated but whatever.


So today
Was another uneventful day. Omg. Everything is boring. BUT I FOUND OUT SOMETHING. HAHAHA. And we watched cartoons in chinese. Pretty funny cause it was just so lame. XDBut after school I went to Haniel's to read Shakespear. Was even more uneventful than the day itself. STUPID. At least I got to eat Hay Bee Hiam! XD
Thanks, Dwayne, for asking about me. Things can't be helped, s'all.
OMG. That's it. Stupid. Well, I hope I'll have something to blog about tomorrow. It IS a PE day after all, and there's musical rehearsal! OUR FIRST ONE. I hope the seniors aren't scary.
Monday, January 21, 2008
So this is what I've told ya'll about earlier.Today I felt several things. I can't really explain them, so I'll just write whatever I'm thinking.
Firstly, I realised I'm pretty insignificant to people I want to be a big part of to. Don't things always turn out that way? Either that, or I come in second best. It'll be selfish of me to say that I want to be important, but I'll say it anyway because it's true, and I'm just sick of being overshadowed in what I try to make an impression in. So as a result, I'm eager, and some people may dislike me for that, but I have my reasons, so fuck off. But if only there was something I could do, to make me mean just that little bit more. Couldn't people take the time off to love me a little more? Or at least appreciate me. I do things for people, I'm generally nice, I think I deserve at least that. I'm sick of thinking about and for others, this is all about ME. Sure, there are the beautiful people who I love and they make me feel good about myself, but there are certain people who I particularly want to be looked at with something else other than disinterest. But that happens to just about everyone, huh. I know I treat certain people that way, but at least I'm aware of it, and I'm sorry if I hurt anyone; I didn't mean it, I swear. But I bet people don't mean to not-notice me too. Hell. It's a bloody circle.
Secondly, I realised that I'm lonely. Please don't call me emo or whatever cause I will kick your ass. But I am lonely. I don't have anyone right now. Sure I have friends, but I don't have The Friend. I've kinda drifted from Fonteyn now, and I really don't want that. She was The Friend to me for a while, and I don't know if I told her this, but she was the most important person to me for a bit then. But now, it's just like I'm attached to all my accquaintances with a string, they're near me, but not close. If you get my meaning. And I hate being lonely more than anything else in the world.
Lastly, I realised that I'm sad. So sad. I don't think I want to elaborate on how or why I'm sad, or maybe I don't know how to, exactly. I just am. And I need to feel better real soon. Or something bad will happen, I'm sure.
Edit: Oh and also, I was put in a sort of situation today, I can't exactly say what, but I just wanna put two lines of lyrics here, for a friend. I hope she sees this, or hears of this and just knows it's here for her. I'll just take comfort in the fact that I'm putting this out, and I hope it'll get to her in some way or another.
"Love has given me a reason to live,
And love has given me a reason to die." - This Is Home, I Am Ghost.
Here's to you, friend. I love you.
There will be two posts today.
This one will be the events, later will be something else. Maybe.So today Mr Goh told us WE'RE IN THE MUSICAL. OMG YAY. Normally I would actually be happier, but I'm just not in the mood. Everyone's in, and it'll be so fun. <333
I realised cause yesterday I slept for four hours in the afternoon, I slept at 2am. Listened to I Am Ghost on repeat. O.o Funny. But it's the last two tracks that I've fallen for. This Is Home, especially.
So anyways, Ms Chew wants us to sing that song which I'm so SICK OF, for English Week. Yer, it's the bloody Way Back Into Love. GNA DIE. But Haniel found the karaoke version, so it's fine. But now we need to think of a play. OMG. So many things to do. And there's homework. Screw that, I'll do it tonight, WITH EASE. Hahaha, cause reverse psychology SO WORKS ON ME. Tsk.
Lessons were pretty fun thought. We did some poetry in lit where we had to cut out bit of words from magazines. Our poem was called "Time Is..." and I think it's wonderful. XD Especially our last line; "Time begins where others think it ends". Gorgeous.
And today I felt like shit for a bit in Geog. Cause I DSAed, and I essentially have a committment to dance, but I joined the musical, and so it'll replace my CCA for a bit. And I almost thought of pulling out, but then Yuen Mei said the dance people'll find a way for us to go, so I really felt much better after. XD
PE, Sam, Jun Hong and I stayed late to wait for Janice when she was hanging out with her classmates. I hung out, LITERALLY, on the parallel bars in the fitness corner, upside down for a bit, tried to convice Sam to do the same (no luck). Oh well, can't win 'em all! Then went home. Yer. AND SLEPT. For like 45 minutes. Hope it won't affect me tonight. Well whatever, I have homework to do.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Is the most uneventful day ever.Went to church, then drove like a thousand miles to eat duck porridge. It is love. <3 Then went to Chinatown to add to the squeeze, it wasn't that bad, surprisingly. Bought stupid decor stuff for Mum's classroom, got come calligraphy done. The laoshi is super nais la. XD Then before we made for home, we bought kaolak, or roasted chestnuts, you might have it. SO FULL OF AIR LA. I squashed every single one of them. STUPID CONMAN.
So after that we went home and I SLEPT FOR FOUR HOURS. OMGOMGOMG. Tonight no need to sleep already. I had a funny dream. XD About someone crossing over my roof to visit me in my room, then I got into trouble cause mum found out. HAHA. AND last night, I had a dream that we got our audition results and we didn't get in. OMGOMG CHOICHOICHOI. Then ate wanton mee for dinner, courtesy of dad, it wasn't bad. XD
Shit la, there won't be sleep for me tonight. DAMNIT. AND MY MUSCLES HURT. DX Can't sneeze, laugh or cough, or there will be painful consequences towards my abs. GRR. DAMNIT. BAD MOOD.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
So this is gna.
Be a long post, so sit tight and comfy! XD PICTURES THOUGH! YEY. XDSo yesterday, it was basically a slacking day. I didn't actually take lessons seriously because for every lesson, there would be a break after. And get this, at the end of the day, we had to wait 2 hours for a 1 hour class. Like omg, it's so stupid. And I spent that last class (math) sleeping cause I was the only person who didn't have questions with homework. We kinda push the teachy around but whatever. XD
So after school was our musical audition. OMG. And ultimately, it was great. XD We got better than good responses from the teachers; they were really positive. <333 And Haniel and I had to do this acting scene where there were rumours spread around the school about us together and I was "terribly upset" and avoiding him, and that was the ultimate confrontation. So lame la. XD And Mr Goh asked us if we were together after watching it. THAT SILLY MAN. HAHAHAHA.
Meeh, going to aunt's house, BRB. Come back for more tonight, ya'll! XDDD
Edit: I'M BACK!!!
So where was I? Oh yes. After the audition was dance prac, OMG Mr Dan or Den or whatever, is an INSANE MAN. His stretching/torture is sadistic. Seriously. Now, I'm aching in places I didn't even know I had muscles. Rachelle and I left at 5.30 though. She had a fam function, I had to go to Jun Hong's for bbq!! XD It escapes me how Haniel found out about it, but I wasn't hiding it from him. I just didn't think he'd wna go cause he knew like no one. So I basically almost got lost, snapped at Jun Hong on the phone a lot (SORRY!) and he ran from one bus stop to another to find me. XD Poor boy. HAHA. So we went there, and I got into the kiddy pool straight away to play with Sam and Jan. Jun Hong went to change into un-dry clothes. HAHA. Then we wanted to move to the tennis courts cause kids were bugging us for water balloons, but we got ideas from a little girl who we gave an empty balloon to and filled it up with the shower tap. HAHA. XDDDDDD SO FAST YOU KNOW!! And I believe I've become an expert water balloon tie-er now. XD We had to play outside the courts cause it wasn't booked, and Jan had to leave like immediately after, just when Jun Hong booked the courts for two hours. O.o WTF. HAHA.
Then we set up the BBQ. NO LIGHTER FOR THE FIRE STARTERS!! Jun Hong went to borrow from the security guard, but his one was laopok one. Then I ran to some neighbour's house to borrow (OMG) and successfully lit some, then Jun Hong returned with ANOTHER guard's lighter and we lit somemore. Then when I returned the neighbour's lighter, we discovered we needed to light somemore. GRR. So I ran to some random guy and asked for a lighter. XD He's so sweet, stood there waiting for me. HAHA. Then lit finish, and essentially made like satay uncles and fanned the damn thing. We thought it was gna go out, but the Jun Hong's OG and OGLs came and Jason rescued us. In the end, he got a pretty good thing going, and became the cook as well. HAHA. He's still OGL-ing everyone, was really nice of him though. I met my tuition pal, but SHIT I forgot her name. DIE. DX Her twin said someone liked me, and Jason was like "AIYO you hear something cannot keep it a secret ah!" And I was like OKAAAYYYY...
So Sam and I felt damn extra, so we ran and JUMPED into the pool. HAHA so fun! Jason wanted to push us in, but we jumped in first! XD And we swam and such, got out, filled water balloons and jumped in again, TOOK OFF OUR SHIRTS. HAHAHA. Cause the security guard was nearby, and we wanted to look like we were wearing swimsuits. Jun Hong brought us chicken and got a fright. HAHA. Then we went back, played Truth or Dare for a bit, ate a little, and went to the pool again to jump in cause we were freezing and Sam needed to go soon. We played at skimming water balloons on the water, AWESOME LIKE NEVER BEFORE. Then went to Jun Hong's house to change and take PICTURES, then went home. Blawblablaw. PICTURES HERE! XD

AND there's more. HAHAHA.
So today, hiphop at 8.30, OMG UNEARTHLY HOUR. So it was pretty fun. Mr Willy is like, so tiny. XD Cute. Then ballet, I was like underperforming and essentially dead, cause I was pretty tired from dance. I'll do better next week, I'LL BUY GATORADE!! XD Then piano at 2, OMG. Sideread until I was in such a bad mood, but alright la. The song-choosing is pretty tough, and annoying. HAHA. Then so as you can see from above, I went to my aunt's house for dinner cause it was Vanessa's, my cousin's, birthday. Pretty good food, and they had cupcakes! It's like the IN THING with our family nowadays, instead of birthday cakes. XD YUMMMMM. So that's it. MY MUSCLES HURT LA. OMG. Gna shower now, maybe hot water will help. GOODBYE LOVES, thanks for bearing with me. XD Til next time!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Well, what would you know.
I have a zit above my mouth. DIEEEEEEE. I think it's cause I perspired so much during dance yesterday. Omg...So today, Haniel and I were essentially singing the whole day, you know, practicing for the musical and such. And I just slept for 2 hours and I just realised that my throat is more than a little raspy. I daren't panic for fear of even thinking about the soon-to-be-inevitable. I'll just wait and see tomorrow morning. OMG I wna die. BRB.
Edit: I'm back! Dad needed to use it. I've managed to complete my math assignment and my theory! I feel accomplished. XD My muscles ache like crazy. Too crazy. Like, I've changed my way of walking, to the way that I really don't like, the way those snobby people walk, I DNO!! XD
OMG Carlos Santana feat. Chad Kroeger, Into The Night is on telly!! OMGOMGOMG they sound fabulous!! <333333333
So tomorrow's the musical auditions. And dance. Then BBQ at Jun Hong's place. Or rather, he's having it catered. HAHA. Omg la. My muscles still ache, and I need to go back and dance again. I dno what the hell is wrong with me, no one else's muscles hurt. Maybe cause I put too much effort? Hell, there's no such thing as too much effort! XDDDDDD Oh wait, maybe it's from PE!! HAHA. XD I really have no idea. So Haniel and I are singing "Way Back Into Love" from Music and Lyrics. OMG la. It's such an ordinary song, and I'm singing in falsetto. Looks like I have to rely on my diaphragm to make my voice sound as good as possible. OMG. WISH ME LUCK PEOPLE!!!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Okay so, after several people telling me that my blog is boring and that I should put pictures, I'll heed their advice. For around a week, if they're lucky. Cause I'll prolly put pics up for a few days before I'll become too lazy to carry on. HAHA. That's how I roll dudes. XDSO. This morning met Jan, Sam and Jun Hong for brekkie again. So much for "never going to have breakfast again". Sam was late-ish, Jan reached at 6.30. O.o So Jan and Jun Hong bought bee hoon, and Jun Hong, typical Singaporean, go and ask for more, in the end cannot finish. He also bought Kopi-C, however you pronnounce it. I ate an egg and KOPI-O!!! Sam didn't eat though. DX Poor girl had a tummy ache after drinking orange juice. WHO ASK HER!! So early drink cold. So here are pics. XD
"Don't steal my Kopi-C ah..."
So it seems that Janice really doesn't wna eat it. HAHA. XD
My used-to-be-there egg and Kopi-O!!
So basically, we had PE first in the morning. I am SO unfit. Runrunrun, wna die. But not as bad as dance, but that's for later. So like, we did stuff, duh. And our PE teacher, Mr. Cock (DON'T LAUGH), is super nice and cool and he teaches us some really good exercises. <333
Then lectures, tutorials, blablabla. HAHA walao, in Chinese, LuLaoShi didn't come so we had a combined class, and the teacher looked like she wanted to die. HAHA. We were like, noisy, and we basically BSed through our whole exercise.
Then after school was dance. Wa lao, I danced with so much energy, cause I didn't wna look bad after I DSA-ed, and I was like panting like crazy and sweating so much in the Contemp part. Reminded me of SYF days. XD Good times good times. But the HipHop one was okay, not too exerting, and like, the teachy MR WILLY (DON'T LAUGH AGAIN) is like tiny. XD He's so cute. Mr Dan was okay, I guess he isn't so bad after all.
So we're supposed to audition for the musical on friday. Haven't told rents yet. EEPS. Dieeee. So I'm gna sing a duet with Haniel? Maybe. Cause he's insecure. Omg and believe this, my rents think that I shouldn't be so close to him cause he's a boy. SO WHAT. I CAN HAVE FRIENDS THAT ARE BOYS WHAT. I have every right, as much as I can be friends with girls. It's really stupid. Whatever. They're lame. So I'm gna try to call him or something now to arrange stuff. I just hope the rents don't catch me on the phone or they'll think I'm confessing my love or whatever. Stupid.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Sometimes when you feel like you're all alone, those people who say "You're never really alone, I'm always there with you" can't help, cause it's just one of those times when you feel you're in this all on your own and no one can ever help you.But too, sometimes there is this unexpected person, who, if unable to help, knows exactly how you feel.
And sometimes,
You find that you're not really alone afterall.
I have to stop writing bad "poems". XDOmg I did something really stupid today. Nevermind. Won't divulge.
So like, nothing much happened today. MANY breaks, first hour already got break. Rachelle, Haniel and I met Dwayne, he also had break, and we spent the time gambling with MnMs in SAC. HAHA super funny la, kept laughing so much! XD We totally need to do that again. Except our throats will die, I'll get fat, and broke. XD
Then lessons, blablabla. One big fat drama happened in Math when this guy totally insulted the teacher. HAHA. Monfort one, damn cool though. XD Don't feel like saying much though.
HANIEL AND I STALKED DWAYNE AFTER SCHOOL. XD I drove him to boiling point, and he yelled, and I could hear him from far away! HAHA so funny. HE'S GOT A GF. AND WE KNOW WHO IT IS. HAHAHAHAHA. Okay so, taas. Don't feel like talking much. I know why. And Haniel does too. And few others. Nevermind.
The One-Way Echo.
Though tentative
It hung in the heavy silence
Sliced through the dark
Unsure but there was
No taking it back
Rang through the cave
And jetsoned off
Into the deep end
But it was never returned
Monday, January 14, 2008
But I can't.
My heart doesn't beat faster
When I see you
I wish I could say
You didn't mean as much
As you really do
I wish I could say
That I could let you go
When it's time
I wish I could say
That I'm not waiting for you
Like omg, first thing, I met Sam, Jan and Jun Hong at the coffeeshop next to cheers opp SR for brekkie. Vowed never to do it again cause it's way early and we waste too much money. HAHA. XD And Jan returned my perfume cause I asked her to keep it for me on Saturday and forgot to get it back. XD And the silly girl said, "EH It smells like you!!" THE HELL. HAHAHA. XDDDDDDDDThen when we went into school, there was this psycho woman taking people aside who weren't wearing their badges. Jun Hong gave Jan his momentarily, HOW SWEET. XD Then we went to buy it but it was too early, and OMG I SAW MR RAYMOND ANDREW. OMGOMGOMG. I was pointing and gawking like a freak and he was like "Oh hi!" and kept walking. He must've been freaked out by my reaction. GRR.
So basically, lessons, blablabla. I think we talked alot in class, i.e. Haniel and I. HAHA omg like, the disruptive people already on the first day! So lessons were okay, OMG. Notes cost like $4.50. GRR. And something else for Chinese. The teacher is apparently big on "AI NI AI WO". HAHA. Omg and our lit teacher, ghey. XD Really. Check him OUT. Like, clasping hands, and pansy voice. HAHA.
So nothing else, went with Haniel to Heartland Mall to buy SUPPLIES. I heard "SURPRISE" and was really puzzled as to why he was gna buy testpads and pens for a surprise. XD Bought SUSHI!!! XD Yeeeey. Then went home and slept. School is draining, oh yes. XD And I brought Haniel's files home, like the hell. XD Forgot to return it to him. HEAVY LA. GRR. So, I'm gna do something else now. Waiting for someone to get back to me. Idiot laaaaaaaaa. BYEEE. <333
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Too much.
It's no use pretending
The wreckage isn't there
So many whispers of so many things
In your peripheral vision
But full on, they disappear
Or do they?
The white-walled room didn't work out
It's no use pretending
The insane aren't there
The voices pull you into them
And take over your entire being
They look and act like you
But are they?
But really, be honest
So many phantom ships haunt you
Which don't have to be there
Or do they?
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Was crazy. Omg I dno where to start.Okay so like, we had Amazing Race yesterday, and we basically did a whole lot of walking/slow-jog-*clapclap*-ing. HAHA. XD And played fun games blawblawblaw anscuh. Then like, we played some other games in SRJC itself, and one game got me like muddy. GROSS. This gung ho guy did some random sliding in mud to get our flags and essentially sprayed mud all over me. GRR.
Then the PLs had the performance, and ours was pretty good. Arif was like SO FUNNY cause we dressed him up as cupid and put make-up on them. XD Haniel essentially screamed his lungs out. XD But we didn't get first. NOOOO. He was sad. But we did the mass dance, ORION STYLE. HAHA.
Then went for dinnair at his place. ONLY ME. Ohmygod. It was supposed to be some house-warming BBQ thing? But I didn't go down, we just ate upstairs; Nasi Briyani and fish. HAH. Good host. XDDD But the funny bit was, I waded into his condo pool and SLIPPED. OMG. So after a whole lot of laughing cause I found it really really hilarious, Haniel somehow got into the water after me and we played on the special playground apparatus in the pool. SUPER FUN. Like, the slide was so fun, I went down sideways, frontwards, the normal way. Haven't done that in eons. XD
Then he lent me dry clothes, and I SWEAR, that boy is A TERRIBLE PERSON. He deliberately gave me the weirdest looking match in the whole world, and seeing as he's gna circulate the picture he took of me on monday, ya'll would know firsthand. It was basically huge, and GREEN and floral print pants. Ohman... Sounds sad even here. But I was grateful for dry clothes. Remind me never to do this again, at least not at a strange condo with no backup attire. GRR. But I'm terribly sporting, and I don't give a damn. XD Although I look waaaaay funny. HAHA.
Ballet, first time in a month, and by the time I was done, I was like waaay tired. Then I still had to meet Sam, Jan and Jun Hong to go to NYP. The trip was essentially meaningless cause we didn't do ANYTHING. We just perspired a whole lot, went into a school to cool off, got free popcorn, persipired somemore, and went to their Macs to eat and play Truth or Dare (briefly) and some funny trick games. Laughed a ton. XD Then Drey messaged me that she was reaching Sengkang and I was like OHSHIT cause I was supposed to meet her like 4 minutes later to go to NP to watch BA_comm's Drama Day. But I walked to YCK MRT station where her dad drove to pick me up, so it was dandy. Her dad's heaps nais. XD
So she bought flowers, which we distributed respectively. XD How sweeeeeet are we not? HAHA. And Drama Day was a blast, funny, and not a waste of time at all. XD Went to KAP to eat, left shortly after NP people arrived. WASTED. And by the time I reached home, Weixuan just reached KAP. O.ooooo Like wtf...
So I'm tired, obviously. XD Gna go sleep, and see my sis' stuff, which she's been asking me to go see since just now. Feel bad. O.o NIGHT ALL.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
No communication
Two sides are speechless
Twice not spoken doesn't mean
You know what is unsaid
How do we get it across;
A ship without sails
Stranded between
Waves of confusion and
Dancing amongst
Winds of gusty hope
I hate it when
Two sides are speechless
It's too hard to say
Doesn't mean it's not easy
Only on tips of tongues like
Bitter pills; in or out?
Childish hate of medicines
Of truth, but sheltered lives
Within denial of what remains unsaid
Or maybe unheard
I hate it when
Two sides are speechless.
Cause we had water games day today, and we played water games. O.o DUH. I think I'm sunburnt, and I have an fbt tan line. FINALLY. Not that it's good, but I don't tan easily so it's a mean feat. XDSo basically, I got soaked twice at least today. XD And someone did something really NAIS for me (I hope) today! THANK YOU! <3333333
Then the PLs had to do some performance thing, so we stayed back til around 5.45 to do some dance thingy. I don't like how PLs sound, like Pure Les. XDDDD So we were talking about how to suck up to Elijah, cause we invented a new cheer. FRESHMEN LEH!! Power right? XD So Elijah's friend told us she'll message him, but I dno if she will. XD And maybe he'll give us "impressed" points cause Elijah is always impressed with Orion 1. XD He gave us 800 points cause Orion 1 cheered for the whole school. Damn loud somemore. XD And like, we have a SLIM lead. I'm pretty upset by this cause it means the other Orion OGs aren't pulling their own weight. Tsk.
So then after the whole "dance prac" thing, Haniel, Rachelle and I walked past SAC, then we saw (I think it was) the student council inside, prolly discussing about tomorrow and we were like "HERE'S OUR CHANCE TO GET ELIJAH'S ATTENTION" and I jumped like super high. XD I think they saw us already cause we were making stupid faces through the window. HAHA. Then we wrote "ORION" on the fogged up glass and ran away. OMG. In retrospect, it may not have been such a good idea. What if he deducts points from us?? DIE.
So whatever, apparently tomorrow, we have this "Amazing Race" thing, bring a brolly and shit. So I'm so tired, gna shower now. XD I pity Zhi Xian, he has training til 7pm. Poor guy. And I'll prolly make him talk to me so he can't sleep. HAHA. XD SO BYE ALL ILU.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
I love.
My blog. It's my world, and I don't have to listen to what other people think of what I THINK. Cause I can block you. XD Okay...NEXT.
So today I went to my new OG/class. I'm in Orion 1! And let's just say our group is "very on". I mean, we were totally LOUD and hyper and such. Like, our og with 17 people is louder than about 100 over people. We are the best, so admit it already. XD We have a medley of cheers to "suck up" or "coin points" from Games ICs, and believe me, it works. I totally love Elijah, the President of the Student Council because he gave us 300 points for our really loud cheering and, get this, 800!!! points for getting up and cheering in front of the whole cohort. Like, we are SO awesome. XDDDDDDDD So I saw Zhi Xian today, I totally did a double take cause he was just sitting there and I wasn't expecting anything at all. XD Then saw him around nuts. It's great to have a J2 friend in the know of things, comes in handy. XDDD But he's awesome just by himself, AND EQUALLY IMPORTANT AS MY OTHER FRIENDS, so yeah, he's cool. XD AND HE'S IN TRACK! Hell yeah. XD
And I made new friends, basically everyone in my group is friendly, sociable, blablabla, and I heard so is the rest of SRJC, apparently. My closer ones are Vicky, Shan, Isha, Rachelle/Si Hui and Haniel. XD Quite strange right, the name Haniel. HAHA. So Haniel, Rachelle and I eagerly volunteered for some performance thing. XD We're SO cool. Hahaha. Like, when they announced, OKAY VOLUNTEER TWO PEOPLE, we were like, THREE CAN?? And they were like, okay lor, and we totally just went OKAY THREE OF US DONE. HAHAHA. And Haniel has this strange thing for Baby-speak, like Huwwy up, and words like that. XD So it was a pretty awesome school day.
CCA fair after, I kept telling people I was taken when they tried to get me to join their CCA cause you know, DSA and all. XD
Then after, Jun Hong, Aloysius, Sam, Jan and I left school together to go to my place. But Aloy had to meet his friend at Hougang, so we left him at the bus stop. That joker got on two wrong buses and got off again! HAHAHA. XD So the four of us went to my place, played with Remus (Gunther wouldn't stay in one place for long) and played Chubby Bunny!! IT WAS SO FUNNY. HAHAHA. It's totally good to have a group of good friends than just one good friend cause there's more laughs to go around. XD Then we went to the abandoned house behind my bedroom on the pretext of me sending them out and explored. Made like SWAT policemen for a bit, Janice and I. HAHA She stood behind a door and I was laughing so hard cause if the door swings open like they do in the movies, Janice would be SQUISHED. HAHAHA. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Jun Hong didn't seem too interested, but he helped us open the doors. XD Going back at night would be so much cooler.
So that's all I did, and sis has gone for camp. DX Tonight will be boriiiiiiiiinggggggg... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
I swear.
I'll get to ballet class on saturday. I ponned last week to go to NgeeAnn City and PS. Ya'll should love me. XDSo like, yesterday, I, Samantha, Janice, Jun Hong and Aloysius went to Jun Hong's house to fill water bombs. It seems like we were pumping forever, but we only filled like less than thirty. But we still had fun. XD I have pictures, but maybe another day, I'm not a "picture blog" kinda person, I think I'm too lazy. HAHA. So like, we had a whole lot of fun. And I'm really bummed about the fact that we'll be split up tomorrow into our real classes. Why are there so few Arts Stream people?? DX But those kids are coming over tomorrow to play Chubby Bunny! HAHAAH. THE marshmallow game. XD And possibly bake. But we're definitely going over to the abandoned house behind my bedroom. YEY!
School isn't as bad as I thought.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Centurions Overnight Camp!
Basically, it was just one night, but it rocked all the same!It was a real fun experience, involving flour, water (lots), and a copious amount of colgate (will explain later).
So what happened was, we were supposed to meet at Cheers at 6.30 sharp, but Drery was LATE!! And there was this massive jam which was totally stupid, cause it's Singaporeans, duh, I don't need to digress. So EVENTUALLY, we reaching, being really afraid that the people would've left without us, but in the end, only around 10 people turned up. Or more, I don't know. XD Less than 20, and some of them were just friends of a redcamper, not like they were redcampers or anything.
So the SLs were like really water-happy goons, cause they kept SQUIRTING AND SPRAYING US!! After playing this AEIOU game, only 5 minutes into official introductions, I GOT SQUIRTED BY JEREMY. I whacked that dude though, so he got his just desserts. XD And basically I got into the middle of several water fights, both intentionally and UNintentionally, so I was never dry after that.
So there was this other game, where we had to pass Colgate toothpaste (GOBS of it) between us with "assigned" body parts. MINE WAS CHEEK. LAURA SABO-ED ME!! GRR. So from an ankle TO MY CHEEK to Drey's knee, and SEVERAL TIMES, I might add. So it's just gross, but pretty fun. XD
Then we went to this station where we had to pass ping pong balls between our mouths! I won't go too much into details, but let's just say the gross factor was an 11 on a 1-10 scale. EW.
After that was this musical chairs thingy, but we had to DANCE. Blablabla I got a forfeit. DX Did some OSIM iGallop thingy, but apparently I was so "innocent" so I got off easily. Huh. O.o
And AFTER was this whole maze thing, where were had to go in ALONE and blind folded. There was like paint on the floor where we crawled, and FLOUR WAS DUMPED ONTO OUR HEADS. And we got squirted with water and such. Poor, defenceless me... But fortunately, I caught up with Drey at the end cause she was in front of me, and we got out together. Then we had to go somewhere and spell out "Centurions" with our butts. O.o I had the whitest back, says the picture. GRR.
Then we had to throw some water bombs thing from a second floor balcony down into the first, and other people had to catch them. Weixuan is the WORST catcher ever. XDDD HAHA. So we just bombed each other with the bombs after that. UBER fun. HAHA. XD
Then we went for a night walk and such, it was SO long, and really dark, and supposed to be scary but it SO wasn't. And I was like sleepwalking and WALKED INTO A CAR. O.o Later, Jiaw spat water onto my leg. MAJOR GROSSOUT. But it kept me awake. XD Now he says he didn't do it and that I SAW SOMETHING, BS! XD So we walked a great deal, throughout the campus, then we went back to our room and I slept for all of TEN minutes. O.o Then we just told stories and listened to them and jokes andsuchandsuch. Kinda fun, but I basically didn't sleep the whole night. O.o
So the next day, I had a kopi-o in the morning first thing, and I felt much better than before, which was I-wna-kill-someone kinda mood. XD Dno why. And Drey, Carmelle and I went to FLASHMOB, along with the SLs and other redcampers. It was pretty fun, cause we danced and did random stuff like the cancan step and some choo-choo-train thingy to the Baracuda's second number. XD And I got a coffee after that, AGAIN. And another one later when I really needed to keep awake. Caramel ice blended, then iced cafe latte. I was like swinging between stoned from the lack of sleep and wired from the coffee, I was just SO screwed up. Man. And I have no idea why I'm not sleeping, I can't really think. So it's like 4 coffees, INSANE. Cause I had another kopi-o at around 1am.
SO CARRYING ON, it RAINED!!! And at Plaza Sing, it wasn't any better, so apparently it was called off and blablabla. I left at five, and everyone was sad to see Drey and I go. DUH. XD
Went to grammys house, was basically stoned, and something unpleasant happened. Then went home, wanted to use the comp and Dad procclaimed that I was acting uhm, distracted? I can't remember, my brain's fried. I NEED SLEEP. So whatever, that was so stupid. So that's all. HAHA. How pathetic. I might edit this after my sleep tomorrow. PROLLY. <333
How we envy.
Those people who lead glamorous lifestyles, or those people who are kick ass famous and have hordes of admirers or whatnot watching them with every waking hour (or sleeping, for that matter) of their days.We have no idea how lucky we are.
I can't help but to pity those people who, in our books, are "ever so lucky to be so popular/famous/well-known et cetera et cetera. I just read someone's blog, and he recently wrote about how "famous(?)" he's become, and how it's getting to him. I totally agree.
Imagine having people scrutinizing your every move, one wrong remark and you would've shot yourself in the foot, because ultimately, it's how these people perceive you to be. If these perceptions didn't exist, i.e. you weren't so well-known in the first place, there wouldn't be perceptions in the first place to turn ugly. I don't think ya'll get me, but whatever.
So the next time you start to feel envious of people who are popular, well-known, even respected, think about this.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Happy Fucking New Year.
Doesn't feel very happy. Maybe cause I've gone to school!!! NOOO. And I hate feeling so tired after I come back. I DIDN'T GET TO BAKE COOKIES AFTER SCHOOL TODAY CAUSE I SLEPT. BUMS.It's time to look back and make me feel better.
2007's First Times
-Ponned tuition
-Slept over at a friend's
-Friend slept over
-Went to Candy Empire
-Visited CITY HALL for like a million times
-Shared a ballet Honours grade with someone DX
-Got gastric (yes)
-Clubbed (shh XD)
-Got totally sloshed with my best friends in the world XD (They'll never let me forget it!)
Okay, but it's time to stop looking back. The bloody future is in front of your eyes, and your feet are making deeper-by-the-second footprints in the still-wet concrete of 2008. Better start moving or you'll stick. XD Huh, I sound wise. XDDD What's new? HAHA NAW. But really, we'll learn to let everything go. But I will never let some things go. I HOPE not to let my friends go, keep them close. I don't know if it's beyond me, but it'll take effort from both sides, and I really wna keep them as my close friends is '08, just like they were in '07.
Sarah, Julia, Bethany, Brittany, Emma, Elianna, Fonteyn, Audrey, Rachel, Mayble, I love all of you. I hope to keep you all close forever. Fat hope? Maybe not...
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
So it's the leap year. HELL. One more day of school for us. DX Or a few. I DNO. SUCKS.
I DON'T WNA GO TO SCHOOL TOMORROW!! Not to mention making new friends. NADA. ZILCH. I'm a miserable old coot. Well not really, but you get my drift. Y'know why? SIX TWENTY. TOMORROW MORNING. IT'S WAY TOO FUCKING EARLY. My head will protest and I'll have this really strange feeling that I get when I wake up too early or have too little sleep.